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W hy Information Governance wont will let you do that ! and other IG myths

W hy Information Governance wont will let you do that ! and other IG myths. Barry Jackson. Information Governance & Security Manager – North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus Information Governance Lead - Yorkshire & Humber Strategic Health Authority. Introduction.

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W hy Information Governance wont will let you do that ! and other IG myths

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  1. Why Information Governance wont will let you do that!and other IG myths Barry Jackson Information Governance & Security Manager – North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus Information Governance Lead - Yorkshire & Humber Strategic Health Authority

  2. Introduction • Had trials for Newcastle United when I was 16 • Wrote a book on Nuclear Weapons • Ran a sub 4 hour marathon

  3. NYHDIF Conference What's in it for me? 10th November 2011

  4. Data Protection Myths In a statement the Information Commissioner's Office said an outright ban on Street View would be "disproportionate to the relatively small risk of privacy detriment". David Evans, senior data protection practice manager said: "Watch the TV news any day this week and you will see people walking past reporters in the street. In the same way, there is no law against anyone taking pictures of people in the street as long as the person using the camera is not harassing people. "Google Street View does not contravene the Data Protection Act and, in any case, it is not in the public interest to turn the digital clock back. In a world where many people tweet, Facebook and blog, it is important to take a common sense approach towards Street View and the relatively limited privacy intrusion it may cause.“ He added: "As a regulator we take a pragmatic and common-sense approach. Any images of people's faces or numberplates should be blurred. We emphasised the importance of blurring these images to protect people's privacy and limit privacy intrusion. Google must respond quickly to deletion requests and complaints, as it is doing at the moment."

  5. Data Protection Myths • Humberside Police and Ian Huntley There was nothing in the Data Protection Act from which Humberside Police could reasonably infer or conclude that they were required to delete intelligence information on Ian Huntley Richard ThomasInformation Commissioner • British Gas and deaths of Mr & Mrs Bates "It is ridiculous that organisations should hide behind data protection as a smokescreen for practices which no reasonable person would ever find acceptable. Richard ThomasInformation Commissioner

  6. Confidentiality • Biggest boost to confidentiality is the ability of audit within modern electronic patient record systems • 20th September 2010, Coronation Street, Weatherfield • blatant breach of confidentiality was reported • Reactions

  7. Computer Misuse Act 1990 •It states that if you do not have authorisation to access or amend information held on a computer and you do, then it is a criminal offence. •You can be fined or receive a prison sentence.

  8. IG as an enabler of transformation • Encryption • NHS Mail • IG Training Tool • Professional IG staff • IG Toolkit

  9. IG Toolkit - Transformation • Its about standards, mutual assurance, and demonstrating compliance • Led by Commissioners • Enforced through contracts • Aligned with ISO 27001 • (Should be) Risk based • Not going away…….

  10. Congratulations! • You have passed your annual IG Training • Any questions?

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