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具体案例 : 长沙某家电卖场的理货员小李新婚不久,经过同事的介绍,通过捷信申请了分期付款,顺利的给新家添置了冰箱和洗衣机。

顾客 : 小李 职业 : 家电卖场理货员 月收入 : 2300 元 贷款目的 : 为新家配备家电 购买商品 : 冰箱和洗衣机 还款周期 : 12 个月 每月还款额 : 215 元. 具体案例 : 长沙某家电卖场的理货员小李新婚不久,经过同事的介绍,通过捷信申请了分期付款,顺利的给新家添置了冰箱和洗衣机。 在申请分期付款服务时,捷信的工作人员详细了解小李的收入情况和偿还能力, 建议他选择如下的贷款方案:申请 12 个月的分期付款,每个月只需还款 215 元 钱 ,该方案保证了小李有能力按时偿还贷款,并不会为他的日常生活带来过大压力。

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具体案例 : 长沙某家电卖场的理货员小李新婚不久,经过同事的介绍,通过捷信申请了分期付款,顺利的给新家添置了冰箱和洗衣机。

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  1. 顾客:小李 • 职业:家电卖场理货员 • 月收入: 2300元 • 贷款目的:为新家配备家电 • 购买商品:冰箱和洗衣机 • 还款周期: 12个月 • 每月还款额: 215元 具体案例: 长沙某家电卖场的理货员小李新婚不久,经过同事的介绍,通过捷信申请了分期付款,顺利的给新家添置了冰箱和洗衣机。 在申请分期付款服务时,捷信的工作人员详细了解小李的收入情况和偿还能力, 建议他选择如下的贷款方案:申请12个月的分期付款,每个月只需还款215元钱,该方案保证了小李有能力按时偿还贷款,并不会为他的日常生活带来过大压力。 同时,捷信的工作人员为小李说明了贷款方案的细节,特别是月供额度、还款细节与分期付款需要支付的相关费用等。工作人员还鼓励小李需要先跟妻子商量确定贷款的额度。小李随后与妻子一起拨打了捷信中国的客服电话,再次问清还款细节与分期付款需要支付的相关费用。 在签订合同当日,工作人员将合同里的条款逐一向小李解释,并提供了一份关于每月还款额、还款时间、还款方式等事项的说明材料,并告知如果有不明白的可以通过拨打捷信的咨询电话,由专业的客服人员为其答疑解惑。 • 小李的使用心得 • 在选择商品和贷款方案时,听取专业人员的建议很重要,避免过度负债; • 签合同之前,要明确还款额,对于合同的细节有充分的了解; • 考虑自己的经济能力,和家人商量,量力而为,避免未来给家庭生活带来压力或者造成困难; • 每月215元的还款额,平均分摊到每天相当于一天里还约7元,不到一包香烟的价钱。这个费用让我更好的安排开支,不动用家庭积蓄的前提下,一次性购置了心仪的两部家电,方便实惠。

  2. Costumer: Mr Li • Occupation: Tally clerk at an electrical appliances shop • MonthlyIncome: RMB2300 • Purpose of Loan: Purchasing electrical appliances • Purchase goods: Fridge and wash machine • Repayment period : 12months • Monthly repayment: RMB 215 Case Study: Mr Li is a tally clerk at an electrical appliances store in Changsha and recently married. He chose Home Credit China to apply installment service to buy a fridge and a wash machine for his new house. The sales agent carefully asked Mr. Li about his income and repayment capacity. Then he suggested Mr. Li the plan that taking a 12-month loan and paying 215 yuan per month. This plan enabled Mr. Li to make repayments on time every month and didn’t put too much pressure on his daily life. At the same time, the agent clearly explained the details of the lending service to Mr. Li , the amount of monthly payment, payment details, fees associated with payment-by-installment. He also suggested Mr. Li to discuss the debt with his wife. Mr. Li and his wife then dialed the customer service hotline of HCC to consult about the monthly repayment and details payment-by-installment fees. When Mr. Li signed the agreement, the sales agent of Home Credit explained the content of agreement to the couple, and also gave Mr. Li a brochure to take home, which included a detailed explanation of the monthly payment, payment date, payment considerations and other matters. He told Mr. Li to call the customer service number if he had any doubts or concerns. • Mr. Li’s consumer experiences: • It’s important to accept advise from professional persons, being far away from over debt. • I made sure that I was clear about the monthly repayment, and that I understood the important details before signing the contract. • I carefully considered my monthly budget and how much I could afford to repay and also discuss with family members to avoid difficulties or pressures on the family budget in the future. • My monthly repayment is  RMB 215, which means I pay approx .RMB 7 a day – less than a packet of cigarettes, allowing me to better budget my spending without using up savings and buy two appliance at one time.

  3. 顾客:小田 • 职业:农民 • 月收入: 3500元 • 贷款目的:购置货车改进送货服务 • 购买商品:小货车 • 还款周期: 24个月 • 每月还款额: 1740元 具体案例: 家住湖北宜昌郊区经营果蔬配送的农民小田,通过捷信申请到消费贷款,购置小货车,提升了送货安全性和效率,给家里增加了收入。 小田起初相中一款外资品牌新型小货车,但一次性付款实在吃不消。捷信的工作人员详细了解了小田的贷款目的、收入情况和偿还能力之后,建议他购置更为经济实惠的国产小货车,价格便宜了2万多块,并选择如下分期付款方案:办理24个月的分期付款,每个月只需还款1740元。 尽管这不是小田最初打算购买的货车,但小田承认,这个方案更加实际,不会给他的业务带来太大的经济压力。该方案使小田每月能按时偿还贷款,从而避免还款逾期或者拖欠还款情况的出现。 在签订合同前,小田让工作人员给他解释了自己不理解的协议条款,因为他不想在没有充分理解条款的情况下就签订合同。工作人员告知小田,如果有不明白的或者遇到了经济困难可以拨打捷信咨询电话,这让小田感到很放心。 • 小田的使用心得 • 我很高兴自己最终没有选择购买一辆新款卡车。我确实不需要那些高科技的配备。这两者之间的月供有很大的区别,现在我不仅可以买到车,同时每月还款也没有什么压力。 • 签合同的时候,一定要有问题就向工作人员问清楚,或者拨打客服电话咨询,千万不要对某个条款一知半解。 • 每月1740元的还款额,平均分摊到每天不到60元。我用小货车送货,家里的收入增加了不少,1年多就还清了余款。

  4. Costumer: Mr. Tian • Occupation: Farmer • MonthlyIncome: RMB 3500 • Purpose of Loan: Buy new truck to improve goods delivery business • Purchase goods: Small truck • Repayment period : 24 months • Monthly repayment: RMB 1,740 Case Study: Mr. Tian is a self-employed farmer running fruit and vegetable delivery service in the suburbs of Yichang city in Hubei province. He chose Home Credit China to apply installment to buy a new truck to improve his goods delivery business safely and cost-effectively in order to increase the income of his family. In the beginning, Mr. Tian intended to buy a latest foreign brand truck, but he could not afford to make lump-sum payment. The sales agent of Home Credit China carefully asked Mr. Tian about his needs, income and repayment capacity, and then recommended a more cost-effective domestic truck and a 24-month loan with monthly payment of 1,740 yuan to him. Although it was not the truck Mr. Tian had originally wanted, he acknowledged that it was a more realistic option that would put less financial strain on his business. This plan enabled Mr. Tian to make repayments on time every month, avoiding any deferred payment charges and potential defaults or situations where he might get into arrears with his payments. Before signing the agreement, Mr. Tian asked the sales agent to explain some terms of the agreement he did not understand, as he did not want to sign a contract without understanding it. He was also reassured when the agent pointed his attention to the HCC customer help number in case they later had any doubts or concerns or got into financial difficulty. • Mr. Tian’s consumer experiences: • I was glad that I decided to go for a less state-of-the-art truck in the end. I do not need so much hi-tech equipment. It really made a difference to the monthly repayments and meant that I could purchase it and make the monthly payments without any concerns or stress. • Before signing the contract, if any question, it’s better to ask sale agent or call customer service hotline to make it clear. • My monthly repayment is  RMB 1,740, which means I pay less than RMB 60 a day. I have subsequently been able to increase my family income with the new machine and was able to pay off the loan just over one year later.

  5. 顾客:小韩 • 职业:建筑公司的保安 • 月收入: 2000元 • 贷款目的:减轻母亲家务负担 • 购买商品:洗衣机 • 还款周期: 9个月 • 每月还款额: 123元 具体案例: 在某建筑公司做保安的小韩,经老乡介绍通过捷信申请了消费贷款服务,给老家添置了洗衣机,这样母亲就不用冬天在冷水里手洗衣服了。 在办理消费贷款时,捷信的工作人员详细了解小韩的购物需求、收入情况和偿还能力, 建议他选择如下的贷款方案:办理9个月的分期付款,每个月只需还款123元钱。 该方案保证了小韩在还款过程中不会出现手头拮据和经济压力过大的状况。同时,捷信的工作人员为小李说明了贷款方案的细节,特别是月供额度、还款细节与延期付款需要支付的相关费用等。小韩仔细阅读了合同条款,并且拨打了捷信中国的客服电话,问清楚自己的所有疑问,在确定没有太多顾虑后才在合同上签字。 工作人员还送给小韩一张捷信中国专门为客户准备的资料, 里面有关于还款金额、还款日期、还款方式和风险提示等事项的详细解释。小韩如果有不明白的可以随时拨打卡片上的咨询电话。 • 小韩的使用心得 • 我自己核算了每个月自己的收支情况,以及我可以承受的月供数额, 这样就不会对之后的生活带来困难或压力。 • 签合同之前,我对月还款额有了清晰的了解,同时对合同也有充分的认知,理解了分期付款的概念。我不想在搞不清状况的情况下贸然贷款。 • 每月123元的还款额,平均分摊到每天也就4元,比我每天的手机话费还少,还款没什么压力,方便实惠。

  6. 顾客:许先生 • 职业:物流公司员工 • 月收入: 4000元 • 贷款目的:赚取外快,贴补家用 • 购买商品:摩托车 • 还款周期: 12个月 • 每月还款额: 463元 具体案例: 在济南一家物流公司上班的许先生,考虑自己周末空闲时间较多,想赚点外快补贴一下家里,他打算购买摩托车周末兼职做送货员。 在朋友的推荐下,许先生向捷信中国的合作商户咨询了分期付款购买摩托车的业务,并表示他看中了一辆价值7000元的摩托车,希望能尽快还上款,担心分期期数越久自己承担的经济压力就重。但捷信的工作人员却推荐了一种分期12个月,月供463元的套餐。这是因为在初步评估了他的经济状况后,工作人员认为在许先生现有的收入水平下,他选择的方案有可能会影响全家人的生活质量。这有悖于捷信的服务宗旨--通过可负担得起的、便利的分期付款服务改善客户的生活。 在了解了这些之后,许先生向工作人员提交了身份证明和公司开具的收入证明,不久就等到审批通过的信息。接着,工作人员带着他仔细地读了一遍合同,讲解了他不理解的金融词汇,并重点强调了月还款额、还款方式等细节。 现在,许先生开着摩托车上班,不但节省体力,下班时搭载同路的工友,还可以分摊油费,节省了不少开支。同时到了周末,许先生还骑着摩托车兼职做快递员送货,收入也增加了。 • 许先生的使用心得: • 购买摩托车做了半年兼职,每个月能多挣1000元,没有动用家里的积蓄,就用挣来的钱还款也没有压力。 • 捷信的工作人员会仔细了解你的需求,分析你的还款能力,给出合理的推荐,帮助我们这些容易冲动的人避免了过度消费的麻烦。 • 捷信每月还会提前发还款通知短信,也提醒我们要做好每月的生活预算,帮我们更好的理财。

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