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http://etp.ciaa.be. Thomas Ohlsson SIK -Institutet för livsmedel och bioteknik, Göteborg. Innehåll. Vad är teknologiplattformar och vilken är bakgrunden? Varför en teknologiplattform för Livsmedelindustrin? Vilken bakgrund och framgrund har ETP-Food for Life?

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  1. http://etp.ciaa.be Thomas Ohlsson SIK -Institutet för livsmedel och bioteknik, Göteborg

  2. Innehåll • Vad är teknologiplattformar och vilken är bakgrunden? • Varför en teknologiplattform för Livsmedelindustrin? • Vilken bakgrund och framgrund har ETP-Food for Life? • Hur är ETP- Food for Life uppbyggd? • Vilka är de 6 forskningsutmaningarna/områdena? • Vad har gjorts hittills och vad återstår att göra? • Hur sker den nationella förankringen? • Vad gör vi i Sverige? • Frågor?

  3. Lisbon strategy Research Growth and Jobs Education Innovation • S&T contributes to the Lisbon objectives: economic growth, employment creation, environmental protection, social challenges: fight poverty, improve human health and quality of life

  4. What is anEuropean Technology Platform ? • An European Technology Platform [ETP] is a major, pan-European mission-oriented initiative aimed at strengthening Europe’s capacity to organize and deliver innovation – strengthening the European-wide innovation process. An ETP will bring together relevant stakeholders to identify the innovation challenge, develop the necessary research programme and implement the results.

  5. Technology Platforms: Central concept New instrument to strengthen the European-wide innovation process (address the so-called European paradox) (Industry led) Framework to unite stakeholders around: a common “VISION” for the technology concerned definition of a STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA develop and execute an IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

  6. European Agro-Food Industry • Largest manufacturing sector in EU (13.6 % in EU15) • Turnover EU25 was € 840 billion in 2005; limited growth at 1.9 % • Total exports in 2005 amounted € 45 billion with a positive trade balance of € 5.8 billion • Major employer with 4.1 million workers • 61.3 % of workers are employed in SMEs

  7. Swedish Agro-Food Industry • Fourth largest manufacturing sector (about 10 % of Swedish manufacturing industry) • Turnover in 2005 was € 15 billion in 2005; growth of 2.6% • Total exports in 2005 amounted to € 3.7 billion with a growth of 13 % in 2005!! • 70 % of exports are high value added products • Major employer with 59 000 workers • Largest part of the companies are SMEs

  8. Trends in Society re Food • The function of Food is changing: • what we eat: calories==> “experience” ==> nutrition & health, variety • when we eat: regular meals ==> grazing & snacking • where we eat: in-home ==> out-of-home • with whom we eat: social ==> individual • how we prepare foods: from scratch ==> ready-to-eat + heat & eat • Changes in the food chain: • A wealth of choice: primary production is year round, global supply • food industry: heat-preserved, frozen, chilled & freshly prepared • importance of retail and out-of-home eating

  9. European Technology Platform Food for Life Communication, Training & Technology Transfer Food Quality & Food & Manu- Health facturing Food Safety - Food & Sustainable Consumer Food Production Food Chain Management

  10. Food & Consumer Ensuring that the healthy choice is the easy choice for consumers • Measuring consumer behavior in relation to food • Developing comprehensive models of consumer food choice processes • Promoting effective interaction with consumer groups and consumers directly through communication and public participation • Developing strategies to induce behavioral change in order to improve consumer health and social responsibility (through healthier food choices)

  11. Food & Health Delivering a healthy diet • Understanding brain function in relation to diet • Understanding dietary effects on immune and intestinal function • Understanding the link between diet and metabolic function (obesity and associated metabolic disorders • Understanding consumer behavior in relation to health and nutrition Svensk deltagare: Nils-Georg Asp, Lunds Universitet

  12. Food Quality & Manufacturing Developing value-added food products with superior quality,convenience, availability and affordability • Producing tailor-made food products • Improving process- and packaging design and process control • Improving understanding of process-structure-property relationships • Understanding consumer behavior in relation to food quality and manufacturing

  13. Food Safety Assuring safe foods that consumers can trust • Predicting and monitoring the behavior and fate of relevant known and emerging biological hazards • Predicting and monitoring the behavior and fate of relevant known and emerging chemical hazards including toxins of biological origin • Improving risk assessment and risk-benefit evaluation • Developing tools to ensure security of the food chain • Understanding and addressing consumer concerns with food safety issues

  14. Sustainable food production Achieving sustainable food production • Understanding of the sustainability of food production and supply in Europe • Research on scenarios of future European food production and supply • Developing sustainable processing, packaging and distribution • Developing and implementing sustainable primary food production • Understanding consumers and their behavior regarding sustainable food production Ordförande; Thomas Ohlsson, SIK

  15. Food Chain Management Managing the food chain • Serving enterprises’, chains’ and consumers’ transparency needs on food quality and safety • Serving sustainable and dynamic SME networks for innovation support • Modelling Cost/Benefit and Economic Performance Analysis • Serving Consumers’ Needs for Affordable Food and Choice

  16. Work plan ETP Food for Life Previuos and current situation • ETP Food for Life launched July 2005 on basis of Vision Paper • Board, Operational Committee & Working Groups formed • “Stakeholders” proposal for a SRA submitted to EC in April 2006. This document has had large influence on selected topics in the work program of Theme 2 in FP 7! • First stakeholder consultation February 2, 2006,in Brussels • Second stakeholder consultation in Autumn 2007 Plans • Web-, regional and national stakeholder consultations, April 2006 – March 2007 • Final SRA to be published April 2007 • Implementation Plan to be published December 2007

  17. National Consultations Aims • To initiate a dialogue on the ETP Vision and the Stakeholders Strategic Research Agenda (SSRA), • To ensure participants’ feedback on the SSRA, • To develop plans for alignment / integration of national research programs within transnational or European programs. • To identify opportunities for a National Food Platform [a useful, but not necessary, outcome], • To identify potential representatives for the ETP Mirror Group, • To identify enthusiastic participants who might be included within future ETP activities • National consultation meeting held in more than 15 countries to date

  18. SVENSK PLATTFORM för ETP- Food for Life • En svensk plattform för ETP har nu bildats med syfte att påverka utformningen av den strategiska forskningsagendan i enlighet med svenska forskningsstrategier för livsmedelsområdet och att sprida information om teknikplattformens syfte, innehåll och betydelse till svenska intressenter inom industri, myndigheter, organisationer och universitet/institut. • Referensgrupp: Livsmedelsföretagen (Li); Vinnova, Formas, SLF, Svensk Dagligvaruhandel, SIK och LTH • Informationsmöten under april-maj 2007 i Lund, Göteborg, Uppsala och Stockholm

  19. Läs mer på http://etp.ciaa.be

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