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International scientific co-operation in FP6

International scientific co-operation in FP6. ELOISE CONFERENCE Portoroz, 15-18 November 2004 by C. Fragakis. Contents. A European Research Area open to the world Strategic objectives International scientific co-operation in the Sixth Framework Programme

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International scientific co-operation in FP6

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  1. International scientificco-operationin FP6 ELOISE CONFERENCE Portoroz, 15-18 November 2004 by C. Fragakis

  2. Contents • A European Research Area open to the world • Strategic objectives • International scientific co-operation in the Sixth Framework Programme • Three major routes for international scientific co-operation in FP6 • Specific measures in support of international Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (I) • co-operation (II) • International mobility of researchers (III) • How can Third Countries participate in FP6 • River-Twinned Basins

  3. A European Research Area open to the world • “The European Research Area must be opened up to the rest of the world. This will enable EU countries, and third countries, to benefit from international cooperation in Science & Technology, thereby paving the way for closer political and economic relations.” • (P. Busquin, Commissioner for Research) • The strategic objectives of a European Research Area open to the world are laid down in Commission communication “The international dimension of the European Research Area” (COM(2001) 346 final).

  4. Strategic objectives • Make the Area more attractive to the best scientists and make it a world class reference centre • Enable European researchers and industrialists to access knowledge and technology available elsewhere in the world • Develop scientific and technological activities useful to the implementation of EU foreign and development aid policy • Enlist the S&T resources of the European Union and of third countries in initiatives that provide a response to significant world problems of concern to the Community • Communication of the Commission, The international dimension of the European Research AreaCOM(2001), 346 fin. 25.6.01

  5. Three major routes for international scientific co-operation in FP6 • Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (with substantial funding) • Specific measures in support of international co-operation • International mobility of researchers • Over and above these three major routes, the international dimension is a cross-cutting issue which concerns the whole Framework programme

  6. Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (I) • Participation to Community activities • participation of researchers, teams and institutions from third countries in projects within • the Priority Thematic Areas of Research, • Specific activities covering a wider field of research • Budget of 285 million Euro for third country participation

  7. Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations • Strategic objectives: • To help European researchers, businesses and research organisations in the European Union and in the countries associated with the Framework programme to have access to knowledge and expertise existing elsewhere in the world • To help ensure Europe’s strong and coherent participation in research initiatives related to issues arising at the world level and being the subject of international or global efforts • Overall focus • Community interest

  8. Specific measures in support of international co-operation (II) • Dedicated international cooperation activities which are relevant to some groups of countries or regions with own calls for proposals • Budget: 315 million Euro • Strategic objective • To lend support, in the scientific and technological field, to the implementation of the Community’s foreign policy and development aid policy • Overall focus • mutual interest

  9. Specific measures in support of international co-operation • These activities will be carried out: • To complement the activities in the thematic priorities • By means of specific targeted research projects of a limited scale, actions to coordinate national efforts and, specific support measures • Problem oriented approach on a regional basis, policy dialogue and prioritization • Research priorities defined on the basis of • the interests and objectives of the Community’s political partnership with the different groups of countries • the particular economic and social needs of countries and regions concerned

  10. International mobility of researchers • Incoming fellowships with possibility for “return ticket” • to work and undertake research training in Europe • provision to assist fellows to return to their countries of origin in case of emerging and transition economies and developing countries • Outgoing fellowships • to be awarded to research workers from EU and Associated Countries to work in established third country research centres • requires submission of a coherent individual training programme involving a first phase abroad followed by mandatory second phase in Europe

  11. How can Third Countries participate in FP6 • Who can participate? • All third countries: in addition to minimal number of participants from Member States and Associated countries • Who can be funded? • All third countries • INCO target countries (developing countries, Mediterranean partner countries, Western Balkan countries, Russia and the other NIS): within the allocation earmarked in the budget (285 million Euros) • Other third countries: if provision is made in work programme or if necessary to carry out the RTD activity

  12. Instruments NoE IP STREP, CA SSA Marie Curie 3 legal entities from 3 different MS or AS, with at least 2 MS or ACC + Third countries 1 legal entity Individual researchers Number of Participants

  13. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Research and scientific co-operation in the6th Community Research Framework Programme in support of the EU Water Initiative EU Water Initiative - Research Component http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/water-initiative/index_en.html EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  14. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Thematic Sub-Priority: Global Change and EcosystemsThe river basin ‘t-winning’ between Europe and Developing Countries • RIVERTWIN: A regional model for Integrated Water Management in Twinned River Basins • TWINBAS: Twinning European and third countries river basins for development of integrated water resources management methods • WADE: Floodwater Recharge of Alluvial Aquifers in Dryland Environments • TWINBASINXN: Promoting Twinning of River Basins for Developing Integrated Water Resources Management Practices EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  15. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Total Budget and Community Contribution (in EURO)River Basin ‘Twinning’ Projects EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  16. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  17. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n RIVERTWIN • Objectives • Develop, adjust, test and implement an existing integrated regional model for the strategic planning of water resources management in twinned river basins in Benin and Uzbekistan. • To contribute to the EU WFD, the MDGs defined by the WSSD and the EU WI for Africa and EECCA and to promote mutual transfer of technology between European and Third countries. EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  18. Target River Basins Neckar in Germany Oueme in Benin…different climatic and socio-economic conditions as well as lower data availability Chirchik/Upper Syrdarya in Uzbekistan Partners University of Hohenheim, DE University of Stuttgart, DE Centre for World Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit, NL Aristotle Univiversity of Thessaloniki, GR Hydraulics Laboratory Stockholm Environment Institute, SV Institut Nat. de Recherche Agronomique du Bénin Department de l´Hydraulique, Benin Université Nationale du Bénin Interstate coordination water commission, Uzbekistan Schneider und Jorde (SME, DE) Terra Fusca (SME, DE). Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n RIVERTWIN EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  19. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n TWINBAS Objectives • Fill gaps in knowledge and methods in order to enable implementation of a harmonised IWRM approach that addresses the EU WI, in five river basins (two in Europe and three in Africa, EECCA and Latin America). • To enable and perform assessment of vulnerability to climate change and anthropogenic development, and produce integrated river basin management plans that includes optimal combinations of actions. EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  20. Target River Basins Okavango River Basin in Botswana Bio Bio River Basin in Chile River Nura in Kazakhstan Thames in UK..experience Norrström in Sweden…pollution and actions List of Partners: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, SV DHI Water and Environment, DK Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Southampton University, UK National Commission for the Environment, Bío Bío region, Chile Almaty Institute of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, British Gas Chair of Environmental Technology, Kazakhstan Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK Rhodes University, Institute for Water Research, South Africa Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n TWINBAS EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  21. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n WADE Objectives • To apply new methodologies, technologies, and approaches in order to assess long-term (decades to centuries) water resources in selected semiarid to hyper arid ephemeral river basins in Namibia and South Africa. • To determine long-term magnitude and frequency of floods and quantifying transmission losses and floodwater recharge into alluvial aquifers in order to formulate integrated water management strategies for their use. EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  22. Target Basins: Kuiseb catchment in Namibia Western Namaqualand (south of the Orange River) in South Africa Guadalentín basin in SE Spain Negev Desert in Israel List of Partners: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, ES Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel HYDROISOTP gmbh, DE Desert Research Foundation of Namibia University of Edinburgh, UK University of Cape Town, SA Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada Ben Gurion University, Israel Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Rural Development, Namibia Surplus People Project, SA Kamiesberg Municipality, SA Nama Khoi Municipality, SA Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n WADE EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  23. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Twin Basin XN Objectives • Improve the effectiveness of the co-operation between European and Third Countries river basins for the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles, as stated in the WFD and the EUWI. • Promote twinning between Basin Organisations, as a tool for enhancing their human resources capacities, and by collecting and disseminating the shared knowledge for the common benefit of all. EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  24. List of Partners Office International de l’Eau, FR Agence de l’Eau Seine Normandie, FR International Network of Basin Organisations, FR Ea – Pôle de l’Eau, FR Confederacion Hidrografica del Jucar, SP Department for International Development, UK Global Water Partnership, SE Techware, IT/BE Regionalny Zarzad Gospodarki Wodnej W Gdansku, PO National Water Authority, HU Interstate Coordination Water Commission – Aral Sea, Uzbekistan Jara Tirta I Corporation, Indonesia African Network of Basin Organisations, Niger Basin Agency Algerois-Hodna-Soumman, Algeria Sebou Hydraulic Basin Agency, Morocco Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Sénégal Comision Nacional del Agua, Mexico National Agency APELE ROMANE, Rumania Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Twin Basin XN EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  25. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n Some things to retain… • Incorporation of ‘global change’ in planned work • Results include blueprints for integrated River basin management plans adapted to local conditions…opportunity need to be timely exploited • Public participation and end-users… • On-the-job training…and not only information exchange • Need to work on sustainable linkages with EU WI and WFD groups / better interface between RTD, policy and development co-operation • Future replication of similar topic for twinning of European river basins within other geographical regions…. EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

  26. Community Research E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n THIRD CALL (26 October 2004) Focus on Latin America 17 proposals received Topic for up-to-two STREPs and/or Coordination Actions FOURTH CALL (?) Focus on South and East Asia countries EU Water Initiative - RESEARCH COMPONENT

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