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Resource allocation for MMOG based on AFK players in the cloud

Resource allocation for MMOG based on AFK players in the cloud. 指導教授:王國禎 博士 學生:陳治豪 國立交通大學網路工程研究所 行動計算與寬頻網路實驗室. Outlines. Introduction AFK – Away from keyboard Design approach Measure AFK time of AFK players in WOW Conclusion References. Introduction.

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Resource allocation for MMOG based on AFK players in the cloud

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  1. Resource allocation for MMOG based on AFK players in the cloud 指導教授:王國禎 博士 學生:陳治豪 國立交通大學網路工程研究所 行動計算與寬頻網路實驗室

  2. Outlines • Introduction • AFK – Away from keyboard • Design approach • Measure AFK time of AFK players in WOW • Conclusion • References

  3. Introduction • Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are attracting millions of players from all over the world and become an important part of personal entertainments. • How to allocate cloud resources (i.e. virtual machines) efficiently so as to meet player requirements and to efficiently utilize cloud resources is a key issue for cloud computing service providers.

  4. Introduction • We propose a resource allocation for MMOG based on AFK players in the cloud • Reduces the number of VMs used in each region • Better scalability

  5. AFK – Away from keyboard • AFK is commonly used in online games to denote that a player is temporarily away from the computer, or is not actually paying attention to the game • Some games now have functions that make it easy to show other players that you are AFK, and may even place your character in an AFK state automatically after a certain amount of inactivity [3]

  6. AFK players in World of Warcraft After 5 minutes

  7. AFK players in World of Warcraft After 30 minutes After 60 minutes

  8. Design approach • We leverage the feature of AFK players, which require lower QoS, to decrease the provision of computing resources to them and allocate those saved resources to the players who need them indeed

  9. Measure AFK time of AFK players in WOW

  10. Comparison

  11. References [1] Carlini, E., Coppola, M. and Ricci, L. “Integration of P2P and Clouds to Support Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments,” in Proceeding of 9th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames), November 2010. [2] Barri, I., Gine, F. and Roig, C. “A Scalable Hybrid P2P System for MMOFPS,” in Proceeding of 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), February 2010. [3] http://internetgames.about.com/od/glossary/g/afk.htm

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