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The PNB project

The PNB project. Prêt numérique en bibliothèque. To lend Ebooks in library. Véronique BACKERT, Director of operations. EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013. a limited company located in Paris. DILICOM. a comprehensive range of services

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The PNB project

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  1. The PNBproject Prêt numérique en bibliothèque To lendEbooks in library Véronique BACKERT, Director of operations EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  2. a limited company located in Paris DILICOM a comprehensiverange of services for booktrade Shareholders

  3. 1 500 suppliers 300 representatives 15 000 publishers 8 000 booksellers Searchabledatabase Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) & Web services 1,8 million printedtitles 99 millions orderlines 125 000 Ebooktitles 60 millions invoicelines 90 millions despatchadvicelines Software for representatives Webmastering 11 websites EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  4. The book market in France

  5. Fixed book price Printed books (Loi Lang) : 10th May 1981 Ebooks (homothetic) : 26th May 2011 VAT rates Printed books : 5,5 % (reduced TVA rate) Ebooks : 5,5 % (reduced TVA rate since the 1st January 2012) EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  6. Bookstores Retailersshare of new books purchased in 2012 (Printed books – excludingscholar book/ in volume) source : baromètre multi-clients Achats de livres TNS-Sofres pour MCC-SLL/OEL, panel de 3.000 personnes de 15 ans et plus**, résultats 2012 provisoires Economie du Livre - Le secteur du livres - Chiffres clés 2011-2012 Observation de l'économie du livre - mars 2013 Rate of profit : 0,3% (2010)

  7. PUBLISHERS’ TURNOVER in 2011 Printed books, ebooks & audiobooks Sales : 2 669 M€ HT (-1,4%) (atpublishersellingprice) source : SNE, enquête de branche, échantillon 2011* NUMBER OF COPIES SOLD in 2011 Printed books, ebooks & audiobooks 450,6 millions of copies (-0,3%) source : SNE, enquête de branche, échantillon 2011* NB. Pas de déclarants dans la catégorie Encyclopédies en fiches et fascicules en 2011 * 261 éditeurs ou labels d‘édition EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  8. THE LENDINGS IN LIBRARIES in 2010 & in 2011 Bibliothèques municipales (BM) / Public libraries 283,3 millions of lendings (all supports) en 2011* (+3%) Including 207,5 millions of book lendings* (-) Academiclibraries(BU et BIU) 12,3 millions de volumes en 2011** (+0,1%) [12,3 en 2010, -0,2%] source : MCC-SLL/Observatoire de la lecture publique ; ESGBU, prets de documents a domicile BOOKS BOUGHT BY LIBRAIRIES in 2010 & in 2011 Public libraries (BM) 8,500 millions volumes in2011* (-5% ) Academiclibraries (BU et BIU) 1,128 million of volumes en 2011** (+0,4%) [1,123 in 2010,+2,6%] Including french books 0,998 million of volumes ( +0,7% [0,991 en 2010,+3,0%]) source : MCC-SLL/Observatoire de la lecture publique ; ESGBU * BM : extrapolation estimative des prêts et des achats de livres des 7.100 bibliothèques et des 9.200 points d'accès recensés, à partir des déclarations d'un échantillon de 6.900 établissements de lecture / ** BU et BIU : données 2010 et évolutions révisées, données 2011 en cours de consolidation EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  9. EBOOK SALES in 2011 ebooks & audiobooks (atpublishersellingprice) 56,8 M€ HT (2,1 % of the trade book business) Including books on physical support 21,5 M€ HT (0,8 %) Includingebooks 34,8 M€ HT (1,3 % of the trade book business) source : SNE, enquête de branche, résultats bruts sur 80 répondants EWC-FEP Meeting on Remote Access to e-books – Helsinki, 10 May 2013

  10. Ebookmarket size in France in 2016 Source : Xerfi

  11. The PNB project • Develop an open distribution model of digital contents • Respect the role of each player

  12. The pilot phase Stakeholders : 11 booksellers, 7 suppliers, 11 libraries, service providers • Kick off : 23th August 2012 • Workshop : September 2012 – February2013 • Specification (Dilicom) : September 2012 – February2013 • Implementation (Dilicom & suppliers) : March 2013 – May 2013 • Implementation (1st group Booksellers & Libraries) : May– September2013 • First evaluation: October 2013

  13. PNB isbased on web services transactions • The suppliers transmit to DILICOM the metadatas of the differentoffersdefined by the publishers. The metadatas are collected in ONIX (ONline Information eXchange). • The informations are controlled, integrated in DILICOM ‘s database and disseminate to booksellers & libraries in ONIX 3.0. • Retailerscanpresent the offers to the libraries on theirwebsiteand place theirordersthrough Web services. • The ebookcanbelended as soon as the e-suppliers has received the orderthrough web services. • Files are stored on e-suppliers’ platform. An new url istransmitted to the library for each new lending.

  14. The caracteristics of the offers • eBookscanbe : • Read on line (in situ or ex situ), • Read after have downloaded a epub or pdf file • The offers are defined by publishers for : • a time-limited licence (one or twoyears) • a number of simultaneousaccesses • a number of lendings • a maximum time-limited of lending • The epub or pdf files have DRM protection applied by the Adobe CS4 Content Server Package

  15. The major technical challenges • How to structure the information • to bringenoughflexibilitythatwillenable business innovation • to describe more and more complexoffers (selection of titlesfromdifferentcollection, combination of print and ebookfor example) • to facilitate the integration in information systems • to facilitatethe display on websites • How to belessdependant on Adobe DRM system • How to be user friendly and offer the sameexperiencelevel as integratedsystems

  16. The possible solutions • Developcollaborative efforts at national and international levels • To promote : • ISTC (International Standard TextualWorkCode) [Electre] • ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) an ISO Standard for the Public Identities of parties [BnF – French National Library] • THEMA : New Global Subject Codes Standard [International community] • To widenthe conceptuel model for booktradeneeds • To create open source standards for interchange, alternative digital lockers, DRM and software development kit (sdk) [Readium consortium, MO3T] • …. And share the benefitwith the community

  17. Information www.dilicom.net pnb@dilicom.fr • www.mo3t.org http://readium.org http://opds-france.org

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