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GAAT Scenario. Stability Operations. STAFF Exercise (STAFFEX). April 2012. Agenda. Primer TLO / Supporting TLOs Reference Exercise events The STAFF Exercise Sequence Student Requirements Timeline / Phase Maps Lesson Author’s Intent / End-state The Road to Crisis. STAFFEX Primer.

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  1. GAAT Scenario Stability Operations STAFF Exercise (STAFFEX) April 2012

  2. Agenda • Primer • TLO / Supporting TLOs • Reference • Exercise events • The STAFF Exercise Sequence • Student Requirements • Timeline / Phase Maps • Lesson Author’s Intent / End-state • The Road to Crisis

  3. STAFFEX Primer • SCOPE: The Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) is a 32 hour five-day Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) exercise that focuses students on a Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey (GAAT) scenario. It includes: the Operations Process (plan, prepare, execute and assess) in a complex sequential Unified Land Operation (readings will still reference Full Spectrum Operation, except ADP 3-0), examination of brigade combat team (BCT) organizations and capabilities, and the application of MDMP, effective communications, and practice of critical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions. • TLO’s: TLO 701-MLC-8001 • READINGS: NONE • CONDUCT OF THE LESSON: Lesson Timeline: • 2 hours Re-Introduction to Road to Crisis and orientation to Phase IV • 29 hours Exercise • 1 hour AAR and Apply • CE: The SGL begins with an orientation and re-introduction to OPERATION ORDER 10-01A 1/4 ABCT (Raiders Rally) GAAT scenario Road to War, specifically PHASE IV. The SGL informs the students that they are again the battalion staff of the 1-22 CAB and conducting Stability Operations, (Phase IV) in the city of Pushkino. They will work through the steps of the MDMP with briefings as necessary through the next 5 days to plan, prepare, execute and AAR a battalion Unified Land Operation mission. • ASSESSMENT: AAR at ENDEX (points based on participation)

  4. TLO TLO 701-MLC-8001 Action: Plan a complex Unified Land Operation using the Operations Process Condition: Acting as a member of a battalion staff in a classroom environment, working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrine, given previous instruction, an operations order and initial guidance and DABL simulation technology. Standard: Synthesis includes • Using the MDMP to solve a complex problem • Devising a plan and products to support the plan • Reacting to injects utilizing DABL technology • Generating WARNO’s, OPORD’s and FRAGO’s • Learning Domain: Cognitive • Level of Learning: Synthesis

  5. Supporting TLO’s • This lesson also supports MLC 2015 Common Core Course TLOs: • 701-MLC-6001 Develop a solution to a tactical problem • 701-MLC-6002 Recommend a solution to a military problem • 701-MLC-6021 Practice critical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions • 701-MLC-6025 Recommend a battalion mission nested to a brigade-level mission • 701-MLC-6026 Demonstrate staff officer skills • 701-MLC-6027 Present military briefings • 701-MLC-6031 Examine brigade combat team (BCT) organizations and capabilities • 701-MLC-6032 Apply Mission Command Systems • 701-MLC-6043 Examine cultural considerations for military plans and operations • 701-MLC-6051 Analyze US Army doctrinal concepts • 701-MLC-6053 Manage BNs/BCTs/BDEs in full spectrum operations

  6. Reference • GAAT Scenario AY 10-11 • OPORD 10-01 1/4 ABCT (RAIDERS RALLY) • FM 3-0, Operations • FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency • FM 5-0, The Operations Process • FM 6-0, Mission Command • FM 6-22, Army Leadership • FM 7-0, Training for Full Spectrum Operations

  7. Exercise events • 32 hours (over 5 days) Practical Exercise • Focused on Phase IV, Stability Operations • MDMP and produce a Battalion Operations Order (OPORD) • Battalion staff and TOC • Commander’s Update Briefs • Offensive and Defensive measures of effectiveness and performance (MOE/MOP) • FRAGO(s) to the Battalion OPORD • SGL issues INTSUM & RFI Form at start, issues Commander’s Guidance afternoon of Day 1

  8. Mission Updates Mission Analysis DABL Developments SGL Driven Injects COA Comparison Cdr’s Decision Brief COA Analysis THE STAFFEX SEQUENCE Road to Crisis COA Development WARNO 2 WARNO 1 WARNO 3 BN OPORD BDE OPORD Phase IV * if needed

  9. Student Requirements • Mission analysis updates and commander’s update briefings • Mission analysis briefing to commander • COA development brief to commander • COA analysis brief to commander and war games as necessary for updates • Decision Brief to Commander • FRAGO production / OPORD • Implement FRAGO with student performed company action proofs • Students form full battalion staff (16 PAX Optimal), to include battle captain • NOTE: “Time” in the DABL scenario is irrelevant. DABL has a DTG in the program; should be ignored

  10. Example classroom layout for STAFFEX Drives the staff; conducts briefings XO S1 S4 S2 S3 SGL Other students can use the DABL on their computers to create screen shots, overlays, etc. “OFFICIAL” DABL BOX Acts as BC, BDE, & OPFOR S6 EN Fires Battle Captain Co CDRs Calls “Attention in TOC”; runs DABL scenario This is an example only; SGL determines the staff and layout based on the size of the class and skills of students

  11. STAFFEX Timeline

  12. Phase IIIb (Where we were)

  13. Phase IV (Where we are)

  14. Phase IV – Pushkino (Where we’re going)

  15. Lesson Author’s Intent • The STAFFEX is intended to be the “walk” phase. • Students will increase their capabilities executing MDMP, while simultaneous performing the functions of a battalion staff in a TOC. • Students react to SIGACTs, call “Attention in the TOC”, refine plans based on a changing environment, increase understanding of stability operations, etc. • ENDSTATE: Students successfully perform the functions of a battalion staff and complete MDMP in a complex Unified Land Operation.

  16. Road to crisis slides • The following slides are included in the event the SGL needs to refresh the students on the events leading up to the STAFFEX • These slides are for SA only; they do not provide any information regarding the events that occurred during Phase IIIb • These slides are most useful for reacquainting the students with who SAPA forces are, political events, etc.

  17. Regional map

  18. Road to crisis  2014 • South Azeri Peoples Army (SAPA) increases armed activities in Kura River Basin of Azerbaijan (AZ). • Free Karabakh Movement (FKM) increases anti-Armenian activities in Nagorno-Karabakh (N-K) region • Armenian President Sarkisian re-elected to a second 5 year term (native of N-K region) • Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan (B-T-C) pipeline revenues disproportionately benefit northern Azerbaijan over southern causing imbalance and discontent

  19. Road to crisis  2014-5 • Iran losing control of northwestern parts of the country. • SAPA first attack on AZ Security Forces in 2024. • Russia involved in stabilization of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia. • US, Russia, China, and EU get Tehran to accept IAEA monitoring IAW NPT. • Turkey bases F-16 Squadron in Baku at AZ request. • At request of AZ government, US SOF began limited FID with AZ military in response to SAPA activity.

  20. Road to crisis  2015 • Instability and momentum for secession continues to build in northwest Iran- 2015. • SAPA continuing to train, refit, and stage cross-border raids into AZ. • Iran’s northwest provinces form the autonomous Republic of Ahurastan. • Iran’s southwest provinces form the autonomous Republic of Luristan. • Instability and unrest precludes Iran counter-action by Tehran. • The Republic of Ahurastan desires to “reunite the two halves of the Azeri nation.”

  21. Road to crisis  2016 • Ahurastan and Luristan declare full independence. • Iran’s Western Area Command becomes the new Ahurastan Army. • New Ahurastan government overtly supports SAPA- questions AZ Caspian Sea territory claims. • Ahurastan naval vessel confronts Western, Azeri, and Turkish oil exploration vessels in the Caspian Sea. • The Republic of Ahurastan desires to “reunite the two halves of the Azeri nation.”

  22. Road to crisis  2016 • Ahurastan provides sporadic cross-border fires in support of SAPA units. • KFM attacks Armenian nuclear plant at Metsamor- radiation leaks detected in neighboring countries- Armenia accuses AZ of covert support for the attack. • US adjusts Unified Command Plan (UCP) – transfers Ahurastan [not recognized] from CENTCOM to EUCOM (Luristan remains in CENTCOM AOR).

  23. Road to crisis  2016 • Russian focus changes to separatist ambitions of Tatarstan in central European Russia as neighboring regions also considering moves to autonomy. • Russia still has forces in Abkhazia and South Ossetia but agreed to US led coalition operations under stipulations of: • Continued recognition of Russian forces in the region with proviso that movement from enclaves or on Black and Caspian seas will entail “serious consequences.” • Support for a mutually agreed upon amount of AZ gas and oil to transit through Russian pipelines.

  24. Road to crisis  2017 • Explosion damage to B-T-C pipeline closes pipeline for 2 months • Azerbaijan and Turkey allege Armenian covert involvement and Turkey threatens unilateral action. • Energizes UN Security Council to take action in N-K. • Montreau Convention signatories waive Caspian Sea warship restrictions for 10 years. • US &Turkish ships conduct joint amphibious exercise of the Black Sea Coast. • AZ fundamentalists (possible SAPA) attack US, UK & Canadian embassies in Baku. Ahurastanian involvement suspected.

  25. Road to crisis  2017 • UN Peacekeepers (Italy, Russia, Ireland & Belgium) deployed to N-K (UNINK) in BDE size element. • Tensions increasing between Georgian Forces and Abkhazian Militia. • US and other western embassies evacuate non-essential personnel and dependents. • US national intelligence detects movement of SAPA units from Ahurastan into Azerbaijan. • SECDEF directs EUCOM staff to commence planning for possible defense of Azerbaijan against an Ahurastanian attack.

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