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Renewing Prescriptions in CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training

Renewing Prescriptions in CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training. Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products 703-882-3950; ronald.anderson@tma.osd.mil.

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Renewing Prescriptions in CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Renewing Prescriptions in CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products 703-882-3950; ronald.anderson@tma.osd.mil

  2. Begin at the main menu: Type “ore”, Enter

  3. Select Patient: Enter Disclaimer: Patient names shown in this training are certified as fictional, are created only for training, and without intended correlation to real people."

  4. Type “DRX”: Enter to Display Current Medication Orders

  5. Click your “UP” arrow to active the cursor in the upper L corner

  6. Use your “Down” arrow to move your curser to the RX you want to renew. Type “R”, Enter.

  7. Fill in your Reason for Renewal: Enter

  8. If no modification: Enter- Order will ProcessIf yes, Type Y: Enter (see next slide)

  9. If yes on the previous screen-Type “Y” again: Enter

  10. Click through and modify your order until you reach file/exit

  11. Type “Q” for quit and saveYour order will process

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