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The University of East Anglia

UCAS Information Evening. The University of East Anglia. Kevin Loughton Higher Education & Oxbridge Advisor. Competition For Places. Applying to U.K. universities is very competitive – and is becoming increasingly so year-on-year

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The University of East Anglia

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  1. UCAS Information Evening The University of East Anglia Kevin Loughton Higher Education & Oxbridge Advisor

  2. Competition For Places • Applying to U.K. universities is very competitive – and is becoming increasingly so year-on-year • Applications overall have increased by 20% in each of the last two years • This increase in applications is not just for ‘flagship courses’ at Russell Group universities • Applications for less prestigious universities have also increased dramatically, especially this year • UCAS reported that more than 30,000 applicants for U.K. universities did not attain a place last year • This figure may rise to as many as 50,000 this year The University of East Anglia

  3. Competition for Places UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS 2010 LARGEST RISESSMALLEST RISES Stirling 41.20% Edinburgh 0.40% Dundee 37.90% Warwick 0.90% UEA 34.50% Bath 1.00% Keele 32.60% Reading 1.20% Aberdeen 32.00% Cambridge 1.30% Sussex 31.70% Durham 2.90% The University of East Anglia

  4. Competition for Places Applications/Places Ratios Nottingham UniversityRatio Economics 10:1 History 20:1 English 22:1 Psychology 9:1 Medicine 12:1 Law 9:1 The University of East Anglia

  5. Graduate Recruitment • Graduate Recruitment Statistics - 2009 • U.K. graduates (Summer 2009) 308,000 • Graduate jobs available 62,000 • ‘Golden ticket’ graduate jobs available 16,000 • (Top 10 U.K. graduate employers) • Source: www.highfliers.co.uk The University of East Anglia

  6. Graduate Recruitment • Top 100 U.K. Graduate Employers – Jan 2010 • Vacancies 17.8% drop in 2009 • Applications 72% of employers report an increase • Budgets 45% of employers had a budget cut in graduate recruitment • Confidence 57% of students not confident in finding a graduate job • 83% of students concerned about their career prospects • Source: www.highfliers.co.uk The University of East Anglia

  7. Haileybury UCAS Applications • Haileybury has an excellent track record of pupils attaining places at their chosen universities • On average over the past three years... • 76% of our pupils have attained places at their ‘firm’ choice of university • 95% of our pupils have attained places at their ‘firm’ or ‘insurance’ choices of university The University of East Anglia


  9. UCAS Timeline May 9th – L6th UCAS Information Evening July 5th– L6th UCAS Research Day Summer Term/ – Complete research and Holidaysdraft personal statement September 6th – Ready to complete UCAS online application October 15th – UCAS Deadline Oxbridge, Medics, Dentists, Vets applications November 1st – School Deadline ALL UCAS applications The University of East Anglia

  10. Initial Research • Which subject and course will you do? • Can you study it for 3+ years? • Which universities offer your course? • Where are these universities? • What is the university/course reputation? • What is the course content/structure? • How is the course assessed? • Will you meet the entry requirements? • Are there opportunities for a year abroad or in industry? The University of East Anglia

  11. Do you want to take a gap year? • Do you need relevant work experience? • What is the university/city like? • What are the facilities like? • What are the costs likely to be? • What funding is available? The University of East Anglia Effective Research Is Essential

  12. Initial Research • Internal Resources • The Universities & Careers Department • The School Library (Mrs Harvey/Universities Section) • HoD’s; Subject Teachers (Subject Specific) • HM’s; L6th Tutors; U6th pupils (General/Subject) • Shared Documents at J:\Universities The University of East Anglia

  13. Initial Research • External Resources • UCAS Website • Heap: ‘Choosing your Degree Course and University’ • ‘Degree Course Offers’ • M.P.W.: ‘Getting Into’ Series (Medicine/Law/Dentistry/Veterinary) • The Times Good University Guide • The Guardian Good University Guide The University of East Anglia

  14. The UCAS Website www.ucas.com • The Stamford Test • Course Search (50,000+ courses listed) • Student Finance • UCAS ‘You-Go’ Student Card • Advice for Parents • ‘Apply’ Online • ‘Track’ Facility The University of East Anglia

  15. UCAS Course Search • To search for a university course online via UCAS... • Go to the UCAS Home Page at: • www.ucas.com • Click onto ‘Course Search’ • Then follow the links to individual courses • COURSE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS = KEY • You must check these VERY carefully The University of East Anglia

  16. A-Level and A*s • A new A* grade was introduced for A-level qualifications as of 2010 • To gain an A* grade you must attain an average of 90% and above in all modules of your A2 A-level exams • Some universities have included at least one A* grade in their entry requirements – especially in relevant subjects – this year • Cambridge, U.C.L. and K.C.L. have done so and other highly competitive universities will do so from next year onwards (L.S.E.) • No changes are planned for IB points entry requirements The University of East Anglia

  17. The UCAS Online Application • You apply online at www.ucas.com/apply • You register with UCAS before beginning your online application • Each school/college has a ‘buzzword’ – you need this to register as a Haileybury applicant (Mr Athey) • You must make a note of your password, user name and personal identification number • E-mail addresses – sensible ones only! The University of East Anglia

  18. The UCAS Online Application • Personal Details • Course Choices • Educational Qualifications (GCSE’s/AS-Levels) • Education (3 most recent schools/colleges) • Employment (if relevant to your course) • Personal Statement • Academic Reference (completed by your HM) The University of East Anglia

  19. Course Choices • You have five university choices • Make sure there is a good spread of entry requirements in your chosen universities • Be realistic about what grades you are likely to attain in your A-level or I.B. exams • You will have your teachers’ predicted grades to guide you on this • Choose one university that is slightly higher, two that are line with and two that are below your predicted grades • Seek advice before you make your choices The University of East Anglia

  20. Course Choices A-Level Example • Application for Ancient History this year • Pupil’s predicted A-level grades = ABB • University offers received were... Exeter AAA Nottingham ABB Birmingham ABB Manchester ABB Cardiff BBB The University of East Anglia

  21. Course Choices I.B. Example • Application for Molecular Biology this year • Pupil’s predicted I.B. points = 36 points • University offers received were... Imperial 38 points (6/6/6 at H.L.) U.C.L. 36 points (6/6/5 at H.L.) Bath 34 points (6/6/5 at H.L.) K.C.L. 34 points (5/5/5 at H.L.) Sussex 32 points only The University of East Anglia

  22. Admissions Tests • Required for specific courses by universities: • UKCAT (Medicine/Dentistry– Most universities) • BMAT (Medicine/Veterinary – Some universities) • LNAT (Law - Some universities) • TSA (Various Courses – Some universities) • HAT (History – Oxford only) • ELAT (English – Oxford only) • STEP (Maths – Some universities) • All Admissions Tests are ‘flagged up’ automatically in the Choices section The University of East Anglia

  23. The Personal Statement • An important part of UCAS applications – • often pupils find this difficult to complete well • One ‘tool’ university Admissions Tutors use in their selection process • Helps you to distinguish yourself from others with similar predicted grades • Your chance to impress Admissions Tutors – convince them you are right for the course • You musthave a polished ‘working draft’ completed by the start of your U6th year The University of East Anglia

  24. What to Include • Why you have chosen the course – genuineinterest and enthusiasm is essential • Any career plans you have after university • Work experience or voluntary work – the relevant skills you have developed from this The University of East Anglia • If you are planning to take a gap year – Your reasons why? What you plan to do? • Any skills and/or achievements you have gained while at school (C.C.F.; D. of E; Music; Sports; M.U.N. etc.) • Your social, sports or leisure interests

  25. Top Tips • It must be relevant to the course you are applying for • You must explain clearly why you want to do your chosen course – enthusiasm, commitment etc. • It must be positive – you must sell your skills and experience • Spelling, punctuation and grammar are very important – create the right impression • GET IT DONE EARLY The University of East Anglia

  26. Examples...The Good “Nothing exists, and if it did, no one could know it, and if they knew it, they could not communicate it’ (Gorgias). It is this ability of Philosophy to astound and turn conventional ideas on their head that makes it endlessly appealing, and which has ultimately formed the basis of my passion for philosophy. For years I have evidently philosophised, without realising. Films such as ‘The Matrix’, ‘The Truman Show’ and books such as ‘The Lord of the Flies’ and ‘1984’ left me reeling, and puzzling for days over subjects I later found out were called epistemology, meta-ethics and normative ethics.” The University of East Anglia

  27. Examples...The Good “As a student of philosophy, I want to look at life from the point of view of others. So, I took part in a peer-mentoring scheme and attended sign language lessons, both of which I hope will make me a more useful member of society. I have already made use of my sign language skills by communicating with a deaf customer at my part-time job at Burger King” If you were a university Admissions Tutor would you offer this person a place on your course? The University of East Anglia

  28. Examples...The Bad “Since leaving school I have felt fairly disillusioned, my original college course was in Business and Finance, and led to several jobs in offices. I hated them. I’ve worked in places like Pizza Hut and the Odeon Cinema. I wasn’t prepared to do the slow climb up the corporate ladder.” The University of East Anglia “I like to try interesting and different things. I do I.D. parades for the police.” Would you offer this person a place?

  29. Examples...The Ugly “What is the point of life? This is a question I have often asked myself and I have come to the conclusion that there is none.” “I am currently trying to address the serious problems I have had meeting deadlines.” “I have no interests outside my studies, as I tend to believe that most of such activities are ultimately futile.” And what about these people? The University of East Anglia

  30. The Academic Reference • Written by your HM it includes: • Comments from your subject teachers – detailed in relevant subjects • Your predicted A-Level or I.B. grades • Information about your involvement in school activities • Your suitability for higher education and your chosen course • It will be positive, supportive...and true! The University of East Anglia

  31. UCAS ‘Track’ • Completed online applications are sent to UCAS by your HM’s • UCAS then send your application to your chosen universities • UCAS register you on their ‘Track’ facility • You can monitor the progress of your application – offers and/or rejections from your chosen universities • You make your ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ choices on ‘Track’ The University of East Anglia

  32. What Happens Next? • Universities will either: • Reject you • Invite you to interview • Make you an offer The University of East Anglia • You must wait until you have heard from ALL your chosen universities • You then accept one as your ‘firm’ choice and one as your ‘insurance’ choice • Wait for A-level or I.B. results

  33. Course Choices A-Level Example • Application for Ancient History this year • Pupil’s predicted A-level grades = ABB • University offers received were... Exeter AAA Nottingham ABB ‘FIRM’ Birmingham ABB Manchester ABB Cardiff BBB ‘INSURANCE’ The University of East Anglia

  34. Course Choices I.B. Example • Application for Molecular Biology this year • Pupil’s predicted I.B. points = 36 points • University offers received were... Imperial 38 points (6/6/6 at H.L.) ‘FIRM’ U.C.L. 36 points (6/6/5 at H.L.) Bath 34 points (6/6/5 at H.L.) K.C.L. 34 points (5/5/5 at H.L.) ‘INSR’ Sussex 32 points only The University of East Anglia

  35. UCAS ‘Extra’ • You are eligible to enter UCAS ‘Extra’ if you... • Do not receive an offer from any of your five university choices • Decline all offers you do receive from your chosen universities • UCAS will advise on eligibility – via UCAS ‘Track’ • Available from mid-March to the end of June • You apply to one university at a time until you receive an offer – your ‘firm’ offer • If you receive no offers you become eligible for ‘Clearing’ The University of East Anglia

  36. A-Level Results Day • Universities will either... • Confirm you have met your ‘firm’ or ‘insurance’ offer and have gained a place • May offer you a place on an alternative course if ‘firm’ and/or ‘insurance’ offers have not been met • Inform you that ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ offers have not been met and you have not gained a place • You can monitor the status of your application via UCAS ‘Track’ • University advice is available from HM’s and Mr Loughton on A-level results day The University of East Anglia

  37. UCAS ‘Adjustment’ • For applicants who have exceeded the entry requirements of their ‘firm’ university offer • You will be informed of eligibility via UCAS ‘Track’ • If eligible, you contact Admissions Tutors at one university at a time to ask if they will offer a place • You have a 5-day ‘window’ to gain a place through ‘Adjustment’ • Your ‘firm’ choice of university is retained during the ‘Adjustment’ period • If you are not offered a place through ‘Adjustment’ – you either accept your ‘firm’ offer or withdraw from the application process entirely The University of East Anglia

  38. UCAS ‘Clearing’ • For applicants who have not met the entry requirements of their ‘firm’ or ‘insurance’ universities • Starts when A-Level results are published in mid-August • If eligible, you will be informed that you can enter ‘Clearing’ via UCAS ‘Track’ • You then telephone Admissions Tutors at universities directly to seek a place • Increasingly difficult to find a university place through ‘Clearing’ – 30,000 applicants failed to do so last year! The University of East Anglia

  39. Questions? The University of East Anglia Kevin Loughton Higher Education & Oxbridge Advisor k.loughton@haileybury.com

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