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The Portrait of a Lady

The Portrait of a Lady. Given by 沈琪琪 齐丽丽 张晓飞 雷鑫 杜茂丽. About the author The Portrait of the Lady A study of Henry James. technique contribution shortages. Henry James(1843-1916). Life experience

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The Portrait of a Lady

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  1. The Portrait of a Lady Given by 沈琪琪 齐丽丽 张晓飞 雷鑫 杜茂丽

  2. About the author The Portrait of the Lady A study of Henry James technique contribution shortages

  3. Henry James(1843-1916) Life experience 1.was born in a wealthy cultured family of New England father: philosopher and reformer brother: philosopher and psychologist 2.was educated by tutors until 1855, 12 years old 3.traveled England and France

  4. 4.1858, returned to America, met Howells 5.1862,entered the Harvard Law School 6.After 1866,traveled between Europe and America 7.never married 8.1915,became a British citizen 9.1916,died

  5. Three periods of his creative life • The first period(1865-1882)--------- "international theme" novels The American《美国人》 Daisy Miller《戴茜 米勒》 Roderick Hudson(罗德里克 赫德森 ) The Portrait of a Lady

  6. The second period(1882-1895)------"inter-personal relationships" Works: • The Tragic Muse 《悲惨的缪斯》 • The Bostonians《波士顿人》 • The Princess Casamassima 《卡萨玛西公主》 1890, play writing failed 1895, returned to novel

  7. The third period(1895-1916)-----------return to"international theme" • The Turn of the Screw《螺丝在拧紧》 • What Maisie Knew《梅西所知道的》 • The Ambassadors《奉使记》 • The Wings of the Dove《鸽翼》 • The Golden Bowl《金碗》 • The Ivory Tower 《象牙塔》 • The Sense of the Past 《过去的感觉》

  8. A Productive Writer • Writing refers to novels , travel papers,critical essays, literary portraits,plays, autobiographies, and a series of critical prefaces on the art of fiction... • Founder of psychological realism

  9. Ralph Touchett.couple Lord Warburton friend son love love aunt and uncle Isabel Archer Gaspar Goodwood married love Gilbert Osmond Meet in England lovers Madame Merle daughter Pancy

  10. summary • 伊莎贝尔·阿切尔,一位美国少女,父母双亡后,被她富有的姨母带到英国。在那,先后拒绝了英国贵族沃伯顿和美国富商戈德伍德的求婚。她的表兄拉尔夫也爱上她,但他知道自己患不治之症无法结婚,便说服父亲把一笔巨额遗产留给表妹。 • 伊莎贝尔又结识了梅尔夫人,对这位已彻底欧洲化了的美国女人十分倾倒。姨父死后,伊莎贝尔得到遗产去意大利游历。进入梅尔夫人布下的圈套。梅尔夫人介绍她认识了长期侨居意大利的美国人奥斯蒙德,外表儒雅斯文。伊莎贝尔为之动心;他的女儿帕茜,也引起她的爱怜。她不顾亲戚朋友的警告和反对,自作主张下嫁于他。 • 婚后她发现自己受骗,奥斯蒙德是平庸卑鄙的小人。她还发现梅尔夫人是奥斯蒙德的情妇,帕茜是他们的私生女。痛苦中,她强作欢颜,对外人隐瞒了婚姻的不幸。表兄拉尔夫在英国病危,伊莎贝尔不顾丈夫的反对赶去看他。拉尔夫死后,伊莎贝尔出乎众人的预料,又回到罗马。

  11. themes • independence • identity • contrasting regions • women and femininity • possession • pride • wealth • love • lies and deceit

  12. theme of indenpendence • In this novel,Isabel Archer is totally indenpendent after getting the fortune but it is theindenpendence that make her have so many self-judgement and ignore other‘s advice. Unrestricted independence dangerous

  13. The theme of wealth Independence,happiness,attraction Danger,desire,tragedy Having money is nice ,but it comes with a lot of baggage

  14. The theme of love Four kinds of love • Ralph and Isabel Archer • Lord Warburton and Isabel Archer • Gaspar Goodwood and Isabel Archer • Gaspar Goodwood and Madame Merle

  15. Isabel Archer character analysis • She is a lot of contradictions. • She is real. • Personalities

  16. She is both easy to describe and hard to figure out,relatable and remote,profoundly human and inhuman. • Loving and hating Isabel Archer

  17. She is a little bit similar to how you see yourself and a little of how you want to be seen

  18. lovable tough kind glorious fragile pitiful intelligent naive brave Over-independent responsible Over-individual

  19. tragic marriage reasons • personality reason:over-clever , over-confident, over-indenpendent, full of illusion and naivety • times reason;new American culture vs ancient European culture • individual subjective liminations:self-judgement ignore other's advice

  20. 淑女本色 The Portrait of a Lady was turned into a film in 1996

  21. International Theme • The meeting of America and Europe • American innocence in contact and contrast with European decadence, and its moral and psychological complications.

  22. Techniques • point of view • psychological description • stream-of-consciousness • contrast • dramatic writing • center on women

  23. point of view • It is at the center of his aesthetic of the novel.To correspond to life the author should avoid artificial omniscience as much as possible.(他非常关注小说的 美学视角,为了与生活相符作家应尽量避免不真实的完美) • That is illumination of the situation and characters through one or several minds.(通过一个或几个人物来介绍故事情节和 所有人物)

  24. features of writing 不确定意识 • 1.人物性格的模糊性:没有截然的好人和坏人,任何正面人物都有致命的弱点,任何反面人物也都有可以理解同情和原谅的地方. • 2.叙述角度的多元化:没有传统小说中的全知全能的叙述者. • 3.开放性的结尾:没有传统小说中的道德说教和大团圆结局,而是多种可能的猜测.

  25. contributions • Art of Fiction:对文学评论有突出的贡献,他认为“小说的目的就是为了表现生活,现实性是小说的最高标准”,让小说理论跨入了一个新的台阶。 • 首次运用意识流的写作方法,被西方文坛奉为意识流文学鼻祖。 • 运用“心理现实”的艺术技巧,从而开创了“心理现实主义”的文学领域。

  26. shortages • 阶级局限性,多是描写资产阶级上层社会,缺失普通劳动者的气息。 • 创作局限于资产阶级人文主义,涉及道德,教养和情操,缺乏对整个社会的剖析。 • 作品中的女主人公不是同社会恶势力作斗争的强者.

  27. Thank you!

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