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Petit(e)(s). The extra “e” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun. Short. Adjective: A word that describes a noun. Grand(e)(s). The extra “e” is used when describing one female.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Petit(e)(s) The extra “e” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  2. Short Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  3. Grand(e)(s) The extra “e” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  4. Tall Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  5. Roux (Rousse)(s) The “se” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one female. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  6. Red-headed Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  7. Sérieux (Sérieuse) The “se” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one female. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  8. Serious Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  9. Sportif (Sportive) The “ve” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  10. Athletic Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  11. Timide(s) The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  12. Shy Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  13. Vert(e)(s) The extra “e” is used when describing one female. The extra “s” is used when describing more than one. Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  14. Green Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  15. La Bouche Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.

  16. Mouth Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  17. Les Cheveux Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.

  18. Hair Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  19. Les yeux (pl.)L’œil (sing.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.

  20. EyesEye Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  21. Le nez Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.

  22. Nose Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  23. Les oreilles (f.pl.) Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  24. Ears Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  25. La tête Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  26. Head Noun: A person, place, thing or idea.

  27. Il/Elle a les cheveux/yeux______. In the blank, you need to add an adjective that describes either his/her hair(cheveux) or eyes(yeux).

  28. He/She has ……hair/eyes.

  29. Comment est-il?Comment est-elle? Note: Another way to ask the same questions are; Il est comment? Elle est comment?

  30. What is he like? What is she like? In French, the question is actually asked using the word “HOW”. How is he? How is she?

  31. Comment sont-ils?Comment sont-elles? Note: Another way to ask the same question. Ilssont comment? Ellessont comment?

  32. What are they like? In French, the question is actually asked using the word “HOW”. How are they?

  33. Il esttrès________.Elle esttrès__________.

  34. He is very___________.She is very__________.

  35. Il estassez___Elle estassez_____.

  36. He is quite______She is quite______.

  37. Il n’estni___ ni____.Elle n’estni_____ ni____.

  38. He is neither ___ nor ___. She is neither ____ nor _____.

  39. Comment tutrouves__?

  40. What do you think of___?

  41. Je le trouve____.Je la trouve_____.

  42. I think he is__I think she is__.

  43. Qu’est-cequetupenses de ____?

  44. What do you think of_______?

  45. À monavis, _____

  46. In my opinion, _________

  47. Extra:

  48. Extra:

  49. Extra:

  50. Extra:

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