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Exercise Solutions: Functional Verification

Exercise Solutions: Functional Verification. Software Testing and Verification. Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida. Exercise (from Lecture Notes #21). “Identity” function: x,y := x,y. Given P = if x>=y then x,y := y,x f 1 = (x>y  x,y := y,x | true  I )

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Exercise Solutions: Functional Verification

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  1. Exercise Solutions: Functional Verification Software Testing and Verification Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida

  2. Exercise (from Lecture Notes #21) “Identity” function: x,y := x,y • Given P = if x>=y then x,y := y,x f1 = (x>y  x,y := y,x | true  I) f2 = (x>y x,y := y,x | x<y  I) f3 = (x≠y x,y := y,x) • Fill in the following “correctness table”: P C=Complete S=Sufficient N=Neither f1 f2 f3

  3. Exercise (from Lecture Notes #22) • Prove f = [A] where f = (x=17  x,y := 17,20 | true  x,y := x,-x) and A is: if x= 17 then y := x+3 else y := -x end_if_else

  4. if_then_else Correctness Conditions • Complete correctness conditions for f = [if p then G else H] (where g = [G] and h = [H] have already been shown): Prove: p (f = g) Л ¬p (f = h) • Working correctness questions: • When p is true, does f equal g? • When p is false, does f equal h?

  5. Proof that f = [P] f = (x=17  x,y := 17,20 | true  x,y := x,-x) A: if x=17 then y := x+3 G else y := -x H end_if_else By observation, g = x,y := x,x+3 h = x,y := x,-x

  6. Proof that f = [P] (cont’d) • Therefore, by the Axiom of Replacement, it is sufficient to show: f = (x=17  x,y := 17,20 | true  x,y := x,-x) = [if x=17 then (x,y := x,x+3)else(x,y := x,-x)] When p is true does f equal g? (x=17)  (f = (x,y := 17,20)) (x=17)  (g = (x,y := x,x+3) √ = (x,y := 17,20)) When p is false does f equal h? (x≠17)  (f = (x,y := x,-x)) (x≠17)  (h = (x,y := x,-x)) g h p √

  7. Exercise 1 (from Lecture Notes #23) • For program M below, where all variables are integers, hypothesize a function f for [M] and prove f = [M]. while i<n do t := t*x i := i+1 end_while Hypothesized f: (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I) Alternative f: (i≤n  i,t := n,txn-i | i>n  I) Does it make any difference which we use?

  8. while_do Correctness Conditions • Complete correctness conditions for f = [while p do g] (where g = [G] has already been shown): Prove: term(f,M)Л p (f = f o g) Л ¬p(f = I)

  9. while_do Correctness Conditions (cont’d) • Working correctness questions: • Is loop termination guaranteed for any argument of f ? • When p is true does f equal f composed with g? • When p is false does f equal Identity?

  10. Proof that f = [M] f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I) M: while i<n do t := t*x i := i+1 end_while By observation, g = [G] = (i,t := i+1,tx) • Is loop termination guaranteed for any argument in D(f)? YES. (Show this using the Method of Well-Founded Sets.) p G

  11. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i≥n)  ( f = I )? √ ( Recall: f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  12. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i≥n)  ( f = I )? √ • Does (i<n)  ( f = f o g )? (i<n)  ( f = i,t := n,txn-i) (i<n)  ( f o g = f o (i,t := i+1,tx)) What is f when appliedafter g changes the initial value ofi? There are two cases to consider: i=n-1 & i<n-1 ( Recall: f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  13. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i<n)  ( f = f o g )? case a: (i=n-1)  ( f = i,t := n,txn-(n-1) = i,t := n,tx) (i=n-1)  ( f o g =?o (i,t := i+1,tx) = ?o (i,t := n-1+1,tx) = Io (i,t := n,tx) since gi(i=n-1) = n ( Recall: f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  14. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i<n)  ( f = f o g )? case a: √ (i=n-1)  ( f = i,t := n,txn-(n-1) = i,t := n,tx) (i=n-1)  ( f o g =?o (i,t := i+1,tx) = ?o (i,t := n-1+1,tx) = Io (i,t := n,tx) = (i,t := n,tx) ( Recall: f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  15. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i<n)  ( f = f o g )? case b: (i<n-1)  ( f = i,t := n,txn-i) (i<n-1)  ( f o g = (i,t := n,txn-i) o (i,t := i+1,tx) since gi(i<n-1) < n ( Recall: f = (i<n i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  16. Proof that f = [M] (cont’d) • Does (i<n)  ( f = f o g )? √ case b: √ (i<n-1)  ( f = i,t := n,txn-i ) (i<n-1)  ( f o g = (i,t := n,txn-i) o (i,t := i+1,tx) = (i,t := n,(tx)xn-(i+1)) = (i,t := n,(tx)xn-i-1) = (i,t := n,txn-i-1+1) = (i,t := n,txn-i) ( Recall: f = (i<n  i,t := n,txn-i | i≥n  I))

  17. Exercise 2 (from Lecture Notes #23) • For program R below, where all variables are integers, hypothesize a function r for [R] and prove r = [R]. repeat: x := x−1 y := y+2 until x=0 Hypothesized r: (x>0  x,y := 0,y+2x)

  18. repeat_until Correctness Conditions • Complete correctness conditions for f = [P] = [repeat g until p] (where g = [G] has already been shown): Prove: term(f,P)Л (p o g)  (f = g) Л ¬(p o g) (f = f o g)

  19. Proof that r = [R] r = (x>0  x,y := 0,y+2x) R: repeat: x := x−1 y := y+2 until x=0 By observation, g = [G] = (x,y := x-1,y+2) • Is loop termination guaranteed for any argument in D(r)? YES. (Show this using the Method of Well-Founded Sets.) G p

  20. Proof that r = [R] (cont’d) • Does (pog) (r = g) ? [(x=0) o(x,y := x-1,y+2) ]  (x0=1) (x=1)  ( r = (x,y := 0,y+2x) = (x,y := 0,y+2) ) (x=1)  ( g = (x,y := x-1,y+2) = (x,y := 0,y+2) ) √ ( Recall: r = (x>0  x,y := 0,y+2x) )

  21. Proof that r = [R] (cont’d) • Does ¬(pog) (r = r o g) ? ¬[(x=0) o(x,y := x-1,y+2) ]  (x0≠1) Thus, there are 2 cases to consider: x0<1 and x0>1. case a: (x<1)  ( r = undefined) (x<1)  ( r o g = undefined o g = undefined ) since ((x>0) o g(x<1)) = false √ ( Recall: r = (x>0  x,y := 0,y+2x) )

  22. Proof that r = [R] (cont’d) case b: (x>1)  ( r = (x,y := 0,y+2x) ) (x>1)  ( r o g = (x,y := 0,y+2x) o (x,y := x-1,y+2) since ((x>0) o g(x>1)) = true = (x,y := 0,(y+2)+2(x-1)) = (x,y := 0,(y+2+2x-2)) = (x,y := 0,y+2x) ) Therefore, ¬(p o g) (r = r o g) √ √ ( Recall: r = (x>0  x,y := 0,y+2x) )

  23. Exercise (from Lecture Notes #24) • Derive a limited invariant for the initialized while loop using the Invariant Status Theorem. What function, h, is computed by the loop initialization? {true} Z := X J := 1 while J<>Y do Z := Z+X J := J+1 end_while {Z=XY} (Z,J := X,1) What function, f, is computed by the while loop? (J≤Y  Z,J,X := Z+X(Y-J),Y,X)

  24. For f = (J≤Y  Z,J,X := Z+X(Y-J),Y,X), and h = (Z,J := X,1), an invariant qh(X)=( f(X)=foh(X0) )can be derived by tabulating f(X) and foh(X0) for each member of the data space: and equating components of f(X) and foh(X0): X f(X) foh(X0) Z Z+X(Y-J) X0+X0(Y0-1) J Y Y0 X XX0 Z+X(Y-J)= X0+X0(Y0-1) Y = Y0 X = X0

  25. equating f(X) and foh(X0): Z+X(Y-J)= X0+X0(Y0-1) Y = Y0 X = X0 Z+X(Y-J)= X+X(Y-1) Z= X+X(Y-1) - X(Y-J) = XJ Recall that in Example 3 of Lecture 18, we proved the given assertion using this invariant.

  26. Exercise Solutions: Functional Verification Software Testing and Verification Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida

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