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托福听力高频话题. Conversation. 平时喜欢当舍管 Resident Assistant. 暑假偶尔去实习 internship. 为了前途啥都干 volunteer/resume/major/job. “ 公平 ” 至上都满意 requirement change/career fair/newspaper. 可涉及的信息 : 工作要求 v.s . 自身条件 工作时间 & 地点 是否会有培训 工作收获. Conversation. “ 农民工讨薪 ” 很捉急 payroll system. 没事打打 911 emergency call.

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  1. 托福听力高频话题

  2. Conversation 平时喜欢当舍管 Resident Assistant 暑假偶尔去实习 internship 为了前途啥都干 volunteer/resume/major/job “公平”至上都满意 requirement change/career fair/newspaper 可涉及的信息: 工作要求v.s.自身条件 工作时间&地点 是否会有培训 工作收获

  3. Conversation “农民工讨薪”很捉急 payroll system 没事打打911 emergency call 吃饭不选最便宜 meal plan 宿舍总是坏东西 maintenance 可涉及的信息: 学生的抱怨针对何事&因由 老师的解释&解决方案 学生态度的转变

  4. Conversation 论文永远要精简 narrow down your research 教授时常得鼓励 expert 学生跪求推荐信 recommendation letter 死皮赖脸上”高级” advanced course 搞钱也得做教研 program funding/financial aid officer 可涉及的信息: 学生的”理儿”–论文中的问题(数据;论点处理;分数低;不知道怎么写) 求推荐的目的(申请研究生) 上高级课的理由(之前课程分数高) 老师的”理儿”–论文主题过于宽泛; 给学生写作的思路 如何准备申请 婉转告诉学生还不够格读高级,先从中级课程学起 老师给的彩蛋–延长截止时间/帮忙看论文/推荐课程/推荐科研参考资料,etc.

  5. Conversation 图书馆借书分”三步” put on reserve? printed version? electronic version? 延期还书”不同意” policy 毕业需填毕业表 grad form 音乐主题最给力 music theme 可涉及的信息: 手上的书还没到期,但被要求归还,学生对此产生疑惑/学生要买(查)书,但找不到 管理员会帮忙查看状态,其中可能会重复学生的问题加以确定 有人(常是教授)需要此书,致使学生要提前归还/书还没放回架子上/书在其它书店出售 学生不知道是否一定要当天还,被告知如若不还后果很严重 学生不确定是否符合毕业要求 对某些课程的质疑 学生/接待员解释情况 学生要找系主任确定是否最终达标,能毕业

  6. Conversation 开头: 开门见山,直陈问题 or 论文起步,中途换题 主体: 困惑勤提问, 疑问词实词要明晰 学生 偶尔思维会发散, 勿被”插曲”带跑题 车轮战 老师一一详解答,注意祈使,建议&强调句 学生: 问题解决, 感激不尽/ 虽有遗憾, 可要不咋地? 结尾: 老师: 提出建议,继续鼓励/ 化险为夷, 留有余地/ 积极沟通,展现好意 句子听不懂先别急, 冷静辨语调和语气

  7. 话题分类 1. 学术类 (Academic) -文章写作 (eg: TPO2-C1;TPO5-C2;TPO6-C2;TPO7-C1;TPO12-C1;TPO13-C1;TPO17-C1;TPO22-C2,etc. ) -课后交流 (eg: TPO1-C2;TPO19-C1, etc. ) -概念解析(eg: TPO8-C2;TPO24-C2, etc. ) -志愿者招募(eg: TPO3-C2;TPO11-C2;TPO18-C2, etc. ) -答疑指导(eg: TPO4-C2; TPO9-C1;TPO15-2;TPO16-C2; TPO20-C2, etc. )

  8. 话题分类 2. 非学术类 (Non-Academic) -图书馆/书店/资料室 (eg: TPO1-C1;TPO4-C1;TPO7-C2;TPO9-C2;TPO13-C2;TPO14-C1;TPO20-C1;TPO24-C1,etc. ) -工作(eg: TPO6-C1;TPO12-C2;TPO14-C2;TPO15-C1;TPO17-C2;TPO18-C1,etc. ) -学习规划(eg: TPO2-C2;TPO5-C1;TPO21-C2;TPO23-C2,etc. ) -抱怨投诉(eg: TPO16-C1;TPO19-C2;TPO22-C1;TPO23-1,etc. ) -问路(eg: TPO3-C1; TPO21-C1,etc. ) -办手续(eg: TPO8-C1; TPO11-C1,etc. )

  9. 学术类– 文章写作 Pre-Writing: -哪些是”文章” => research report; assignment; essay; paper; senior thesis; dissertation, etc. -Structure Abstract/Summary Body of Paper Acknowledgement -Outline/Proposal: scope

  10. 学术类–文章写作 While-Writing: @ Primary Data Collection - mainly based on survey, questionnaires, interview, observations & experiments, etc. Primary Data => Data Analysis (analyzing data), Data Presentation/Presenting Data Data Interpretation (Interpreting Data) in combination of different approaches/methods/ways; build up mathematical model

  11. 学术类–文章写作 Caution in Data Analysis 1. concentrate on the key issues related to your topic 2. stateyour perspectives clearly & keep in mind defending them 3. demonstrate/exhibit your original thinking 4. raise appropriate hypotheses/ assumptions/ speculations.

  12. 学术类–文章写作 @ Secondary Data Collection others’ ideas, arguments& theories in articles, journals, papers, reports & chapters of books, etc. sources statistics, (un)published data, records, graphs, charts & diagrams Secondary Data => Literature Review (prerequisite & research context) List Citing information in the Reference Section

  13. 学术类–文章写作 Post-Writing: 1. submit the draft version to the professor 2.receive feedback/comments 3. revise until submitting the final version

  14. 学术类– 课后交流 Students’ insight: -interdisciplinary teaching approach -help students improve presentation skills Further discussion: 针对某一概念或主题的探讨 Subjects: Astronomy; Anthropology; Linguistics; Biology; Botany, etc.

  15. 学术类– 概念解析 -抓住学生困惑的概念 -学生中途的提问 -屏幕上若出现图形

  16. 学术类– 志愿者招募 Event Info: -Theme: research project; which discipline -Demand: qualified candidates, with/without experience -Location & Site: travel involved? -Prep Work: training? -Incentive: extra credit? good for graduation application? Participant Considerations: -academic interests -check a time slot => switch work shifts

  17. 学术类– 答疑指导 找老师前: make an appointment; office hours 老师找学生: eg- funding/grant -Research fund is based on estimated budget, including travel expenses

  18. 非学术类–图书馆/书店/资料室 书的分类依据: major area of study 书的状态: on reserve;unshelved; due 书的介质: copies; electronic materials 特殊书籍: well-preserved; permission to access 图书馆设施: stack; shelf 图书馆服务: library loan service; photocopy 借书人的权限: return book/check out;request book; extending borrowing privilege 出现的问题: misspell; privilege suspended 求购新书: fill out a form; new shipment

  19. 非学术类–工作 -求职(senior/junior students) 招聘信息来源: flyer; poster; website 求职前准备: specialized major; elective courses; summer exchange program; sign up workshop; career advice 招聘会(career fair): wear a suit; resume 面试(interview): company representatives come to recruit new employees 职位考虑因素: remaining position; salary; working condition -在职 问题:schedule=> switch/transferfrom a position to another payrolland deposit account=> paycheck to cover bills/tuition quit a job

  20. 非学术类–学习规划

  21. 非学术类–抱怨投诉 “爆点”五花八门 抓主要矛盾 认清学生态度 处理结果

  22. 非学术类–问路 A. 看似找不到地方,实则有新情况 - science building ? bulletin board X - course was cancelled => informed her=> wrong mailing address 解决方案: contact Physics Dept before next term to check enrollment B. 确实迷路了 T_T 校园建筑: laboratory building; lecture hall; auditorium; dining hall; cafeteria; dormitory; library; gym, etc.

  23. 非学术类–办手续 -毕业手续 了解: graduation requirement 完成: required & elective courses including introductory courses, intermediate courses & advanced courses 修足: credits 准备: academic record 有问题联系: department chair/chair person

  24. 非学术类–办手续 -办健身卡(pass) 了解权限: access to the equipment/facilities 额外活动: indoor classes guided by instructors => extra fee

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