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Session8. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Session Objective. Devise a simple monitoring plan for a PHE activity or project. Monitoring & Evaluation. PHE projects complex Different timeframes Need to demonstrate impact Contribute to data in field. Monitoring & Evaluation.

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  1. Session8 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  2. Session Objective • Devise a simple monitoring plan for a PHE activity or project

  3. Monitoring & Evaluation • PHE projects complex • Different timeframes • Need to demonstrate impact • Contribute to data in field

  4. Monitoring & Evaluation • M&E also builds greater transparency and accountability in use of project resources • Information generated through M&E provide project staff with a clearer basis for decision-making • Future project planning and development is improved when guided by lessons learned from project experience

  5. Relationship Between M&E • M & E are two different management tools that are closely related, interactive and mutually supportive • Through routine tracking of project progress, monitoring can provide quantitative and qualitative data useful for designing and implementing project evaluation exercises • Through the results of periodic evaluations, monitoring tools and strategies can be refined and further developed

  6. Comparison Between M&E Adapted from UNICEF, A UNICEF Guide for Monitoring and Evaluation: Making a Difference? New York, 1991, p.3

  7. Commonalities of M&E • Both monitoring and evaluation must be planned at the program/ project level • Baseline data and appropriate indicators of performance and results must be established

  8. Monitoring • In practice, covers a wide range of activities and requires data collection, but data collection is not synonymous with monitoring • Monitoring also implies analysis and use of the data • Generally, the level that records information should be able to use it • Designing data collection systems with this principle in mind helps improve chances that the data will be collected carefully and put to use.

  9. Planning a Monitoring System • What should be monitored? • Keep information requirements to a bare minimum • Collect info that will be most helpful to those who will use it • How? • Select methods to track indicators/report on progress • Observations, interviews, routine reporting, sentinel sites • Piggyback on existing data collection systems • Both formal/informal and quantitative/qualitative methods • Decide how information will be recorded systematically and reported clearly • Consider the time and skills of those who will collect the data • Pretest new monitoring instruments

  10. Planning a Monitoring System • Who should be involved when? • Clearly identifying who will collect information on indicators, when (frequency) and who will receive it • The monitoring plan should also identify who will be involved in reviewing progress and providing feedback • What resources are needed and available? • The human and financial cost of gathering, reporting and reviewing data should be identified • Needed funding and time should be set aside for this work

  11. Planning a Monitoring System • Consultation and Training • Discuss the monitoring program with a representative group from each level before it is put into effect • Provide training to those who will be using the monitoring systems • Prepare a workplan • for each year • listing the main activities to be carried out, their output, timing and parties involved

  12. Example : IPOPCORM Monitoring Purpose: • Serve as the basis for establishing the project’s information systems • Generate information that will allow project managers to: • track achievement of project outputs (immediate results of project activities) , and • monitor progress towards achievement of objectives and desired outcomes (interim results created by outputs)

  13. Table 1. Plan to monitor achievement of IPOPCORM outputs (immediate results of project activities)

  14. Table 2. Plan to monitor progress toward IPOPCORM objectives and desired outcomes

  15. TASK • Draft a monitoring plan for your project • Make sure that it is tied to your • Conceptual Model • Results Chain Factors • Objectives • Indicators • Interventions/Activities • Use the Worksheet entitled “PHE Monitoring Plan Tool” (see next slide) Time: 60 minutes

  16. PHE Monitoring Plan Tool

  17. How to Use the Tool 1st Column – insert your pre-determined time-bound objective 2nd Column – insert your pre-determined Intervention and the associated Result Chain Factor 3rd Column – list 2 or more of the indicators you selected for the specific intervention-results chain factor set. Try to include an outcome indicator as well as process indicators. 4thColumn - insert a performance target for each indicator – e.g. quantitative estimate of expected result by EOP 5th Column – insert the Means (HOW) you will gather the information 6th Column – insert the Frequency of data collection (WHEN) 7th Column – Insert the name of the party/agency/person who will be primarily responsible for collecting/ reporting the information

  18. Sample Worksheet – Sectoral Intervention

  19. Sample Worksheet – Integrated IEC Intervention

  20. Sample Worksheet - Value-Added Intervention

  21. Sample Worksheet – Linked Intervention

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