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What Does It Mean When a Cat Stares at You?

Why do cats stare at their owners? After gleaning enough resources, there are no exact answers to this question. However, below are some possible reasons that could be behind your cat's staring.

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What Does It Mean When a Cat Stares at You?

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  1. What Does It Mean When a Cat Stares at You? What Does It Mean When a Cat Stares at You? If you are privileged to share your home with a cat then you might be habitual to being watched. Cats love to stare their owners with their big and round eyes, irrespective of whatever or wherever you are, be it cooking food in the kitchen, doing work on a laptop, sleeping on your bed etc. Why do cats stare their owners? After gleaning enough resources, there are no exact answers to this question. However, below are some possible reasons that could be behind your cat's staring:

  2. Need something: Due to language barrier, cats can't directly communicate with us . Unlike your kids they can't tap on your shoulder and say that they are starving. The most basic reason why your cat stares at you is that she wants something from you. Therefore, when your cat keeps staring at you for hours, put some food in her dish. If she doesn't eat the food, check her litter box, as cats are very particular about their hygiene. Furthermore, sometimes they do it when they want to spend time with them. Since there is no exact reason behind your cat's starring, so you need to do little detective work to figure out the actual reason. Once you placate her, she will stop staring at you.

  3. Curiosity: You might have heard the saying “curious like a cat”. Curiosity is one of the reasons behind their staring, as they are eminent for their inquisitive nature. For cats their owners are the world's most interesting thing. They want to keep an eye on you. Because of curiosity cats follow you in the bathroom and also hate closed doors. Sleeping: As we all know that cats sleep a lot but some cats sleep with their eyes not completely closed. It appears that they might be looking at you but in reality they are taking a quick cat nap. Injury: Sometimes, due to ocular injury in cats, it appears that she is looking at you. It occurs due to high blood pressure. The next question which comes in your mind is – how to figure out whether the staring is normal or due to a medical problem. Here's the answer, if your cat is looking at you and has dilated pupils, pay a visit to your vet and check her blood pressure.

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