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How long does it take SEO to work for a new website?

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How long does it take SEO to work for a new website?

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  1. How long does it take SEO to work for a new website? According to the top SEO companies in Delhi, one of the most frequently asked questions by the clients is, “How long will it take for SEO to work for a new website?” And it’s a pretty valid question. When you’re putting in so much time and resource into getting traffic on your website, it only makes sense that you’d be worried about getting the results quickly. In the article below, we’ll try to answer that question. SEO used to be easy a few years ago. With a proper plan, you could get to the first page of Google results within a span of a few months. But SEO is super-competitive now. There are over a billion blogs on the web, and even more websites. So when you combine all of that, it makes sense as to why SEO is so hard these days. Let’s first see how SEO has changed over the years. So addressing the elephant in the room, how long does it take to rank on Google? Well, it depends. On an average, it takes a new website 4 to 6 months to start seeing some traction. However, because there are so many factors involved, SEO companies in Delhi or other metro cities cannot give you a definitive answer. But if you want to rank faster, there are some things that you ought to know. First thing you should look at is at your site and make sure that it is secure and accessible to Google crawlers. Are you using ‘https’? Is your ‘robots.txt’ blocking the wrong pages and allowing access to the right ones? Are you using a sitemap and submitting it to Google Webmaster Tool, so that Google can crawl on your pages? Is your website fast in load time? If it is fast, it not only is going to boost your ranking (because page speed is a part of their algorithm) but it will affect conversions as well! The other thing that you need to look at is if your site is mobile friendly. Did you know that more than half of the searches on Google are done by mobile devices? If your website doesn’t look nice on a mobile device, don’t expect Google to rank it high up. Another thing that you have to look at is if you have authoritative content. If you just have generic content, it won’t cut it. Google doesn’t want to promote the same regurgitated content over and over again. They want you to provide something that’s unique –something that people haven’t read before. Quality backlinks are also something that you need to think about. Getting links from authoritative sites is one thing, but if those sites are emulated, you’re not going to do well. PR agencies in Delhi suggest that you should create unique content in order to attract the right type of links. You should also pay attention towards social signals. Even though social signals “do not play a role” in Google ranking, there is a positive correlation between the websites that rank high and that have higher social signals. Remember, Google wants to rank pages at the top that people love. So if people like a page, they’re more likely to link to it and they’re more likely to share it on social media. Finally, you need to ensure that you have your Google business information listed – especially if you’re a local business. You need to claim your Google My Business profile; you need Yelp reviews

  2. and Google reviews; you need to have a good Better Business Bureau page. The more reviews you can attract, the better off you are. The big takeaway is, when you do the right things and you go above and beyond the call of duty and put the user first, you’ll rank faster than if you just “optimize” your page for Google and not put the user first.

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