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Planet Tybalt

Planet Tybalt. By: John A. Smith 9A Science Class. Newly discovered. T he Planet Tybalt was discovered ten years ago, and it is an excellent place for NASA to offer as its first planet for public exploration. Our Transportation!. USS Capulet Features:

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Planet Tybalt

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  1. Planet Tybalt By: John A. Smith 9A Science Class

  2. Newly discovered The Planet Tybalt was discovered ten years ago, and it is an excellent place for NASA to offer as its first planet for public exploration.

  3. Our Transportation! • USS Capulet Features: • FLD (Faster then Light Drive) for quick travel to other planets within our solar system. • USS Capulet can travel faster then the speed of light, which is approximately “X”km/h, and can travel up to “X”km/h. • Tybalt is approximately “X”kilometers away which means it would take “X” days to arrive at the new planet. • A full living quarters is also provided on board.

  4. Tybalt’s Physical Description Planet Tybalt Characteristics Interesting Fact: Tybalt has a moon that has a thin atmosphere with some vegetation and water. It is also visible at night taking up 1/3 of the night sky.

  5. Tybalt’s Sights! • Comets • Because of the planet’s location there are many comets that are seen in Tybalt’s skies. Two are seen each year. • Once a year, in February, the Comet Romeo arrives. • Another comet, called Juliet, arrives in September.

  6. Tybalt’s Sights! • Asteroids • Just before you arrive near the planet a vast and large asteroid belt orbits close to Tybalt at Xkms. • The USS Capulet can easily navigate this wall of large rocks. They are a sight to see and many people often say they are breathtaking with some asteroids being the size of Texas.

  7. Tybalt’s Sights! • Moon: Sword • Tybalt has a small moon located very close in orbit. It is best viewed at night and can take up 1/3 of the sky. • The moon also has a very thin atmosphere not contusive to life, but you can visit the Moon Man Spa dome for a relaxing spa stay for both men and women.

  8. Tybalt’s Sights! • Meteor Showers • Due to the asteroid belt being in such close proximity to Tybalt there are almost monthly meteor showers as the large asteroids bang and bump into each other. • In July the largest meteor shower occurs with brilliant ‘falling stars’ that last for up to two hours. This is the time for the Fall’inRock’in Rocker party where many entertainers visit to rock the night away!

  9. Tybalt’s Sights! • Planet’s Atmosphere • Tybalt’s unique position in our solar system provides relatively no real seasons as the entire planet is tropical. • The general temperatures, in what we can call summer, range from 25-45 degrees Celsius and in winter, if you can call it that, temperatures are between 15-25. • Since Tybalt only has one continent there isn’t anywhere on Tybalt where you can’t find a nice beach.

  10. Tybalt’s Sights • Space Station Morrison • This station is named after the famous space explorer that first founded and developed the planet. • It is the first stop before heading down to the planet. • Medical examinations, customs, and places to eat are provided here before your shuttle ride to the planet. Remember your passport!

  11. Conclusion Without a doubt Tybalt is the place for NASA to offer its first space travel for the public. The planet’s natural beauty, asteroids, comets, unique moon, and meteor showers make this a ‘must come’ place for any person who wishes to see more of their solar system.

  12. Image Credits • Planet on slide 1: http://apotelesmatics.com/2007/10/19/10-tips-for-learning-astrology/ • Spaceship image source: http://home.scarlet.be/locuwalls/Star_Trek_wallpaper_USS_Enterprise_in_Earth_orbit_computerdestkop_x.jpg • Comet image Source: http://www.mira.org/fts0/planets/102/text/txt001x.htm • Asteroid image source: http://www.gly.bris.ac.uk/www/teach/virtrips/nineplanets/asteroids.html • Meteor Shower source: http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/cyberspace/cma/ • Tropical image source: http://www.masterworksunlimited.com/shunyamnirav.htm • Space Station image: http://www.aerospaceguide.net/spacepictures/iss.jpg

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