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Improvement of construction of recombination chambers for mixed radiation dosimetry at work places

Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode. Improvement of construction of recombination chambers for mixed radiation dosimetry at work places. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode. Dosimetry at work places.

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Improvement of construction of recombination chambers for mixed radiation dosimetry at work places

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  1. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Improvement of construction of recombination chambers for mixed radiation dosimetry at work places

  2. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Dosimetryat work places 2/14

  3. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Dosimetryat work places Radiation quality [-] 3/14

  4. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Recombination chamber response depends on LET g Rec. Chamb. Response [-] n 350 MeV n 19 MeV n 0,9 MeV a Polarization voltage [V] • Recombination chamber  H*(10)-meter 4/14

  5. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Recombination chamber Recombination chamber is a tissue-equivalent, high-pressureionization chamber operating under conditions of local recombination of ions. REM-2 d=7 mm Φ=20 cm l=45 cm 5/14

  6. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Local recombination of ions • Volumerecombination • Localrecombination • Depends on LET 6/14

  7. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Half of the century of developement 20 recombination methods; 30 recombination chambers; 15 various recombination dose meters REM-2 manufactured by POLON in Bydgoszcz (used in CERN, JINR, FermiLab and others) Recombination chambers mentioned inIAEA/ICRU/ICRP publication 7/14

  8. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Hundreds of measurements... Measurements performed in many different radiation fields: high energy, reactor beams, isotopic sources, accelerators, environmental, pulse Several international intercomparison experiments (CERN, JINR, GSI, HZB…) 8/14

  9. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Lately measurements in 2012 Neutrons (60MeV protons on W target) Burst length 1µs and 10 µs Dose equivalent/burst 0.8 ÷165 nSv Dose equivalent rate 0.3 mSv/h ÷60 mSv/h Fitted function y = ax Recombination methods are suitable for pulsed radiation dosimetry 9/14

  10. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode New generation of recombination chamber denoted REM-3 is lately constructed and under the tests! – innovativepositioning of insulators – polypropylene insert and electrodes • – easy switch between differential and summation mode All modifications supported by Monte Carlo calculations 10/14

  11. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Positioning of insulators and PE insert Shortening of stabilization Better energy response characteristics Technology of printing conductive layer (shaping) 11/14

  12. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Differential and summation mode Lower sensitivity!!! 12/14

  13. InventionDevelopementMeasurementsThe new REM-3 Triple-mode Triple-mode… Separate polarizing of electrodes (two voltages in the same time allow to measure H or D and selfmonitoring) 13/14

  14. InventionDevelopementMeasurementsThe new REM-3 Triple-mode Automatictriple-mode system Normalworks in summationmode In case of raisedlevels of radiationswitch to differentialmode 3. In case of unstableradiationlevelswitch to selfmonitoringmode 14/14

  15. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Conclusion Further investigation… …combining with ultrasensitive chambers to dosimetric system… …documentation for remanufacturing! – flat energy response in the range from 1 meV to 10 TeV (20%) – rapid stabilization, atomic composition, mass, materials, range… – remote control, data transfer, long-life detector – direct values of H*(10) for differential mode – sensitivity adoption to actual radiation (automatic)

  16. InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode General conclusion for recombination chambers e.g. REM-3 1. Give information both on absorbed dose and on radiation quality 2. Are sensitive to all kinds of radiation(incl. high energy neutrons) 3. Give information on photon and neutroncontribution to H*(10) Wide application also satisfactory forwork placesmonitoring(also suitable for in-beam mesurements)

  17. IEA POLATOM InventionDevelopement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Thank you for your attention!

  18. Invention Developement Measurements The new REM-3 Triple-mode Improvement of construction of recombination chambers for mixed radiation dosimetry at work places

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