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Automated Regression Test Development

Automated Regression Test Development. Bhatia, Manoj Chen, Yin Yin Clark, Neo Ghabraei , Ali Tang, John Tran, Wilson Romero, Jessica. Introduction. GPO has a website that provides official and authentic government publications.

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Automated Regression Test Development

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  1. Automated Regression Test Development Bhatia, Manoj Chen, Yin Yin Clark, Neo Ghabraei, Ali Tang, John Tran, Wilson Romero, Jessica

  2. Introduction • GPO has a website that provides official and authentic government publications. • GPO’s website is being upgraded from time to time and test cases are manually being run on the website in order to verify expected results.

  3. GOAL • Our goal is to use fitNesse as a test framework to write and process scripts so that all the test cases will run automatically.

  4. Test Framework (FitNesse): • Run the Test Cases • Editing Wiki Page • Import/Export Library/Fixtures • Display the Test Case Result Request Information GPO Website User User Sending Information Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

  5. Presentators • FitNesse Introduction: Ali and Jessica • FitNesse Details: Yin Yin and John • Sample Test Case: Neo and Wilson • Challenges: Manoj

  6. FitNesse

  7. Highlights • FitNesse Overview • FitNesse Wiki • Test Case • Fixtures • Spider Fixture – This is lead in for Neo and Wilson

  8. Overview • FitNesse is a user-friendly, open-source, lightweight framework for running test cases. • FitNesse reads test cases and compare the outcome to the expected results .

  9. FitNesse is a Wiki • The Fitnesse Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. • FitNesse allows users to create , modify and add test cases to evaluate the desire result using hyperlinks and simple syntax.

  10. FitNesse Wiki

  11. What is a Fixture? • Fixture is a Java (or any other supported programming languages) class that FitNesseuses to process test cases.

  12. Getting Started

  13. Creating Test Cases

  14. Adding Data To Test Case

  15. Verifying Test Through Fixtures

  16. Web Fixtures • We will be using web fixtures to run acceptance tests on a website.

  17. FitLibraryWeb: SpiderFixtures

  18. What is SpiderFixture • SpiderFixture has a comprehensive set of actions for emulating a use on a web browser. • It can check and manipulate forms, tables, inputs, selects, frames/iframes, windows (including popups).

  19. Challenge We Might Face • Running test case at an actual server rather than local host •  If there's a server we can use, should there be a username and password assigned to the users? • Problems opening a PDF file, DOC file or various different file from a web page. 

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