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Internet Control Message Protocol

Internet Control Message Protocol. By Venkata Naga Chaturvedula Thomson Erelli Kiran Nukalapati. About the Internet Control Message Protocol. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) protocol is classic example of a client server application .

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Internet Control Message Protocol

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  1. Internet Control Message Protocol By Venkata Naga Chaturvedula Thomson Erelli Kiran Nukalapati

  2. About the Internet Control Message Protocol • The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) protocol is classic example of a client server application. • The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is part of the Internet protocol suite and defined in RFC 792 • The ICMP server executes on all IP end system computers and all IP intermediate systems (i.e routers).

  3. About the Internet Control Message Protocol • The protocol is used to report problems with delivery of IP datagrams within an IP network. • It can be sued to show when a particular End system is not responding, when an IP network is not reachable, when a node is overloaded, when an error occurs in the IP header information, etc. • The protocol is also frequently used by Internet managers to verify correct operations of End Systems and to check that routers are correctly routing packets to the specified destinations.

  4. About the Internet Control Message Protocol • The Internet Protocol (IP) is used for host-to- host datagram service in a system of interconnected networks called the Catenet. • The network connecting devices are called Gateways. • These gateways communicate between themselves for control purposes via a Gateway to Gateway Protocol (GGP).

  5. About the Internet Control Message Protocol • Occasionally a gateway or destination host will communicate with a source host, for example, to report an error in datagram processing. • ICMP, uses the basic support of IP as if it were a higher level protocol, however, ICMP is actually an integral part of IP, and must be implemented by every IP module.

  6. Purpose of ICMP The Internet Control Message Protocol is a protocol for the exchange of error messages and other vital information between (Physical) Internet entities such as hosts and routers.

  7. ICMP in the TCP/IP protocol suite ICMP is a network layer protocol, often it is placed next to the IP protocol. ICMP Header ICMP Data Area IP Header IP Data Area Frame Header Frame Area

  8. ICMP in the TCP/IP protocol suite • ICMP lies just above IP, as ICMP messages are carried inside IP Packets. • ICMP messages are carried as IP payload, just as TCP/UDP segments are carried as IP payload • When a host receives an IP packet with ICMP specified as the upper layer protocol, it de- multiplexes the packet to ICMP, just as it would demultiplex a packet to TCP/UDP.

  9. ICMP functions • Announce network errors:such as a host or entire portion of the network being unreachable, due to some type of failure. A TCP or UDP packet directed at a port number with no receiver attached is also reported via ICMP. • Announce network congestion: When a router begins buffering too many packets, due to an inability to transmit them as fast as they are being received, it will generate ICMP Source Quench messages. Directed at the sender, these messages should cause the rate of packet transmission to be slowed.

  10. ICMP functions • Assist Troubleshooting: ICMP supports an Echo function, which just sends a packet on a round--trip between two hosts. Ping, a common network management tool, is based on this feature. Ping will transmit a series of packets, measuring average round--trip times and computing loss percentages. • Announce Timeouts: If an IP packet's TTL field drops to zero, the router discarding the packet will often generate an ICMP packet announcing this fact. TraceRoute is a tool which maps network routes by sending packets with small TTL values and watching the ICMP timeout announcements.

  11. ICMP Applications There are two simple and widely used applications which are based on ICMP: • Ping • Traceroute.

  12. ICMP Applications • PING:The ping utility checks whether a host is alive & reachable or not. This is done by sending an ICMP Echo Request packet to the host, and waiting for an ICMP Echo Reply from the host. • TRACE ROUTE:Traceroute is a utility that records the route (the specific gateway computers at each hop) through the Internet between your computer and a specified destination computer. It also calculates and displays the amount of time each hop took.

  13. ICMP Operation

  14. ICMP datagram structure The ICMP datagram, being an IP datagram, contains the usual IP header. This is followed by an ICMP header which varies slightly between the different types of ICMP message. The general format is shown below:

  15. ICMP Message Types

  16. More about Message Types • The DESTINATION UNREACHABLE message is used when the subnet or a router cannot locate the destination. • The TIME EXCEEDED message is sent when a packet is dropped because its counter has reached zero. This event is symptom that packets are looping, that there is enormous congestion, or that the timer values are being set too low. • The PARAMETER PROBLEM message indicates that an illegal value has been detected in a header field. This problem indicates a bug in the sending host’s IP software or possibly in the software of a router transited. • The SOURCE QUENCH message was formerly used to throttle hosts that were sending too many packets. When a host received this message, it was expected to slow down. It is rarely used any more when congestion occurs.

  17. More about Message Types • The REDIRECT MESSAGE is used when a router notices that a packet seems to be routed wrong. It is used by the router to tell the sending host about the probable error. • The ECHO and ECHO REPLY messages are used to see if a given destination is reachable and alive. Upon receiving the ECHO message, the destination is expected to send an ECHO REPLY message back. • The TIMESTAMP REQUEST and TIMESTAMP REPLY messages are similar, except that the arrival time of the message and the departure time of the reply are recorded in the reply. This facility is used to measure network performance.

  18. Code: The exact meaning of the value contained within this field depends on the message Type. For example, with an ICMP Type 3 message ("Destination unreachable"), a Code value of 0 means "Network unreachable", which implies a router failure. A Code of 1 means "Host unreachable". Checksum: The checksum field provides error detection for the ICMP header only and is calculated in the same way as the IP header checksum. Parameters: The usage of this field depends on the type of message. For example, Type 3 messages do not use this field, while Type 0 and 8 messages use the field to store an identifier and sequence number. Data: Typically, the data is the IP header and first 64 bits of the original datagram, i.e. the one that failed and prompted the ICMP message. Including the first 64 bits of the original datagram allows the ICMP message to be matched to the datagram that caused it.

  19. Destination Unreachable Codes

  20. Redirect Codes Time Exceeded Codes Parameter Problem Codes

  21. Testing and Troubleshooting Sequences for ICMP • ICMP’s most common uses are testing and troubleshooting. • Two of the most well-known utilities, PING and TRACEROUTE, rely on ICMP to perform connectivity tests and path discovery.

  22. Connectivity Testing with PING • The PING utility is actually an ICMP Echo process. • An ICMP Echo Request packet consists of an Ethernet header, IP header, ICMP header, and some undefined data. • This packet is sent to the target host, which echoes back that data, as shown in Figure 4-1. • The ICMP echo request is a connectionless process with no guarantee of delivery.

  23. Connectivity Testing with PING (Contd.) • Most PING utilities send a series of several echo requests to the target in order to obtain an average response time. • These response times are displayed in milliseconds. • These times should be considered a snapshot of the current round-trip time. • The PING utility included with Windows 2000 sends a series of four ICMP echo requests with a one-second ICMP Echo Reply Timeout value

  24. PING Utility Uses ICMP Echo Requests and Replies

  25. Event Flow Diagram

  26. The echo requests consist of 32 bytes of data (an alphabetical pattern) in a fragmentable IP packet Ping Utility provides feedback on success and round-trip times The command-line parameters used with PING can affect the appearance and functionality of ICMP Echo packets.

  27. Path Discovery with TRACEROUTE • The TRACEROUTE utility identifies a path from the sender to the target host using ICMP echo requests and some manipulation of the TTL value in the IP header. • Traceroute starts by sending a UDP datagram to the destination host with the TTL field set to 1. If a router finds a TTL value of 1 or 0, it drops the datagram and sends back an ICMP Time-Exceeded message to the sender. • Traceroute determines the address of the first hop by examining the source address field of the ICMP Time-Exceeded message.

  28. Path Discovery with TRACEROUTE (Contd.) • To identify the next hop, traceroute sends a UDP packet with a TTL value of 2. The first router decrements the TTL field by 1 and sends the datagram to the next router. The second router sees a TTL value of 1, discards the datagram, and returns the Time-Exceeded message to the source. This process continues until the TTL is incremented to a value large enough for the datagram to reach the destination host or until the maximum TTL is reached. • To determine when a datagram reaches its destination, traceroute sets the UDP destination port in the datagram to a very large value that the destination host is unlikely to be using. When a host receives a datagram with an unrecognized port number, it sends an ICMP Port Unreachable error message to the source. The Port Unreachable error message indicates to traceroute that the destination has been reached.

  29. Event Flow Diagram

  30. Vulnerabilities

  31. Vulnerability Note VU#221164 Overview A vulnerability in some Cisco Virtual Private Network (VPN) products could allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service. Impact A denial-of-service condition can result from degraded performance or unexpected rebooting of the affected device Solution Cisco Systems Inc. has released software patches and workaround information for this vulnerability. Systems Affected VendorStatusDateUpdated Cisco Systems Inc. Vulnerable May-8-2003 Credit Thanks to Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team for reporting this vulnerability.

  32. Vulnerability Note VU#918920 • Overview • A vulnerability exists in multiple control cards used by Cisco ONS devices. This vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to cause a denial-of-service condition. • Vulnerable • Cisco ONS 15327 Edge Optical Transport Platform releases: • 4.6(0) and 4.6(1) • 4.1(0) to 4.1(3) • Not vulnreable • Cisco ONS 15600 Multiservice Switching Platform • Impact • A remote, unauthenticated attacker could cause control cards to reset on an affected optical device. Repeated exploitation of this vulnerability could result in a denial of service. • Solution • They have upgraded and released the newer versions.

  33. Vulnerability Note VU#471084 Overview The Linux 2.0 kernel contains a vulnerability in the way it processes ICMP errors. This could lead to portions of memory being leaked to a malicious user. Description The Linux 2.0 kernel (versions 2.0 through 2.0.39 inclusive) contains an error in the calculation of the size for an ICMP citation. A citation is created for ICMP error responses. This miscalculation may lead to random data stored in memory being returned in the response. Impact Sensitive information may be leaked to an attacker. Solution Upgrade or apply a patch as necessary Credit Thanks to Philippe Biondi of Cartel Security for reporting this vulnerability.

  34. Problem issues

  35. Problems • ICMP redirect messages can be used to trick routers and hosts acting as routers into using ``false'' routes; these false routes would aid in directing traffic to an attacker's system instead of a legitimate trusted system. • This could in turn lead to an attacker gaining access to systems that normally would not permit connections to the attacker's system or network. • Older versions of UNIX could drop all connections between two hosts even if only one connection was experiencing network problems.

  36. Extensions

  37. Extensions • In order to support IP-in-IP tunneling, extends the final field of selected ICMP messages to include a greater portion of the original datagram. • An additional object is provided through which octets 129 and beyond can be appended to the ICMP message.

  38. Extensions… • As few datagrams contain L3 or L4 header information beyond octet 128, it is unlikely that the extensions described herein will disable any applications that rely upon ICMP messages.

  39. Security Issues

  40. Security Issues with ICMP • You can use ICMP as part of a reconnaissance process to learn about active network addresses and active processes • These reconnaissance processes often precede a network break-in • When hackers decide to infiltrate a network, they typically start with a list of the IP hosts on the network (unless the target is a single known system)

  41. Security Issues for ICMP • An IP host probe process is one method of obtaining a list of the active hosts on a network • The next step in the hack is a port probe • Once hackers know the addresses of the active devices on the network, they can target their next reconnaissance process, the port probe, to those devices • Because many systems do not reply to pings sent to the broadcast address, typical IP host probes are sent unicast to each possible address

  42. Security Issues • ICMP messages must use an established SAID. From a destination host, this means an SAID must exist or be established on the fly even when an unprotected IP message is source of the ICMP message. • Certain ICMP messages can legitimately arrive from any gateway along the route taken by an IP message from source to destination host. To protect the ICMP message, the source host must have an SAID withthat gateway. Potentially, this means a source host must have an SAID with *every* gateway through which its IP packets may pass.

  43. Security Issues • very serious attacks with ICMP and against routing protocols Solutions exists but are not applied! • strict traffic filtering against IP source address spoofing (RFC 2267) • education of the network managers • cryptography: key management protocols not generally adopted; standard Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) not yet agreed upon

  44. Summary

  45. Summary • ICMP provides vital feedback about IP routing and delivery problems • Although ICMP messages fall within various well-documented types, and behave as a separate protocol at the TCP/IP Network layer, ICMP is really part and parcel of IP itself, and its support is required in any standards-compliant IP implementation

  46. Summary • Two vital TCP/IP diagnostic utilities, known as PING and TRACEROUTE (invoked as TRACERT in the Windows environment), use ICMP to measure round-trip times between a sending and receiving host, and to perform path discovery for a sending host and all intermediate hosts or routers between sender and receiver • ICMP also supports Path MTU (PMTU) Discovery between a sender and a receiver, which helps to optimize performance of data delivery between pairs or hosts by avoiding fragmentation en route

  47. Summary • Route and routing error information from ICMP derives from numerous types of ICMP messages • ICMP also supports route optimization through its ICMP Redirect message type, but this capability is normally restricted only to trusted sources of information because of potential security problems that uncontrolled acceptance of such messages can cause

  48. Conclusion

  49. Conclusion • Although ICMP has great positive value as a diagnostic and reporting tool, those same capabilities can be turned to nefarious purposes as well, which makes security issues for ICMP important. • Understanding the meaning and significance of the ICMP Type and Code fields are essential to recognizing individual ICMP messages and what they are trying to communicate.

  50. Questions 1.Why Source Quench message is rarely used? Sol: When Congestion occurs, sending these packets increases the congestion. 2.When are ICMP Messages generated? Sol: ICMP messages are typically generated in response to errors in IP Datagrams or for diagnostic or routing purposes. 3.What is the drawback of using the ping command? Sol: The ping command will send an ECHO_REQUEST datagram to a host or network interface. On reception, the packet is returned with an ECHO_RESPONSE datagram. While this test does not verify that your server is operating correctly, it does verify that the networking portion of it is reachable.

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