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Baja. The capital of water and tastes. County of Bács-Kiskun. Hungary. Baja. Baja from the air. The gazebo of Türr. Bridge of Türr István. Sugovica. The fish soup cooking festival. The square of Saint Trinity. And the palace of Grassalkovich. Gemenc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Baja The capital of water and tastes

  2. County of Bács-Kiskun Hungary Baja

  3. Baja fromthe air

  4. The gazebo of Türr Bridge of Türr István Sugovica

  5. The fishsoupcookingfestival

  6. The square of Saint Trinity And thepalace of Grassalkovich

  7. Gemenc

  8. III. Béla GrammarSchool

  9. Comenius-Minoritiesin Europe Mobility 4-France

  10. How did they get here?

  11. WineFestival, Baja 2013

  12. Wine Festival Baja, 2013

  13. St. Michael’s day, Nemesnádudvar Nemesnádudvar is a village, which is mostlyinhabitedbyGermans.

  14. The museum of Baja

  15. Porcelainmanufacture-Kalocsa The museum of Baja

  16. Danceafternoonintheschool

  17. Thankyoufortheattention! • Mercibeaucoup pour votreattention!  • VielenDankfür die Aufmerksamkeit! • Muito obrigado pela sua atenção! • La ringrazio molto per la vostra attenzione! • Köszönjük a figyelmet!

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