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Learn about Karagwe Environmental Conservation Project's implemented activities, challenges faced, and future plans for environmental preservation in Karagwe and Kyerwa districts.
1.0 INTRODUCTION • Karagwe Environmental Project (KEC) was established in late 1990s. • The main objective was to preserve the God’s creation. • It is operating in Karagwe and Kyerwagovt administrative districts and in 6 church district • The project is funded by the Church of Sweden (COS)
2. IMPLEMNTED ACTIVITIES • Since the project was introduced in Karagwe and Kyerwa district (in six church districts) : -The following activities were implemented • Aforestationactivities • These activities aimed at replanting trees in these area affected by tree cutting for fire woods and building activities • The project is running 4 tree nurseries with capacity of producing 100000 seedlings each. • From 2012 to 2015, 1,200,000(exotic& indigenous) tree seedlings were raised and distributed to farmers
Implemented activities cont…. One of the project tree nurseries at Kifora nature reserve
Implemented activities cont.. ii. Seminars on environmental awareness • Environmental conservation awareness was created through seminars to farmers, church members , institution, and individuals • The best environmental and resources utilization practices are always introduced during trainings • From 2012 to (2015), 45 environmental conservation seminars were conducted to 2940 participants from congregations and participants from different society groups
Implemented activities cont.. • Semina attendants
Implemented activities cont… iii. Beekeeping • Communitymembers are sensistized onhowto conserve the environmental throughbeekeeping. • 200 farmersparticipated in trainings in 2015 • 200 beehiveswereconstructed and were placed tothechurchforests • 2 beekeepersgroupswereformed and given 15 beehiveseach • Anawarenessincerasing and fire cases has minimised
Implemented activities cont.. Beehives at Kifora Nature Reserve
Implemented activities cont.. iv. Maintenance Indigenous tree species and Biodiversity management • The project is conserving biodiversity at Kifora NR with 50 ha • 30 farmerswho are prreservingtheirwoodlots are engagedbytheproject • Flora and fauna species have been increasing since the conservation was started • Bush fire cases have decrease • Awareness among the surrounding community has increased • Fish farming activities are expected to be carried out in the place in near future
V. Energy serving stoves and solar installation • KAD has maintained to emphasize and distribute 250m stoves to households • Solar system was also installed to church buildings(schools, health centers, workers house and vocational centers • The impacts is seen as domestic use of biofuel has reduce
Implemented activities cont.. Installed Solar system at Nkwenda Bible School
Implemented activities vi. Water sources development/ rehabilitation • Through KEC, KAD has maintained to construct 2 water harvesting tanks@100000lt to the area with lack of water • 3 water source were rehabilitated
Implemented activities cont… Rehabilitated Water source at Rushasha- Kyerwa
Implemented activities cont.. 100,000lt at Lukajange
Challenges • High demand from surrounding community • Low financial capacity of project (the project is lacking enough fund /other resource that can meet the target • Climate variability and its effects • Lack of enough support form government • Low community awareness on climate change and other environmental issues • Low income among adjacent community • Emergency of invasive plants species and crop disease like banana wilt disease
Future plan • Increase more extension services to farmers and other stake-holders • Continue work close with government, NGO,s individual and community members in conservation activities. • Invest much time, knowledge and resources on sustainable energy source and technology • Continue with conservation activities to the church and private ‘s lands • Continue working together with donors, church organization , and good wishers in environmental conservation activities