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Review of volunteering strategy

Review of volunteering strategy. For volunteering conference April 2011. Background. Council with Merton Partnership drew up strategy in 2008a LAA stretch targets achieved (or not) in March 2011 Likely reduction in services using paid staff

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Review of volunteering strategy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of volunteering strategy For volunteering conference April 2011

  2. Background • Council with Merton Partnership drew up strategy in 2008a • LAA stretch targets achieved (or not) in March 2011 • Likely reduction in services using paid staff • Are we collectively doing what we can to encourage volunteering? • Changing profile of volunteers • Review done by council with voluntary sector and others: emerging conclusions follow

  3. Main areas of conclusions • Profile and communication • Recruitment • Demand for volunteers • Support for volunteers and organisations • Technology • Recognition

  4. Profile and communication • Recognition that most volunteering is outside influence of council or other statutory services • Scope for collective approach between volunteering groups, statutory sector, other groups? • How do would be volunteers find their way to opportunities, how do we promote the concept?

  5. Recruitment • Look at mix of “channels”: web Use web platform to enabled, phone, face to face • Use of web to allow self matching between volunteers and organisations • Review guidance on risk management and CRB checks • Look again at what we can expect from employers and schools • Legacy from Olympics and Paralympics

  6. Demand for volunteers • How best to capture demand from organisations in a systematic way? • How can they express demand and need in a way which enables volunteers to self select where appropriate? • What are statutory agencies likely to be saying?

  7. Support • Review and re-state basic expectations of what support volunteers can expect… • …and in turn how to support organisations to deliver these expectations • Check that specialist volunteering organisations are delivering what is required

  8. Technology • Various web enabled systems in use across country (e.g. Do-It, Timebank, Slivers of Time)…what do we want?

  9. Recognition • Recognise different motivations of volunteers • For those using volunteering as way into paid work, look for consistent basic certificate of reliability etc • Review role of council and Mayor’s office

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