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Car Injury Lawyers

Few cities in Canada have embraced walking and cycling more than Toronto. Each day, thousands of people walk or cycle throughout the city on sidewalks, roads and bike paths. For more information to visit our official website https://trianta.ca/ or feel free to call us on 416.800.2800.

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Car Injury Lawyers

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  1. TRIANTA LAW Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

  2. ABOUT US At Trianta Law, we genuinely care about our clients. We only represent people like you, not insurance companies. We understand you need help to get your life back on track after a serious accident. You deserve the best medical care and financial support to allow you and your family to recover from the devastating effects that an accident can have on your life. Our clients aren't just a file, each is a life.

  3. Motorcycle Accident Lawyers For motorcycle enthusiasts, taking to the open road on their bikes is one of the greatest joys that can be experienced. But an accident can happen at any moment for any reason. Motorcycle accident injuries are some of the most complex injuries. At Trianta Law we understand those injuries. We are also experienced in accident reconstruction and work with some of the top engineering experts who assist to debunk stereotypes and prejudices towards motorcycle drivers.

  4. Spinal Cord Injury A spinal cord injury can change your life forever. Many spinal cord injuries occur as a result of automobile and recreational vehicle accidents, while others may occur while taking part in various other activities. Depending upon the severity of the injury to the victim, damage to the spinal cord may cause complete or partial paralysis to the legs and or arms. There may also be changes to physical independence and bodily senses.

  5. Hello there! I’m Trianta Law, and I'll be sharing with you my beautiful ideas. Follow me at @triantalaw to learn more.

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