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NSF Higher Education R&D Survey Update

NSF Higher Education R&D Survey Update. Ronda Britt, NSF Samuel Peterson, University of Missouri 2013 NCURA Annual Meeting August 6, 2013 National Science Foundation National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics www.nsf.gov /statistics/. Presentation Outline.

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NSF Higher Education R&D Survey Update

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  1. NSF Higher Education R&D Survey Update Ronda Britt, NSF Samuel Peterson, University of Missouri 2013 NCURA Annual Meeting August 6, 2013 National Science Foundation National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics www.nsf.gov/statistics/

  2. Presentation Outline • Overview of NCSES • Overview of Higher Education R&D survey • WebCASPAR tutorial • Example of peer analysis using WebCASPAR • Upcoming activities • Q&A

  3. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) • A federal statistical agency that reports to the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. • NCSES provides data users with objective, high-quality U.S. and international statistical information on science, engineering, technology, and R&D, and fosters research that improves the measurement and understanding of science and engineering enterprise.

  4. NCSES Higher Education Surveys • Higher Education R&D Survey • Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities • Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS) • Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) • Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions (as reported by federal agencies)

  5. Types of NCSES Publications • InfoBriefs highlighting results from recent surveys and analyses • Detailed Statistical Tables (DSTs) containing extensive tabulated • survey data • Periodic reports compiling data from multiple surveys and sources • such as “Science and Engineering Indicators” • Databases and special data tabulations • “National Patterns of R&D Resources” • SESTAT (Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System) • WebCASPAR • “Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science • and Engineering”

  6. Higher Education R&D SurveyOverview • Conducted annually from FY 1972 – FY 2012, significantly • redesigned for FY 2010 cycle • Prior to 2010, known as the Survey of R&D Expenditures at • Universities and Colleges • Census of all U.S. universities and colleges with minimum of • $150,000 of R&D spending (N = 912 in FY 2011) • Web-based • Voluntary (response rates consistently over 95%) • Requests expenditures for all separately accounted for R&D • performed at institutions during previous academic FY • Detailed statistical tables published at the institution level

  7. Higher Education R&D SurveyOverview • Types of data collected: • Federally funded R&D expenditures by federal agency source and field of R&D • Agency names and R&D expenditures totals for top ten federal agency sources within “Other agencies”category • Nonfederally funded R&D expenditures by source and field of R&D (sources are state/local government, business, nonprofit orgs, institutional, and other) • R&D expenditures by character of work (basic research, applied research, and development) • Amount expended on research equipment, by field • Amount passed through to subrecipients or received as a subrecipient

  8. Higher Education R&D SurveyOverview • Types of data collected (continued): • R&D expenditures funded by foreign sources • R&D expenditures within a medical school • Federal and nonfederal clinical trial R&D expenditures • R&D expenditures by type of funding agreement: contracts vs. grants • R&D expenditures from ARRA awards • Specific cost elements of R&D expenditures (salaries, software, equipment, etc.) • Headcounts of personnel and postdocs paid from R&D accounts

  9. Higher Education R&D SurveyFY 2010-11 R&D Expenditures by Source of Funds ARRA=American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 SOURCE: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education Research and Development Survey.

  10. Higher Education R&D SurveyFY 2011 R&D Expenditures by Type of Cost ($65.1 Billion) Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education R&D Survey, FY 2011.

  11. Higher Education R&D SurveyPercentage of R&D Expenditures funded by ARRA, by State: FY 2011 ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.         SOURCE:  National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education Research and Development Survey, FY 2011.

  12. Higher Education R&D SurveyTrends in ARRAfunded R&D Expenditures: FY 2010 and 2011 Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.         SOURCE:  National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education Research and Development Survey, FY 2011.

  13. Higher Education R&D SurveyFY 2010-11 Item Response Rates for Selected Questions (Percentages) SOURCE: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Higher Education R&D Survey, FY 2011.

  14. WebCASPAR Tutorial

  15. WebCASPAR Tutorial List of analysis variables arranged by years of data available

  16. WebCASPAR Tutorial Analysis variable(s) chosen appear here Current year is default classification variable List of classification variables available for use with selected analysis variables

  17. WebCASPAR Tutorial List of classification variables selected Click to select values displayed Use survey-specific variables when creating tables with only one survey

  18. WebCASPAR Tutorial Click to sort by descending amounts to get rank order

  19. WebCASPAR Tutorial Click to download table in Excel, SAS or CSV

  20. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  21. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  22. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  23. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  24. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  25. Peer Analysis Using WebCASPAR

  26. Upcoming Activities • FY 2012 data release expected mid-November 2013 (all detailed statistical tables will be available on the web) • FY 2013 survey begins in mid-November 2013; deadline of January 31, 2014 • No significant changes planned for FY 2013 survey

  27. Questions? For more information contact:Ronda Britt703-292-7765rbritt@nsf.gov

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