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Example Product List!. Made by Mike Gershon – mikegershon@hotmail.com. Knowledge. Press me. Press me. Comprehension. Press me. Application. Press me. Analysis. Press me. Synthesis. Press me. Evaluation. Knowledge. Back to the start.
Example Product List! Made by Mike Gershon – mikegershon@hotmail.com Knowledge Press me Press me Comprehension Press me Application Press me Analysis Press me Synthesis Press me Evaluation
Knowledge Back to the start noun- information and skills acquired through experience or education ArrangeDefineDescribeListMatch MemoriseNameOrderQuoteRecognise RecallRepeatReproduceRestateRetain Generic Knowledge Activities Generic Knowledge Question Stems
Arrange Back to Knowledge verb– put in a particular order i) Arrange these policies from most to least popular ii) Put these events in order of when they happened iii) What order do these elements of a court case go in? iv) Arrange the cards into the correct order v) Sort the voting reform acts historically
Define Back to Knowledge verb - 1 state or describe the exact nature or scope of 2 give the meaning of (a word or phrase) • Write a definition of civil law • How would you define ‘justice’? • What is the meaning of responsibility? • Where do the limits of government power fall? • What does sustainability mean?
Describe Back to Knowledge verb- give a detailed account in words of • Describe the workings of local government • Describe the process of formal debate • How would you describe prestige? • Give a detailed written account of the school council • Give a speech detailing your active citizenship project
List Back to Knowledge verb- make a list of • List every MP in the House of Commons • Draw up a list of issues most important to you • Who would be on a list of famous heroes? • What factors would you write to make a list of reasons behind the collapse of the USSR? • Make a list of different ethnic backgrounds in our school
Match Back to Knowledge verb- correspond or cause to correspond • Match the word with the definition • Match the politician to the party • Can you match the causes with the effects? • Group the words into corresponding pairs • Which pictures correspond to one another?
Memorise Back to Knowledge Verb - learn by heart • Memorise the history of Britain • Can you remember these four pictures when I cover them up? • Memorise these behaviour rules by rote • Use a mnemonic to remember the colours of the rainbow • Can you learn these newspaper headlines off by heart?
Name Back to Knowledge verb1 give a name to. 2 identify or mention by name. 3 specify (a sum, time, or place) • Name three LEDCs • Can you name all the components of democracy? • What name would you give to a course promoting active citizenship? • Identify the parts of the diagram • What is the name of the Prime Minister?
Order Back to Knowledge verb -1 give an order 2 arrange methodically • Place these factors in order of importance • How would you order these concepts? • Can you put these events in chronological order? • Sort the cards into an order of importance • Choose a concept and order the materials accordingly
Quote Back to Knowledge verb - 1 repeat or copy out (a passage or remark by another). 2 repeat a passage or remark from i) What phrase would you quote from Barack Obama’s speech? • Can you repeat what the Prime Minister has just said? • Copy out the words of the council leader. • Read back to me what I have said • Listen to your partner and then quote back what they said
Recognise Back to Knowledge verb - 1 identify as already known; know again • What words do you recognise from last lesson? • What allows you to recognise them? • Draw a picture containing all the words you know • Do you recognise this piece of music? • What’s this?
Recall Back to Knowledge verb - remember: recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection • Complete the pop quiz from memory • Who can tell us what we did last lesson? • Where did we say power lies in politics? • What have we been studying this term? • Do you recall your earliest memory of citizenship?
Repeat Back to Knowledge verb- say or do again • Watch what I do, then copy it • Listen to what I say, then repeat it • Do everything your partner does with a 5 second delay • What did we just hear? • Can you repeat that excellent behaviour?
Reproduce Back to Knowledge verb - 1 produce a copy or representation of. 2 recreate in a different medium or context • Reproduce the model in simple terms • Can you draw exactly what I have said? • Convey the exact meaning of this in a different medium • Can you trace the map? • Make a permanent record of your piece of drama
Restate Back to Knowledge verb - to state again; to state differently; to rephrase • Take what Student A has said and put it in your own words • How can you say that differently? • Can you say that again? • Can you say that more simply? • How could you make that understandable to a Year 6 student?
Retain Back to Knowledge verb- continue to have; keep possession of • Go over this until it sticks in your mind forever • How could you ensure you remember this? • Use the mnemonic to retain the information • Write an acronym allowing you to retain the knowledge • Revise this
Comprehension Back to the start noun - 1 the action of understanding 2 the ability to understand CharacteriseClassify CompleteDescribe Discuss EstablishExplain ExpressIdentifyIllustrate RecogniseReport RelateSortTranslate Generic Comprehension Activities Generic ComprehensionQuestion Stems
Characterise Back to Comprehension verb- describe the distinctive character of • What are the features of a democracy? • What makes something ‘fair’? • Can you characterise ‘Britishness’? • Describe the distinctive character of an ethical company • How would you characterise active citizens?
Classify Back to Comprehension verb - to identify by or divide into classes; to categorize • Sort the cards according to the categories • Identify which features are those of an autocracy • Decide on categories and then classify the group accordingly • How would you classify this? • What classifications could you use for these factors?
Complete Back to Comprehension verb - finish making or doing. • Complete the word fill • Finish the story • How would you finish this speech? • What does this diagram need to be complete? • Is there anything you think will complete the model?
Describe Back to Comprehension verb - 1 give a detailed account in words of • Describe the chain of events leading up to the G20 protests • Can you describe change? • Can you give a detailed account of the picture in words • Describe citizenship for a Year 6 audience • How would you describe your own identity?
Discuss Back to Comprehension verb - 1 talk about so as to reach a decision. 2 talk or write about (a topic) in detail • Discuss the picture in pairs • Can their ever be zero crime? Discuss • Make a play showing parliamentary discussion • Discuss your ranking of the cards until you reach a consensus • Discuss in threes the key points we need for successful learning
Establish Back to Comprehension verb - show to be true or certain by determining the facts • Let us establish what we already know about this topic • Can you establish what your partner knows about this? • How might we establish the truth in this case? • Here is the issue – you must determine the facts in order to establish what is true • Select the facts you would use to establish certainty
Explain Back to Comprehension verb - 1 make clear by giving a detailed description. 2 give a reason or justification for • How can you show the difference between this and that? • Explain why you think that • What explanations could their be for this picture? • Can you give a reason for your answer? • Explain the history of the UN
Express Back to Comprehension verb - convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct • Show your partner how that made you feel • Write a paragraph expressing your opinion on the death penalty • How does the film make you feel? • What does the image make you think? • Express your thoughts through mime
Identify Back to Comprehension verb - 1 establish the identity of. 2 recognize or select by analysis • Identify the words linked to politics • What criteria would you give a Year 8 to help them identify the facts? • Select the words most appropriate to persuasive writing • Can you identify the tone of this article? • Which are the legal terms?
Illustrate Back to Comprehension Verb – make clear by using examples, charts, etc. • How can we illustrate this point? • Illustrate this idea using physical theatre • Use examples, charts and/or graphs to make the information clear • Can you give me an example of that? • Show me what you mean
Recognise Back to Comprehension Verb - identify as already known; know again • Circle what you already know • Identify the elements we covered last lesson • What bits do you recognise? • What did you already know about today’s lesson? • How many of these faces do you recognise?
Report Back to Comprehension verb1 give a spoken or written account of something. 2 convey information about an event or situation. • Read the article and then report back to your group • Can you report what you did for homework? • Tell us what you did for your project • Produce a news report about human rights abuses • What happened? What did you do?
Relate Back to Comprehension verb - give an account of. • What, when, where, who, why? • How did you get on? • Can you tell us how your grouped worked together? • Relate to your partner your experiences in the lesson today • Produce a piece of work relating your learning on the topic to a newcomer to the school
Sort Back to Comprehension verb - 1 arrange systematically in groups. 2 (often sort out) separate from a mixed group • Complete the card sort • Sort the causes from the symptoms • Sort the ideas into groups • Where should the factor group – into which group? • How would you place this into the Venn diagram?
Translate Back to Comprehension verb - 1 express the sense of (words or text) in another language. 2 (translate into) convert or be converted into another form or medium • Translate the concept into a piece of drama • Play pictionary with your group • Make a list of all you have learnt today then translate this into a Haiku • Can you draw the article? • Turn today’s learning into a short and snappy chant
Application Back to the start noun - 1 the action of applying 2 practical use or relevance ApplyCalculateChooseDemonstrateDramatise EmployImplementInterpretOperatePerform PractiseRole-PlaySketchSolveSuggest Generic Application Activities Generic Application Question Stems
Apply Back to Application Verb - bring into operation or use • Apply your learning to this problem • Use what we have done today to negotiate a controversial issue • How could you apply that idea to this instance? • Show me how you would apply your reasoning to a disagreement between police and protestors • Can you use your learning to answer these questions?
Calculate Back to Application verb - determine (mathematically) i) What percentage of people voted for the Green Party? • Calculate the number of protestors in the crowd • How close to the water supply was the oil refinery located? • Can you calculate the trend rate of growth in the economy? • How many more people are unemployed this month?
Choose Back to Application Verb - 1 pick out as being the best of two or more alternatives. 2 decide on a course of action. • Which option would be the best for the judge to take? • Choose the most appropriate sentence for the crime • What course would you take? • Read the dilemma, make a list of possible responses in your group and then choose the one you think is best • How will you approach this project in order to meet the success criteria?
Demonstrate Back to Application verb - 1 clearly show that (something) exists or is true. 2 give a practical exhibition and explanation of. • Demonstrate that gravity is a constant • How would you demonstrate to the class that you are right? • Can you show that tougher sentencing is good for society? • Show us through drama how global warming works v) How would you demonstrate that you exist?
Dramatise Back to Application verb- present as a play (as drama) i) Dramatise the flow of wealth through the economy • Use drama to show how sustainable development works • Use the court transcript to present a play showing what happened • How would you present the interplay of power, authority and oppression through drama? v) Turn the newspaper headline into a silent movie
Employ Back to Application Verb - make use of i) Can you employ that same reasoning on this different problem? ii) Use the formula to answer the questions • How would you employ your rule in unusual situations? • Make use of the information to solve the problem • What prior knowledge and skills do you think we will employ in today’s lesson?
Implement Back to Application Verb – put into effect • Implement the changes to your plan • How would you implement these ideas? • What would you have to do to put these changes into effect? • How should the council implement its new education policy? • Can you re-write your essay with these changes?
Interpret Back to Application Verb - 1 explain the meaning of. 2 understand as having a particular meaning or significance. 3 perform (a creative work) in a way that conveys one’s understanding of the creator’s ideas. • Show your understanding of the story by interpreting it creatively • How would you interpret ‘change’ and ‘continuity’ to an alien? • Can you interpret this diagram of the UN for a Year 7 audience? • Write an article interpreting the convention for a populist readership • Storyboard an advert that will allow viewers to understand the raw data
Operate Back to Application Verb - 1 control the functioning of (a machine or process). 2 (with reference to an organization) manage • Show me how you operate the drill • How do you operate the drill? • Manage the time your group spends on each task • How would a minister have to operate in order to get a private member’s bill through parliament? • What would an effective UN Secretary General do? How would they operate?
Perform Back to Application Verb - 1 carry out, accomplish, or fulfil (an action, task, or function). • Perform an overhead kick from the edge of the area • Perform one of the pieces of oratory based on the success criteria • Can you carry out a cross-examination? • How would you accomplish a successful defence of you climate change bill? • In your group show us how ministers vote
Practise Back to Application verb - 1 perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly in order to improve or maintain proficiency in it. 2 carry out or perform (an activity or custom) habitually or regularly. • Practise that until you can do it • Read a newspaperevery day until it’s a habit • Exercise your reasoning daily in order to improve your argumentation • Keep practising your speeches ready for the presentation • We will be discussing again today so you can practise verbal reasoning
Role-play Back to Application Noun - the acting out of a particular role • Use the character cards to hot-seat in your groups • Write a protest letter in character • Can you act out the concept as a group? • Today we are going to do a mock trial • Write a speech that Kofi Annan might give tomorrow
Sketch Back to Application Verb -1 make a sketch of. 2 give a brief account or general outline of • How would you sketch the main features of the criminal justice system? • Make a sketch of how the economy works • Give a brief account of how your group worked • Can you give a general outline of your coursework? • Briefly, what is parliament and how does it function?
Solve Back to Application verb - find an answer to, explanation for, or way of dealing with (a problem or mystery) i) Here is your problem, you have 30 minutes to find a solution within the parameters I have set you • How would you have solved the problem of hyperinflation in Weimar Germany? • Can you find an answer to the problem of MPs expense claims? • On the surface this appears a mystery – what explanation can you find in today’s lesson to solve it? • If famine is the problem, what is the solution?
Suggest Back to Application verb - put forward for consideration • Suggest an alternative way of electing MPs • Put forward some ideas in your groups • Can you suggest a way to improve our learning as a class? • How would you alter the situation in Burma? • What ideas do you have for changing the school?
Analysis Back to the start noun - 1 a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something 2 the separation of something into its constituent elements AnalyseAppraiseCategorizeCompareContrast DifferentiateDiscriminateDistinguishExamineExperiment ExploreInvestigateQuestionResearchTest Generic Analysis Activities Generic Analysis Question Stems