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Regional Training Sessions From the SPD to the Project Riga , 21 th March 2003

Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR team of EU experts , LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of Finance. Regional Training Sessions From the SPD to the Project Riga , 21 th March 2003.

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Regional Training Sessions From the SPD to the Project Riga , 21 th March 2003

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  1. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of Finance Regional Training Sessions From the SPD to the Project Riga, 21th March 2003 Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  2. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 1. The Single Programming Document (SPD) 2. The Funds 3. How best to prepare a project for EU Fund co-financing? Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  3. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 1. The Latvian experts: - ERDF, Janis JURGIS,Ministry of regional Development and Local Governments - ESF, Zane FRIDRIHSBERGA, State Employment Service Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  4. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 2. The EU experts: Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, Former advisor to the DATAR, French State Civil Servant, PAA Patrick NODDINGS, CNFPT, French Self-Government Civil Servant Catherine GUILLEMANT, Basse-Normandie Regional Council, French Self-Government Civil Servant Alf VANAGS, BICEPS, British Economist Carsten OLSEN, Danish bi-lateral long term advisor to Ministry of Welfare on ESF Ron MOYS, Kent Council, UK Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  5. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 1. The Single Programming Document (SPD) A long inter-ministerial Process The methodology adopted The Principles, notably Partnership The Content The Strategy The Priorities Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  6. Drafting the SPD: a long inter-ministerial Process • According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of 5th February 2002 the Ministry of Finance is the Managing Authority and Paying Authority for the EU Structural Funds in Latvia. • The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the co-ordination of the SPD and Program Complement drafting process. • The SPD is based on the NDP and the National Development Plan Management Group was an interministerial co-ordinating body. • The drafting was organised according to the methodology laid out in the Guidelines approved by the National Development Plan Management Group on the 25 of March 2002. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  7. Drafting the SPD: Methodology (1)Basic Reference Documents for Drafting the SPD • Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of June 1999 laying down general Provisions on the Structural Funds: the “Bible” • Working Paper No1 Vademecum for Structural Funds Plans and Programming Documents and other Commission Working Papers • Community Strategies (for ex. Göteborg and Lisbon Strategies) • National Development Plan (end of 2001) and EC Comments on the National Development Plan (Beginning 2002) • Other National Policy Documents (Long Term Economic Strategy and sector strategies (SME, transport, environment etc)) • Two important Latvian Laws on Regional Policy: on Regional Development (creation of the 5 Planning Regions) and Spatial Planning (NDP, RDP, District and municipalities DP). Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  8. Drafting the SPD: Methodology (2)the Principles (1) • Partnership principle — in the preparation of the SPD co-operation and regular information exchanges must be ensured between the State institutions, the 5 Planning Regions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social partners, including enterprises, as well as the international institutions involved; • Transparency principle — the process of elaboration of the SPD must be transparent and any member of society must be provided with information on the process and possibility to participate (cf. Internet publicity of 1st draft SPD in September 2002) • Coherence principle – The analysis, priorities and measures of the SPD must be based on the existing policy planning documents both at EU, national and regional levels; Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  9. Drafting the SPD: Methodology (3)Principles (2) • Competence or subsidiarity principle – The elaboration of the separate parts of the SPD must be delegated to the institution that is most competent in the field of the part in question concerns and is able to contribute to raising the overall quality of the document; • Sustainability principle — The SPD must target to provide qualitative environment, balanced economic development, rational use of natural, physical and human resources and preserved natural and cultural heritage for the generations to come; • Relevance of information – Only the most relevant information must be included in each of the parts of the SPD, avoiding less important data; Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  10. Drafting the SPD: Methodology (4)Principles (3) • Quantification principle –Wherever it is possible, the information provided must be quantified and compared to the EU average indicators, using statistical (also Eurostat) data; the data provided must be of a regional dimension if deemed necessary; • Eligibility principle – In the elaboration of the SPD only the objectives, priorities and measures relevant to the Structural Funds must be taken into account; • Complementarity or additionality principle – priorities and measures of the SPD must be of additional nature – complementing NOT replacing the priorities and measures under the existing national policy documents; • Co-financing principle – the funding available from the national budget to finance the measures of the SPD must be considered basic financing and the resources of the Structural Funds – co-financing. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  11. Drafting the SPD: Partnership (1)the three Stages of Partnership • 1. Representatives of line ministries and planning regions day-to-day work together drafting the SPD. • 2. Institutions and organizations (including social partners and non-governmental organizations) competent in respective areas are consulted. • 3. Society is informed. • 4. The case of Zemgale Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  12. Draft SPD: Content (1) • 1. Analysis (Regulation 1260, Article 16.1(a)) • 2. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis SWOT (Regulation 1260, Article 16.1(a)) • 3. Strategy(Regulation 1260, Articles 1, 16.1(b) and 19.3(a)) • 4. Priorities(Regulation 1260, Article 16.1(c), 16.3 and 19.3 (b)) • 5. Implementation Provisions(Regulation 1260, Article 19(d), 32, 34 and 38, 39) • 6. Financial Plan(Regulation 1260, Article 16.3 and 19.3(c)) • 7. Partnership(Regulation 1260, Article 15.2 and 16.1(b)) • 8. Publicity(Regulation 1260, Article 46) • 9. Experience Gained from Past Assistance (Regulation 1260) Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  13. Draft SPD: Content (2)Parts under Elaboration for admissibility check • Ex-ante verification of additionality (Regulation 1260, Article 11) • Monitoring Committee (Regulation 1260, Article 19.3(d)iii) • Ex-ante evaluation (Regulation 1260, Article 41) (independent team) • Information on state aids schemes • Time schedule: • 1Oth January 2003, 1st draft sent to EC • 15th January 2003, 1st unofficial comments from EC • 11th February 2003, 1st official comments from EC • 18th March 2003, Approval from Cabinet of Ministers • 19th March 2003, 2nd draft sent to EC • 4 to 6 weeks after, if admissibility check passed, then mandate of negotiation and deadline end of 2003 • As soon as SPD sent to EC work on Program Complement started, 1st draft to be sent mid-May 2003 Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  14. Draft SPD: Content (3) Ex-postEvaluation Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  15. Draft SPD: Content (4)Strategy (1) • Vision – Latvia as a member of the European Union has achieved the level of economic development and welfare of the EU. • Objective – in compliance with the Lisbon Strategy and Latvian Long Term Economic Strategy the objective of Latvia is transition to the knowledge economy. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  16. Draft SPD: Content (5)Strategy (2) • In order to achieve the objective set in the first programming period of 2004-2006 Latvia will use the Structural Funds assistance in order to provide the basis necessary for the transition to the knowledge economy, investing into the human capital development, as well as science, research and improvement of the business environment and infrastructure. • Therefore three strategic axes are defined: • 1. Development of Human Resources • 2. Development of Infrastructure • 3. Business Environment Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  17. Draft SPD: Content (6)Strategy (3) • Horizontal objectives – Coherence with the Policies of the European Communities • Frame of Reference for Human Resource Development (draft HRDP and Training Plan) • Interconnection between the Strategy and Priorities (see table 17 in SPD) • Cohesion Fund • Indicators at Programme Level Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  18. Draft SPD: Content (7)Priorities NB: The exact titles of the following priorities have been made more descriptive and precise in the 2nd draft SPD sent to EC on 19th March 2003 • Priority 1: Promotion of Regional Development (30%) • Priority 2: Promotion of Economic Development (30%) • Priority 3: Development of Human Resources and Promotion of Employment (21%) • Priority 4: Promotion of Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas (15%) • Priority 5: Promotion of Sustainable Fisheries Development (4%) • Priority 6: Technical Assistance (EUR 15 millions) Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  19. The SPD Implementation Provisions and the IT system, the role of the RDAs The implementation Provisionshave been approved on 18th March 2003 by Cabinet of Ministers: Four levels: • MA/PA • Partner Institutions • Intermediate Implementing Bodies • Final beneficiaries The role of the RDAs: • information, advice and help to Final Beneficiaries; • regional co-ordination of Regional and Local stakeholders, • facilitators of Partnership; • interfaces with Intermediate Bodies and Partner Institutions; • Implementation of Regional Development Council decisions; • HR to be developed and trained. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  20. The Funds, Priorities, Measures, Indicators 2. The Funds • ERDF • ESF • EAGGF and FIFG Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  21. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 3. How best to prepare a project for EU Fund co-financing? The methodological context The Principles The EU and Latvian policies Some lessons learnt/Best practices to capitalise on The regional Project ideas Data Base Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  22. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 The methodological context: Aims, Objectives, Goals Activities Outputs / Results Impacts: Cost - Benefit analysis Indicators of achievement Dissemination, best practises and cross-fertilisation Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  23. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 The Principles: Programming Subsidiarity Concentration Additionality Partnership Co-financing Sustainability Transparency Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  24. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 The EU and Latvian policies: 1. EU policies (usually named after EU Council meetings) Employment Environment Equal opportunities Territorial Cohesion 2. Latvian policies Rural Development Plan National Training Plan e-Latvia Laws on Spatial Planning (NDP, RDP and local authorities Plans, all to be co-ordinated) Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

  25. Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAAand DATAR team of EU experts, LE00/IB/OT-01 Twinning with Ministry of FinanceRIGA, 21th March 2003 Some lessons learnt/Best practices to capitalise on: 1. Be prepared! Anticipate the arrival of the Funds by preparing projects able to absorb the money as soon as eligible 2. Belong! Include the concrete projects in the EU (Policies) National 5SPD and PC) and Regional (RDP) global strategies 3. Co-ordinate with partners at all levels, inter-ministerially and between National, Regional and Local levels, discuss, meet, exchange, collaborate etc. 4. Be flexible! In an Objective 1 region, avail yourselves of all opportunities of flexibility to absorb the funds to the full Anne AZAM-PRADEILLES, PAA and DATAR LE00/IB/OT-01 team

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