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ESMF Application Status

ESMF Application Status. NCAR/LANL CCSM. Climate. GFDL FMS Suite. Data Assimilation. NCEP/GMAO Analysis. GMAO Seasonal Forecast. MITgcm. Weather. Arlindo da Silva ESMF Interagency Working Group Meeting. NCEP Forecast. Modeling Codes. Data Assimilation Codes.

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ESMF Application Status

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ESMF Application Status NCAR/LANL CCSM Climate GFDL FMS Suite Data Assimilation NCEP/GMAO Analysis GMAO Seasonal Forecast MITgcm Weather Arlindo da Silva ESMF Interagency Working Group Meeting NCEP Forecast

  2. Modeling Codes

  3. Data Assimilation Codes

  4. ESMF Interoperability Demonstrations

  5. Interoperability Experiment Legend • Base version of both codes in experiment selected, and configuration decided upon (e.g. target platform, one/two way coupling, fields sent, duration). • Both codes run standalone as ESMF components, using component constructs but not necessarily creating valid states. • Fields that will be in import/export states of both codes match up with each other. • Both codes create valid ESMF import/export states, including fields with ESMF grids. • Draft coupler is written and full system with codes, stub coupler, and ESMF can be linked and run on target platform. • One field is transferred in some manner in one direction through the coupler. • ESMF regridding is used if needed. • All fields active in the experiment are correctly transferred and the experiment verified by outside source.

  6. Interoperability Experiment Status

  7. ESMF Adoption Legend Infrastructure (i = 1…6) Number indicates how many ESMF utilities are being used internal to the code. Superstructure (i=1…8) • Base version of code selected, and configuration decided on (includes version, target platform, validation criteria). • User component is restructured in an ESMF manner, but may not use ESMF software. • User component builds valid states and presents standard ESMF interfaces. • All gridded components run as ESMF stand-alone components - complete for non-coupled applications. • A system with all components and stub coupler(s) links and runs, even though the coupler may not do anything, or may not use ESMF regridding. • One field is transferred in some manner through the coupled system. • ESMF regridding is used if needed. • All active fields are correctly transferred, and experiment is verified by outside source.

  8. ESMF Adoption Status

  9. Specific Applications in first three demonstrations Sources are available over the web through ESMF site. • Each demonstrates how ESMF solves the technical aspects of software interoperability, not the science of building and coupling systems

  10. NCAR Climate Model meetsNCEP Data Assimilation • NCAR Finite-volume Community Atmospheric Model (fvCAM) • Finite-volume Dynamical Core developed at NASA/GSFC by S.-J. Lin • Latest NCAR Physics packages • NCEP Spectral Statistical Interpolation (SSI) System • Assimilates a wealth of conventional and satellite data • Demo utilizes same observational stream used operationally at NCEP • For this Demo, we have developed both fvCAM and SSI as ESMF Grid Components and coupled them using ESMF services. • This is the first time a state-of-the-art data assimilation system in coupled to the CAM ESMF COUPLER COMPONENT NCEP SSI NCAR fvCAM ESMF GRIDDED COMPONENT ESMF GRIDDED COMPONENT

  11. fvCAM/SSI: Sea Level Pressure

  12. MITgcm – CAM Interoperability In this experiment CAM is configured with 2 degree latitudinal resolution and 2.5 degree longitudinal resolution, resulting in a computational grid that is 144x90 grid points in the horizontal. The MITgcm ocean configuration uses 2.8125 degree resolution both zonally and meridionally. Both configurations execute domain decomposed into sixteen latitude circles, but at different resolutions. The experiment runs on 16 cpu’s and an ESMF coupler component using parallel ESMF_Regrid is used to map between them. Demonstration is done passing SST from ocean to atmosphere. MITgcm NCAR fvCAM ESMF COUPLER COMPONENT MITgcm ENCAPSULATED AS ESMF GRIDDED COMPONENT NCAR fvCAM ENCAPSULATED AS ESMF GRIDDED COMPONENT

  13. GFDL Atm – MITgcm Interoperability In this experiment the atmosphere-land-ice composite component is configured with 2 degree latitudinal resolution and 2.5 degree longitudinal resolution, resulting in a computational grid that is 144x90 grid points in the horizontal. The MITgcm ocean configuration uses 2.8125 degree resolution both zonally and meridionally. The MITgcm configurations executes domain decomposed into thirty latitude circles. The atmosphere component executes decomposed into thirty longitude bands. Demonstration is done passing SST from ocean to atmosphere on 30 CPU’s. In this experiment the parallel regrid must map from latitude circle decomposition to longitude band decomposition. MITgcm Ocean GFDL atmosphere-land-seaice (ALS) composite ESMF COUPLER COMPONENT MITgcm ENCAPSULATED AS ESMF GRIDDED COMPONENT GFDL ALS

  14. Timeline and Status

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