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III. Holocaust

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III. Holocaust

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    1. III. Holocaust

    3. The Hitler Youth To foster feelings of radical emotionalism and unison among the young of Germany, the Nazis used the Hitler Youth to mold its children from ages 10-18. Though it began in the 1920s, the dynamic of the organization had changed greatly when Hitler gained power. Images (left, top-right, bottom-right) [Youth Serves the Fuhrer], [Hitler Youth] [The Mindset of the Hitler Jugend]To foster feelings of radical emotionalism and unison among the young of Germany, the Nazis used the Hitler Youth to mold its children from ages 10-18. Though it began in the 1920s, the dynamic of the organization had changed greatly when Hitler gained power. Images (left, top-right, bottom-right) [Youth Serves the Fuhrer], [Hitler Youth] [The Mindset of the Hitler Jugend]

    4. A. Holocaust Begins Holocaust – Systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups judged inferior by the Nazis Hitler used Jews as scapegoats for all European problems Nuremberg Laws (1935) – Laws stating that Jews could not be German citizens and defined who was a Jew

    6. Hitler used the Nuremberg Laws as his first attempt to preserve his idea of a “Master Race” Social Darwinism – “Survival of the fittest” Hitler used these beliefs to argue that inferior people needed to be eliminated because he claimed that they were polluting the superior race

    7. Primary Source – November 16, 1941 The Jews are receiving a penalty that is certainly hard, but more than deserved. World Jewry erred in adding up the forces available to it for this war, and now is gradually experiencing the destruction that it planned for us, and would have carried out without a second thought if it had possessed the ability. It is perishing according its own law: ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.’ - Joseph Goebbels

    8. Synagogues were used as storage warehouses.

    9. Depiction of Jewish Man Circa 1930

    13. Hitler’s War on the Jews

    15. Kristallnacht – “Night of Broken Glass” – Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues - Use assassination of Rath as an excuse 1939 – Millions of Jews tried to escape by leaving Germany

    16. “Night of the Broken Glass”

    18. At first Hitler thought that emigration of Jews would end his “Jewish problem” Most major countries closed their doors and did not allow Jews to enter their country

    19. B. Isolating the Jews When emigration failed Hitler ordered all Jews to move to certain towns Ghettos – Segregated Jewish areas Hoped that the Jews would die from starvation or disease

    20. Thousands Arrested…

    21. While Others Are Rounded Up…

    22. All Jews would live here, sometimes with three or four families in one apartment

    23. Star of David

    24. Jews were used in forced labor factories to produce for the Nazis.

    25. C. Final Solution Hitler grew impatient because Jews were not dying fast enough Final Solution – The systematical killing all Jews Heinrich Himmler – Head of the SS who developed the “Final Solution” Also called for the killing of Poles, Russians, homosexuals, insane people, and the disabled

    27. Once ghettos would get too full, Jews would be “deported” to other camps.

    28. Most camps are run in the same order…

    29. Once they arrived, they would be separate men from the women and children

    30. Or, they would be separated because they couldn’t work.

    31. These belongings were stored for the Nazis to use.

    32. Prisoners were then shaved (all camps) and tattooed (in most).

    33. Prisoners were then led to shower rooms, which were either really showers or gas chambers made to look like showers.

    35. Final Solution

    36. “We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.” Anne Frank

    37. D. Final Stage Germans sent out death squads Jews not killed by death squads were sent to concentration camps Jews unable to work were killed in huge gas chambers or by machine guns – Germany companies competed to have their gas used for the killing Others were used as slaves forced to work 7 days a week

    39. Auschwitz – Largest extermination camp Crematoriums – Large ovens used to burn the bodies Nazi doctors also conducted experiments on healthy Jews

    43. Results in the death of more than 6 million Jews Over 60% of the world’s Jews were killed during the Holocaust Total death total is around 11 million Just 1 out of every 16 Jewish children in Europe survived the Holocaust

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