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Looking for a unified TDS / TCS Solution across your Enterprise?

"Enterprise companies have continuously been challenged to keep pace with the ever increasing statutory requirements. TDS & TCS is one such set of compliance"<br>TaxGuru is a platform that provides Updates On Amendments in Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Company Law, Service Tax, RBI, Custom Duty, Corporate Lawu00a0, Goods and Service Tax etc.<br>To know more visit https://taxguru.in/income-tax/unified-tds-tcs-solution-enterprise.html

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Looking for a unified TDS / TCS Solution across your Enterprise?

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  1. LOOKINGFORAUNIFIEDTDS/TCSSOLUTIONACROSS YOURENTERPRISE? AUTHOR:TGTEAM https://taxguru.in/income-tax/unified-tds-tcs-solution-enterprise.html Enterprisecompanieshavecontinuouslybeenchallengedtokeeppacewiththeeverincreasingstatutory requirements.TDS& TCSis onesuch setofcompliances mandatedby theIncome TaxDepartment. Basedonacoupleofrecentsurveys,thekeychallengesfacedbyEnterprisesinorderofrelevancearelisted below: RobustCentralizedComplianceManagementforTDS&TCS SuitableInfrastructuretoHandleLargeDataVolumesatAcceptableSpeeds A Single Platform Available across Multiple Locations and Branches HandlingandCorrecting TDSrelated Defaults& Errors InteractionwithTRACES,NSDLorIncomeTaxandTrackingofallUpdates AutomationRequirementtoOptimizeRepetitiveManualTasks PreparingandHandlingTDS,especiallyonSalaries. These issues have been present for several years and are still a big challenge. Leveraging ‘Cloud Technology’, EnterpriseTDS is an online platform designed to specifically address the prime concerns of growing businesses. Itis a unifiedsolution across multiple locationsand usersofa company. Clickheretowatchtheproductvideo.

  2. EnterpriseTDScanhelpyouinasmartandefficientwayforTDS&TCSrelatedcompliances.Doreachus@ 033-40845500or email info@enterprisetds.com forinquiries.

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