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Club Contests The Special Events

Club Contests The Special Events. Helen Carothers and Emily Ahern January 2013 Toastmasters Leadership Institute. Agenda. Why Should We Have Club Contests? The Chair The Toastmaster The Chief Judge The Contestants Q & A. Why should we have club contests?.

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Club Contests The Special Events

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Club Contests The Special Events Helen Carothers and Emily Ahern January 2013 Toastmasters Leadership Institute

  2. Agenda • Why Should We Have Club Contests? • The Chair • The Toastmaster • The Chief Judge • The Contestants • Q & A

  3. Why should we haveclub contests? • Practice competitive speaking • Speak before larger audiences • Publicity for your club and Toastmasters • Learning experience • Refinement • Opportunities

  4. The Chair

  5. Choosing A Contest Chair • Biggest responsibility • Professional, organized • Understands contest rules • Experience with Toastmasters contests is an asset but not a requirement

  6. Checklist

  7. Before the Contest • Read the Speech Contest Rules • Marketing – Notify and invite • Download all contest materials • Draft contest agenda • Timing, sequence, roles, duties • Recruit team

  8. Week Before Contest • Confirm all participants • Verify contestant eligibility • Send Contestants Packet to participants • Verify venue including timing equipment • Finalize the agenda • Prepare contest forms, awards, and gifts (include extras) • Final marketing campaign

  9. During the Contest • Do not assign yourself an official role. • Assure that all participants are present, prepared, and briefed. • Make sure that recognition and awards are presented in a ceremony that will make recipients proud

  10. After the Contest • Make sure you have the name and contact information for the winner and runner-up. • Ensure that the Chief Judge notifies the Area Governor of results. • Plan workshop(s) to assist winners prepare for next level. • Act on feedback. • Provide feedback and recognition to the team.

  11. The Toastmaster

  12. The Contest Toastmaster • Choosing a Toastmaster • Tips For Your Contest Toastmaster • 3. The Contestant/Target Speaker Interviews

  13. Choosing A Contest Toastmaster • Personable, yet professional • Neutral • Consistent, Consistent, Consistent • Time/tenure with Toastmasters is not as important as the other factors

  14. Tips For Your Contest Toastmaster • USE NOTECARDS!! • Write phonetic spellings on notecards. • Double check speech titles and write them on notecards. • Respect the minutes of silence.

  15. Tips For Your Contest Toastmaster(continued) • Have a few intro and closing remarks prepared. • Punctuality is a priority! • Smile and HAVE FUN!! • Don’t worry about making mistakes.

  16. The Contestant/Target Speaker Interviews • Look at contestants’ bio forms ahead of time. • If something is written in all capital letters on bio form, they want you to talk about it. • Channel Jay Leno, not Larry King. • Avoid all religious or political questions, even if the contestant talked about them or write them on the bio form.

  17. The Contestant/Target Speaker Interviews • Try to equally balance the number of questions (this can be tricky). • Provide contestants with their certificates of participation after each interview. • If a contestant is double entered, do not interview them after the first contest.

  18. The Chief Judge

  19. The Role of the Chief Judge • Oversees the SAAs, the ballot counters, the judges, and the timers. The chief judge is in charge of briefing all of these roles before the contests. • Assists the Toastmaster with running the contest in a timely manner. • Oversees and monitors the ballot counting process for accuracy. • Destroys the ballots off-site at the conclusion of the contest. • Provides the contest results to the contest chair.

  20. Choosing A Chief Judge • If possible at the club level, choose someone that does not have any deep personal ties to any of the contestants. • You want someone who is completely neutral and will keep judges’ results completely confidential both during and after the contest. • I would pick someone who is very organized. • Someone with more experience/tenure with Toastmasters might be preferred for this role.

  21. The Contestants

  22. Tips for Contestants • HAVE FUN!!! • Fill out your bio form thoroughly – Help the TM out! • If you are in the International Speech contest and have props, make sure a SAA knows where to properly place them before the beginning of your speech. • If you are competing at any level, you cannot be a judge for another contest. • Ensure your dues payments are up to date with TI.

  23. Questions??

  24. Toastmasters International Toastmasters.org>Member Experience Speech Contests Speech Contest Materials Toasmasters.org>OfficerResources>Toastmasters Learning Connection>Speech Contest Module D2 website d2tm.org>Resources>Downloads>Contests Toastmasters WIKi Toastmasters.wikia.com and search on club contests Tools/Resources

  25. Google Search “Toastmasters club contest how to” Contacts Joyce Nugent, D2 Chief Judge - joyce.a.nugent@q.com Emily Ahern - emilyahern8312@yahoo.com Helen Carothers – hmc_tm@hotmail.com Tools/Resources

  26. Google Search “Toastmasters club contest how to” Contacts Joyce Nugent, D2 Chief Judge - Emily Ahern - emilyahern8312@yahoo.com Helen Carothers – hmc_tm@hotmail.com Additional Tools/Resources

  27. Plan and prepare Select the best team you can Have fun!!

  28. Let The Contests Begin!!

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