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Gabriele B Fitzgerald Dip Psych Uni , BA Hons Sc , MA Hum, BA Ed, MBus (Admin Mgnt ), MCASA

Green Hubs Flow-on of p ro-environmental p ractices in c ommunity o rganisations to i ndividual m embers’ h ome and w ork. Gabriele B Fitzgerald Dip Psych Uni , BA Hons Sc , MA Hum, BA Ed, MBus (Admin Mgnt ), MCASA. Community Organisations.

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Gabriele B Fitzgerald Dip Psych Uni , BA Hons Sc , MA Hum, BA Ed, MBus (Admin Mgnt ), MCASA

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  1. Green HubsFlow-on of pro-environmental practices in community organisations to individual members’ home and work Gabriele B Fitzgerald Dip Psych Uni, BA Hons Sc, MA Hum, BA Ed, MBus (Admin Mgnt), MCASA

  2. Community Organisations Adopters of pro-environmental practices (Haanaes, Balagopal, Kong, Velken, Arthur, Hopkins & Kruschwitz, 2011)

  3. Green Hubs

  4. reduce the environmental impacts of clubs and workplaces, and • reach out to club members and employees to help them reduce their individual greenhouse emissions and eco‐footprint. Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC)Report: Green Hubs 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 reduce the environmental impacts of clubs and workplace 2. reach out to club members and employees to help them reduce their individual greenhouse emissions and eco‐footprint.

  5. Program Components • Audit • Sustainability Grant • Information on funding opportunities • Educational workshop

  6. Pro-environmental measures

  7. Data collection • Masterman-Smith, H. (2009) Green Hubs: A climate change community engagement program’ • Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) Green Hubs 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 Reports (2011) • Focus group discussions • Individual in depth interviews

  8. My philosophical lense • Critical realism ‘The causal power of structural laws depends in my view upon context or conditions. Structures are not always predictable, but arise from the specific social forces within a given time period and cultural context’. UNISA Web resource and lecture notes developed by Wendy Bastalich, accessed June 2011

  9. Findings: Survey • 11 out of 16 respondents answered Yes to the two following questions: • Do you think the program has influenced members to be more sustainable elsewhere (at home or work)? • Has the program encouraged you to become more sustainable at home or work?

  10. Qualified answers to both questions

  11. Qualified answers to flow on at home

  12. Focus groups

  13. Doing the right thing

  14. Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you

  15. Sustainability ‘Proactive approach to the long-term viability and integrity of a business by optimising resource needs, reducing environmental and social impacts and managing resources without compromising product or service quality, competitiveness or profitability’ Business Sustainability Alliance http://www.innovatesa.com.au/good-business-guide accessed 25 November 2011

  16. References Braungart, M., and W. McDonough. 2009. Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things. 2nd ed. London: Vintage Random House. Our Common Future, a report published by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, also known as the Brundtland report Dollard, M. F., & Bakker, A. B. (2010). Psychosocial safety climate as a precursor to conducive work environments, psychological health problems, and employee engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 579–599. Dollard, Maureen F., and Arnold B. Bakker. 2010. Psychosocial safety climate as a precursor to conducive work environments, psychological health problems, and employee engagement. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology 83 (3) (09): 579-99.

  17. Dunphy, Dexter C. 2000. Sustainability: The corporate challenge of the 21st Century. St Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin. • Edwards, M. G. 2010. Organisational transformation for sustainability. New York: Routledge Studies in Business Ethics. • Haanaes, K.; Balagopal, B.; Kong, M.T.; Velken, I.; Arthur, D.; Hopkins, M. S. & Kruschwitz, N. 2011. New Sustainability Study: ‘The Embracers’ Seize Advantage. MIT SLOAN Management Review, Spring 2011.

  18. van Marrewijk, M. 2003. European corporate sustainability framework for managing complexity and corporate transformation, International Journal of Business Performance Management, vol. 5, no. 2/3, p. 213. • Willard, B. 2005. NEXT Sustainability Wave : Building Boardroom Buy-In. Gabriola Island, BC, CAN: New Society Publishers.

  19. Websites http://www.delhaizegroup.com/en/Home/2011sustainabilityreport.pdf http://admin.csrwire.com/system/report_pdfs/1213/original/453_Delhaize_CR_Report_Final_v13.pdf http://www.greenretaildecisions.com/news/2011/12/01/delhaize-group-lauded-for-sustainability-report- http://www.delhaizegroup.com/Portals/0/Documents/PDF/CR-report/DelHaize_ListofAwards_2011_V3_210512_FINAL.pdf http://www.solvay.com/EN/Literature/Solvay_SustainabilityIndicatorsandProgressReport2011.pdf http://bsa.dmitre.sa.gov.au/bsa/about-us http://planetgreen.discovery.com/travel-outdoors/meet-stanley-selengut-father-sustainable-resort-development-ties.html

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