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Semen. Semen is made up of fluid and of sperm. The Fluid component is produced in various male reproductive organs;

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  1. Semen Semen is made up of fluid and of sperm. The Fluid component is produced in various male reproductive organs; - The seminal vesicles produces a slightly alkaline fluid which makes up 50% of the semen fluid (it contains citric acid , flavins , fructose and potassium , these substances provide nutritional support for the spermatozoa). - The prostate gland contributes an acidic fluid containing acid phosphates , citric acid and proteolytic enzymes (including a clotting enzyme) , which makes up 20% of the semen fluid. The rest is contributed by other male reproductive organs, such as the bulburethral and urethral glands , which produce a fluid important in lubricating the male reproductive semen. Upon ejaculation the fluids from all these sources form the mixture semen.

  2. Semen The Spermatozoa is formed in the testis . The process of spermatozoa formation (spermatogenesis) is under hormonal control. • The spermatozoa take over 70 days to develop and are produced solely in the testicles from a cell called a spermatogonium. • The spermatogonium divides to produce spermatocytes, which then develop into spermatids. • The spermatid develops its familiar tail and the cell gradually acquires the ability to move by beating its tail. • The spermatid eventually develops into a mature spermatozoan. • The fluid produced by the testicles contains several chemicals, but is particularly rich in testosterone • The process of spermatozoa formation is under hormonal control including Testosterone ,Leuteinizing hormone LH , and Follicle- stimulating hormone FSH.

  3. Normal sperm count • The concentration of spermatozoa should be at least 20 million per ml. • the total volume of semen should be at least 2ml. • the total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 40 million. • at least 75 percent of the spermatozoa should be alive (it is normal for up to 25 per cent to be dead). • at least 30 percent of the spermatozoa should be of normal shape and form. • at least 25 percent of the spermatozoa should be swimming with rapid forward movement.

  4. Normal Semen Analysis Range • Normal Values ; • Volume ; 2.0 – 5.0 ml. • pH ; 7.2- 7.8. • Color ; White , grayish white. • Viscosity; Viscous. • Liquefaction ; after 30 min. • Sperm concentration ; 20 – 250 million / ml. • Motility ; > 60% progressively motile. • Penetration; > 30 mm. • Normal Morphology ; > 70%. • Immature forms ; < 2%. • Leukocytes ; None – Occasional.

  5. Normal Semen Analysis Range • Red Blood Cells ; None. • Epithelial Cells ; None – few. • Bacteria ; None. • Fructose ; ( 300mg /dl)

  6. Morphology Abnormal Morphology Normal Morphology

  7. Semen analysis

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