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Hemispheric Dominance. A 1996 study showed that learning styles are alike on all continents, with the proportion of left brain to right brain learners being relatively similar. Left-sequential/organized Right-creative/emotional. Western society honors LEFT BRAIN THINKERS.
Hemispheric Dominance • A 1996 study showed that learning styles are alike on all continents, with the proportion of left brain to right brain learners being relatively similar.
Western society honors LEFT BRAIN THINKERS • They follow directions • Do well on tests • Sit still in school • Seem organized • Tend to be good business people • Are generally serious
Eastern society honors RIGHT BRAIN THINKERS • They are creative • They are empathetic • They are spiritual • The Eastern society values this kind of thinking because their focus is not on this world, but the next.
How is dominance formed? • Born with it • Environmental-early exposure • Choices made-what is important to YOU?
Posture and Learning How and where you sit can make a difference!!!
When you sit up straight, you engage the LEFT side of the brain. • The body control needed to sit up straight comes from the left side • In order to learn, you can’t be too comfortable. You need a little discomfort to remain alert for extended periods. • School chairs, then, are exactly what you need to learn!
Comfort engages the RIGHT side of the brain. • Relax • Lean back • Lie down
What does this mean for homework??? • If you are studying for a test, sit up straight…use a chair like a dining room chair • If you need to do something creative, like write an essay, make yourself comfy. Sit in a recliner or beanbag chair. (just don’t fall asleep!! )
Knowing what kinds of activities belong to the left or right brain can help you switch back and forth for optimum performance. • When you get a tool, you have instructions on how to use it. Knowing how to use your brain makes sense.
The Hemispheres compliment each other! • A brain can be half left/half right, predominantly left, or predominantly right. • Left brains learn by hearing. Left brains like lectures! • Right brains need to DO something. • Once they EXPERIENCE the process they will remember it!
Recallat a party… • Left brains will meet 12 people and remember their names the next day • Right brains will NOT remember their names, but will know what they wore, where they were sitting, how their hair was done, and maybe even what they were talking about.
How the different hemispheres approach a project • Left-arrange the steps in order and begin with the first on the list • Right-ricochet method-no obvious order needed, they do the step that comes to mind • Both can get the job done
Neatness • Left- tidy spaces, know where things are • Right-Don’t touch my piles!!! I know where everything is…other rooms may be tidy, but personal space rarely is
Planning • Left-much advance planning • Right-spur of the moment
Testing • Left-memorize well, can memorize facts and dates • Rights-remember images and patterns, can see the picture of a soldier in their mind, can remember details in his uniform, know what season it was, and know there was a date below the picture…just have a terrible time remembering that date!
Impulse Control • Left-more easily control behavior, innate ability to weigh consequences • Right-more impulsive, Not always cognizant of possible consequences
Punctuality • Left-on time or early for everything…they are the first ones in the movie theater • Right-on time for only the most important things.
Gestures • Left-not very animated • Right-lots of hand movements…facial expressions and voice can be expressive and entertaining!
Right Brain Traits • Scan written material quickly and try to figure out what to do without reading details • Learn in visual, audio, and kinesthetic images • Don’t memorize well and need to visualize a picture • Have rapid word associations- which can cause TROUBLE
They do not like to “jump through the hoops” to get something done. • They see the “big picture” easily and steps don’t seem necessary because they already understand what needs to happen. • Often non-judgmental. Because they can see both sides to an issue, they may be seen as wishy-washy…but that is not necessarily true. • Can be too trusting.
Some famous right brained people… • Albert Einstein • Leonardo Davinci • Jonas Saulk
Best time of the day to learn • Morning… • Afternoon… • Evening… • No preference…
Temperature and Learning • If it is too warm or too cold, the brain is in a constant state of distraction. It is constantly seeking a way to improve the condition.