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Psychiatry interview History Taking

Psychiatry interview History Taking. Dr. Ahmad AlHadi Consultant, Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist. O utlines. Aims of the interview (Why) General Tips (How) Contents of Psychiatry History (What) Demonstration (How) . Psychiatric Interview (aims ). Obtain information

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Psychiatry interview History Taking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Psychiatry interviewHistory Taking Dr. Ahmad AlHadi Consultant, Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist

  2. Outlines • Aims of the interview (Why) • General Tips (How) • Contents of Psychiatry History (What) • Demonstration (How)

  3. Psychiatric Interview (aims) • Obtain information • Understand the person with the illness • Form a therapeutic relationship • Assess the emotions and attitudes of the patient • Provide the patient with information about the illness, treatment recommendations, and prognosis.

  4. Psychiatric Interview(general advice) • Putting the patient at ease : * place : not to be overheard * arrangements for seating * greet the patient by name * introduce yourself with your own name and your role * explain

  5. Psychiatric Interview…(general advice) • Starting the interview : * begin with a general question * to avoid closed questions and leading questions • Proceeding with the interview : * to keep the patient to relevant topics, while letting him talk freely

  6. Psychiatric Interview…(general advice) • Non-verbal communication : * the interviewer’s non-verbal cues are important in guiding the interview • Finishing the interview

  7. The Psychiatric History • Identifying data: name, age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, address, … • Reason for referral • Chief Complaints

  8. The Psychiatric History • Hx of Present Illness (HPI):* patient’s description of the problem. * details of the nature of the problem. * present severity of the symptoms other relevant problems * onset and course * associated Sx * Ask about: Organicity, Substance, Suicide, vegetative Sx

  9. The Psychiatric History • Past psychiatric history: • Previous episodes • Previous treatments: ECT, Psychotherapy • Previous admissions

  10. The Psychiatric History… • Family history: * parents: age, occupation, personality, relationship with the patient * sibling: * social position; atmosphere of the home * Hx of mental disorder or drug abuse

  11. The Psychiatric History… • Personal history: * mother’s pregnancy and birth * early development * childhood separation, emotional problems * schooling and higher education * occupations * sexual relationships

  12. The Psychiatric History… • Personal history…. * menstrual history * marriage * children * forensic history • Past medical history:* Chronic Illnesses and Tx *Admissions

  13. The Psychiatric History… • Premorbid personality: * relationships * leisure activities * prevailing mood * attitudes, standards * habits • Drugs, alcohol, tobacco

  14. Any Questions

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