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Stan Shea

How species-specific Red List assessments can be used to advance marine conservation: MCSC experience Yvonne Sadovy & Claudio Campagna IUCN SSC MCSC. Stan Shea. Global Marine Fisheries. = bycatch. Global Marine Fisheries. 25 % of 440 global fisheries are “overexploited” or “depleted”.

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Stan Shea

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How species-specific Red List assessments can be used to advance marine conservation: MCSC experience Yvonne Sadovy & Claudio Campagna IUCN SSC MCSC Stan Shea

  2. Global Marine Fisheries =bycatch

  3. Global Marine Fisheries 25% of 440 global fisheriesare “overexploited” or “depleted”

  4. What is ‘Overexploited’ When too many fish are taken too quickly for their populations to recover, they are considered to be overfished=overexploited

  5. Some species are more easily overfished/threatened than others……. WHY AND WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT?

  6. Elephant/mouse

  7. Goliath grouper/sardine

  8. 1996-first red listing of commercial marine fishes2005- establishment of GMSA2012 – 248 (6%) marine fishes assessed as threatened on the Red List [4,123 marine fishes published on the Red List]-mostly due to commercial and unmanaged fishing

  9. SSC MCSC established to improve profile of marine species within IUCNEstablished 5 priorities, one of which is to make meaningful Red List assessments for threatened species

  10. Through……**Attention from RFMOs**International trade issues**Occurrence in bycatch**CITES listing**Identification of major threatening factors**Popular literature (e.g. Adrift)

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