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Brand-New Hash Function

Brand-New Hash Function. N BeeM A. Satoh. SHA-1 Broken!. Prof. Xiaoyun Wang. Essential Characteristics of Hash Function. Hash Function Algorithm that compresses an arbitrarily size of message into a fixed size hash value. It is also called a message digest function.

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Brand-New Hash Function

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brand-New Hash Function NBeeM A. Satoh

  2. SHA-1 Broken! Prof. Xiaoyun Wang

  3. Essential Characteristics of Hash Function • Hash Function • Algorithm that compresses an arbitrarily size of message into a fixed size hash value. It is also called a message digest function. • Used for authentication, error detection, and pseudo-random number generators • One-Wayness • It is easy to generate the hash value from a given message, but it is computationally infeasible to generate a message producing a given hash value. • Collision Resistance • It is computationally infeasible to generate a message pair that has the same hash value.

  4. Birthday Attack • In a group of 40 people, a pair who have the same birthday can be found with 89% probability Birthday Paradox • When a hash value size is n bits, a collision can be found in 2n/2 messages with 50% probability

  5. Birthday Brand-New HashFunction Example Collision Resistance againstBirthdayAttack One-wayness is also satisfied

  6. Bye-Bye My Love

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