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ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiatives Status Review

ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiatives Status Review. José Sierra, RIG Chair Rafael Gómez-Elvira (RIG Chair Team) XIX Florence Forum 14 December 2010. List of contents. PART 1: The ERGEG ERI Status review The RIs Status Review The RIs under the new context of the Third Package

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ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiatives Status Review

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  1. ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiatives Status Review José Sierra, RIG Chair Rafael Gómez-Elvira (RIG Chair Team) XIX Florence Forum 14 December 2010

  2. List of contents • PART 1: The ERGEG ERI Status review • The RIs Status Review • The RIs under the new context of the Third Package • FGs & NCs: Pathways to take for regional projects • Future interaction between RIs and the FG process • PART 2: Progress at a glance from the perspective of the draft FGs on CACM • Capacity Calculation •  Long-term •  Day-Ahead • Intraday

  3. 1. The ERGEG ERI Status Review The RIs Status Review • Published on 10 November 2010 • Contributions from ERI & GRI TFs • Progress achieved in the regions since November 2009 • Analysis per region and per topic • First time - Case studies & policy advice from regions’ experiences

  4. 1. The ERGEG ERI Status Review The RIs under the new context of the Third Package • RIs have an important role to play in: • Encouraging progress on the ground • Informing the development of the cross-border regulatory framework • Encouraging early implementation of draft FGs & NCs where this is practicable • RIs organised to facilitate necessary co-ordination of key actors.

  5. 1. The ERGEG ERI Status Review FGs & NCs: Pathways to take for regional projects • After years of voluntary progress, the time to implement is coming with the existing platform. • FGs & NCs - the more defined they are the more regional progress will happen. Feedback to ACER. • The FGs on CACM are setting the framework to converge within and among regions. • Regions have to move towards the target model (capacity calculation, LT, Day-Ahead, Intraday)

  6. 2. The ERGEG ERI: Progress at a glance from the perspective of the draft FG CACM Capacity calculation A harmonised and more coordinated methodology for capacity calculation based on physical network reality • CSE & NE already applies a common transmission network model(ATC) • CWE and CEE regions: ongoing projects for flow-based capacity calculation • ERGEG encourages enhanced coordination at European level

  7. 2. The ERGEG ERI: Progress at a glance from the perspective of the draft FG CACM Long-term A common allocation platform with common allocation rules • CSE region and northern borders of Switzerland: extension of CASC-CWE platform beginning of 2011. Rules harmonisation between the two regions on schedule. • CEE region: implementation of CAO with common allocation rules beginning of 2011. • FUI region: ongoing projects for coordinated regional allocation (platform) • SW region: a pending election (interaction with MIBEL)  ERGEG welcomes progress made at cross-regional level

  8. 2. The ERGEG ERI: Progress at a glance from the perspective of the draft FG CACM Day-ahead One single Price Coupling all over Europe • From ITVC to price coupling in CWE-NE • Price coupling Italy-Slovenia (CSE) • Price coupling MIBEL-CWE (SW) • Price coupling Britned-CWE in 2011 + IFA in 2012 (FUI) • Price coupling NE-Estonia:  ERGEG encourages coordination of all the ongoing projects and a strong co-operation between PXs and TSOs to implement a pan-European price coupling

  9. 2. The ERGEG ERI: Progress at a glance from the perspective of the draft FG CACM Intraday Implicit continuous & auctions if sufficient liquidity • Implementation of an open intraday continuous trading between France and Germany • Ongoing NWE ID project between GB, CWE and Nordic regions • SW: ongoing improvement of intraday model in regional interconnections • FUI: ongoing SEM introduction of intraday trading • NE-Baltic: continuous implicit allocation to Estonia ERGEG encourages development of projects at regional level

  10. Thank you for your attention! www.energy-regulators.eu

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