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G. Cantisani (ISTAT Expert), Y. Courbage (INED) Thematic Experts for Migration

Migration statistics in the M EDSTAT II Programme. Demand of international cooperation and coordination. G. Cantisani (ISTAT Expert), Y. Courbage (INED) Thematic Experts for Migration. Joint UNECE / Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Edinburgh, 20-22 Nov. 2006. Content.

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G. Cantisani (ISTAT Expert), Y. Courbage (INED) Thematic Experts for Migration

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  1. Migration statistics in theMEDSTAT II Programme.Demand of international cooperation and coordination G. Cantisani (ISTAT Expert), Y. Courbage (INED) Thematic Experts for Migration Joint UNECE / Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Edinburgh, 20-22 Nov. 2006

  2. Content 1. MEDSTAT II2. MEDSTAT II Migrationcovering MED-Migr I experience objectives situation in the countries other main findings

  3. MEDSTAT II objectives MEDSTAT II envisages the consolidation of Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation through the deepening of the work already undertaken from 1996 to 2003Objectives are referred as follows: • Institutional and inter-institutional strengthening • Harmonisation • Data exchange • Visibility • Service to users

  4. MEDSTAT II main elements 3 year project, with a complex organisation based on 11 priority sectors, 10 countries, 3 lots, … asking an high coordination A more demand-driven approach, with deep involvement of the NSIs in the strategic orientation and a country tailored implementation process A focus on production, exchange, dissemination and final use of statistics, with attention to ownership and durability of activities Inception phase >>> Orientation >>> Implementation >>> Completion

  5. MEDSTAT I for Migration(MED-Migr I) A project implemented through two phasesmostly including • Assessment and documentation of the legal framework and available statistics • Strengthening inter-institutional collaboration • Enhancement of systems of border cards and residence permits, including pilot work, resulting in recommendations and two manuals for adapting the systems • A proposal for emigration modules in census / surveys • Data collection, no publication given the limited availability and comparability of data • Intensive dissemination of documentation

  6. MEDSTAT II MigrationObjectives ToRs are for focusing on what can be realistically reached during a three year period, i.e. “contributing to the improvement of the sustainable capacity of the MED NSSs to upgrade the production of statistics on migration” • Strengthening the capacities to measure migration through the exploitation of administrative systems • Satisfying users’ needs by conducting surveys • Satisfying ad hoc needs

  7. Statistical sources • Overall few annual statistics • Varying level of migration measurement in censuses and surveys but some more exploitation in recent and forthcoming operations • Migration surveys often depending from the availability of resources, inclusion of modules in survey is prevalent • Better situation for NSI having more autonomy • Anyway infrequent operations, limitedly answering to all the requests and needs

  8. Administrative sources • Border cards (or border registration) widely used for statistics, normally no relevant for migration • Register of residence permits as stronger system on the whole, although some limitations and significant differences; very limitedly used for statistics • Other administrative sources differently developed and limitedly / not regularly used for (unofficial) statistics • Authorities in overall ready for requests they could have, but needing some resources upgrading

  9. Demand from users • Increasing interest in migration, research undertaken to varying extents • Main interest on emigration / nationals residing abroad, returning migration, foreign immigration • Requests for statistics not enough satisfied; some criticism on lack of funding, fragmentation of activities, limitations in statistics and in the access to data of destination countries due to its high cost • Strong demand of international collaboration and coordination

  10. Other findings • NSSs for migration not sufficiently coordinated, with national committees not existing / poorlyoperating; there is some lack of understanding about the usefulness and the practical implications for statistics • NSIs strongly aim to development, what is largely depending on administrative partners. A good level of potential cooperation was found in overall • At level of NSIs, recruitment / reallocation of staff is often planned; training, information, technical assistance, better equipment and access to communication means are necessary

  11. Conclusion • Implementation of capacity building measures and support to the planned surveys, normally with varying activities and achievements, depending from country • Pending validation from the Sector Task Force, the activities could also go towards the access to data produced by other countries and the conduction of works or studies jointly between countries • Which data sources? Which modalities?

  12. Thank you

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