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Constant Round Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded-Storage Model

Constant Round Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded-Storage Model. Yan Zong Ding Danny Harnik Alon Rosen Ronen Shaltiel. The Bounded Storage Model. Alternative cryptographic setting: “ Mainstream Cryptography ” : Assume parties are time bounded (run in polynomial time).

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Constant Round Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded-Storage Model

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  1. Constant Round Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded-Storage Model Yan Zong Ding Danny Harnik Alon Rosen Ronen Shaltiel

  2. The Bounded Storage Model Alternative cryptographic setting: • “Mainstream Cryptography”: Assume parties are time bounded (run in polynomial time). • This model: Assume parties have bounded storage.

  3. Alice Bob Malicious party Bounded Storage Model - the setting [Maurer 92] • A long random string R is transmitted. • Honest parties store small portions of R. • Parties interact. • Malicious adversary allowed to store almost all of R. • Random string is no longer available. • Bound is only at end of transmit stage. A long random string R of length N A long random string R of length N Stores ¾N bits (Arbitrary function of R)

  4. The bounded storage model • Most of the research so far focused on: • Key agreement [Mau93,CM97]. • Private-key encryption [Mau92,CM97,AR99,ADR02,DR02,DM02,Lu02, Vad03]. • This talk about Oblivious Transfer (OT) • An interesting and very well studied primitive in cryptography, e.g. [Rab81,EGL85,GMW87, Kil88, CK88, Cre88, BM89, BBCS91, Bea96, Cac98, DKS99, NP01 …] • In BSM model: [CCM97, Din01, HCR02]

  5. Alice holds two secrets s0,s1. Bob holds a “choice bit”c. A long string R is transmitted. After OT protocol: Bob gets sc. Bob* doesn’t learn s1-c. Alice* does not learn c. Alice Bob Bob* Alice* OT in the bounded storage model A definition s0,s1 c A long random string R of length N sc

  6. OT in the bounded storage model Previous works Paper Rounds Storage [CCM97]* NΩ(1) N2/3+δ [Ding01]** Ω(log N ∙ log 1/ε) N1/2+δ Here 5 messages N1/2+ δ • Other Improvements: • Exponentially small ε • Can pass longer secrets • Lower communication • Low probability of abort ** Slightly weaker model.

  7. Coming up… • A basic protocol (which requires too much storage). • Use a setup protocol to reduce the storage. • Interactive Hashing.

  8. Alice Bob R0 R1 Use R0 to hide s0 Use R1 to hide s1 High-entropy source Bob* A basic protocol for OT R1 is a high entropy source to me • A long random string R=(R0,R1) is transmitted. • Bob remembers Rc.(½N bits). • Alice remembers all of R. • Idea: Use R0 and R1to hide secrets. • Bob can recover sc. • Malicious Bob doesn’t know both R0 and R1. • Has entropy about one of the secrets. • Method: Use Randomness Extractors. “There must be an extractor here!” s0,s1 c Stores ¾N bits

  9. Extract randomness from distributions which contain sufficient (min)-entropy. Use a short seed of truly random bits. Output is (close to) uniform even when the adversary knows the seed. Relation to BSM pointed out by [CM97,Lu02,Vad03]. Extractor seed random output Randomness Extractors [NZ93] high entropy distribution

  10. Extractor Extractor Y1 Y0 Alice R0 R1 Z0 Z1 Use R0 to hide s0 Use R1 to hide s1 High-entropy source Bob* A basic protocol for OT Can’t learn both secrets • Malicious Bob doesn’t know both R0 and R1. • Has entropy about one of the secrets. • Method: Use Randomness Extractors. • Alice sends random seeds Y0,Y1for extractor. • Secrets masked by outputs of extractor. s0,s1 c s0 s1 Uniform from Bob*’s point of view.

  11. Alice Bob Basic Protocol – Too much storage Solution – use setup protocol • After R is transmitted. The parties store small subsets and engage in a setup protocol. • Setup protocol: parties agree on short (NΩ(1)) substrings R0,R1 s.t. • Functionality: • Alice knows R0,R1. • Bob knows Rc. • Security • Bob* has a lot of entropy on R1-c. • Alice* does not know c. • Run Basic protocol on R0,R1. A long random string R of length N R0 R1 Basic Protocol

  12. Alice Bob Position of her set Basic idea for setup protocol: Follow key-agreement [CM97] • Alice and Bob store random subsets of R. • Alice sends the position of her set. • W is the positions of the intersecting subset. Known only to Bob. • Agree on two sets R0,R1 • Both are in Alice’s set. • Rc= W • Bob has high-entropy about R1-c. • Alice doesn’t learn c A long random string R of length N W Stores N½ Stores N½ R1 R0 “Agree on two sets R0,R1“ Called Interactive Hashing.

  13. Basic protocol for OT, but requires a lot of storage. Run a setup protocol to reduce the storage. A component in this protocol is an “interactive hashing” protocol. Alice Bob The story so far: A summary of the OT protocol s0,s1 c A long random string R of length N Setup Protocol Basic Protocol Interactive hashing Extractors

  14. Sources of improvements • Previous constructions can be viewed as complicated versions of this outline. • Using modern Extractors (and Samplers) improves most parameters (e.g. storage, communication, output length). • Does not get a constant number of rounds - Bottleneck is the interactive hashing protocol. • [CCM97] use the protocol from [NOVY92] which takes linearly many rounds. • We present a new 4-round Interactive hashing protocol using almost t-wise independent permutations. Note: The new protocol only applies to the information theoretic setting

  15. Bob holds an input W. At the end of the protocol both parties agree on R0,R1 s.t. Honest Bob: W=Rc R1-c is uniform in Alice’s set. Alice does not know c. Malicious Bob: Cannot know both strings, has high-entropy about one of the strings. Alice Bob Interactive Hashing W R0,R1 Note: This has got nothing to do with the bounded storage model. Such a protocol exists for unbounded parties.

  16. Let H be a family of 2-to-1 pair-wise ind. hash functions h:{0,1}n{0,1}n-1. Alice sends a random hash function h. Bob sends h(W). The two pre-images of h(W) are R0,R1. hR H Alice Bob h(W) Bob* A naïve implementation of Interactive Hashing choose W after I see h W One is W the other uniformly distributed (because of pair-wise independence). But Bob may choose Wafter he sees h!

  17. Send h gradually ! Alice sends “portions” of her hash function in exchange to “portions” of Bob replies. Consider W as an n bit vector. h is an n-1xn matrix A with full rank and h(w) = Aw. Send a row of A at each round (instead of all at once). Requires n-1 rounds. Alice n Bob A n-1 Interactive Hashing in [CCM97]: The NOVY-protocol W A1 A2 A3 Aw

  18. h = g ◦ P P is an almost t-wise ind. Permutation on n bits (e.g. [Gow]). g is a 2-to-1 pair-wise ind. hash on 1/4n bits. Alice sends P to Bob who replies with P(w)1…3/4n . Alice sends g to Bob who replies with g(P(w)3/4n…n). Requires 4 messages. W W Alice Bob This Paper: 4 Message Interactive Hashing P P g g h(w)

  19. Main result: A constant round protocol for OT in the bounded storage model. Contributions: Simplifying and improving the previous protocols using randomness extractors. A new constant round protocol for interactive hashing. Alice Bob Wrapping up s0,s1 c A long random string R of length N Setup Protocol Basic Protocol Interactive hashing Extractors

  20. Further Issues • We also came up with a 3-message protocol. • N½ is a lower bound on storage [DM04]. • Open Questions: • Can we mix the bounded storage model and standard cryptography? • How do protocols compose in the bounded storage model? • Can our new constant round Interactive-Hashing protocol replace NOVY in computational applications.

  21. Thank You

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