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Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Energy

This video tells the story of Mauro Prosperi, an Italian policeman who got lost during the Marathon des Sables in Morocco and had to survive in the desert for several days. It explores the factors that affected his chance of survival and the impact on his body systems.

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Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Energy

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  1. Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Energy What can the human body withstand? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=5b9Rh7ufgO4

  2. Mauro Prosperi The Story of Mauro Prosperi, a 39 year old Italian policeman took part in the 1994 Marathon des Sables (Marathon of the Sands) in Morocco.

  3. A Major Sandstorm Partway through the six day, 145 mile (233 km) event, a sandstorm caused him to lose his way. He ended up disoriented, after which he ran and walked about three hundred kilometres in the wrong direction. Mauro had a compass but no reference points and it took a while before he realized that he had strayed off the route. "I wasn’t panicked, I just despaired. Fear, the type that doesn’t paralyze you is important. It forces you to think and concentrate". "I stopped and turned my back to the wind, then covered my face with a special sandstorm scarf and glasses. I eventually found a log to block the wind, but I needed to keep moving a bit to keep from getting buried. The storm lasted eight hours, and when the winds died down, I didn’t know I was lost".

  4. Shifting Into Survival Mode Mauro shifted immediately into survival mode and the first thing he did was to urinate into a water bottle. He knew that this first urination was going to be the clearest and most drinkable in the event that he didn’t come across a fresh water supply. Mauro knew enough about desert survival to only walk in the morning and evening, and to relax in the shade during the midday heat. After three days of wandering, taking sips of that initial urine, he was enveloped by another sandstorm that lasted for twelve hours.

  5. Drinking Bat’s Blood He found a small Muslim shrine, hung his Italian flag out front and crawled inside, where he finally found some nourishment. He caught two small bats, twisted off their necks and drank their blood. * Cooking first, and then eating the bats would have just accelerated the dehydration.

  6. And Then An Attempted Suicide! "I reasoned that if I died in that shrine, by body would eventually be found. If I died while walking, my body would never be found. I wanted my family to be able to recover my body so they could come to terms with my death". He wrote a note to his wife with a piece of charcoal and then slit his wrists and waited to die, but his blood had thickened and wouldn’t drain. But Mauro took that as a sign!

  7. Renewed Determination And Finding An Oasis "It gave me more confidence. I started to view the desert as a place where people can live. I started to think of myself as a man of the desert. I wanted to see my family and friends again and I concentrated on that". He decided again to try and walk his way to safety and headed for a mountain range in the distance. Five days after leaving the shrine, and eight days drinking almost nothing but urine, he found a small oasis. Mauro resisted the temptation to drink his fill of water which would have caused severe cramping, and instead took a reasonable, calculated amount.

  8. Taken To Safety By Nomads Two later days he encountered some Tuareg nomads, who took him on camel-back to a nearby Algerian military camp and from there to a hospital. He was around 186 (300 km) miles off route, and reportedly had lost between 30 and 40 pounds (18 kg) in body weight.

  9. List factors that affected Mauro’s chance of survival and which body systems were affected: 1.Digestive system-no food/water 2.Integumentary system-Sweating, sun burn 3.Cardiovascular system-little bit of everything 4.Nervous system-Mirages 5.Respiratory system- Sand in lungs, heat 6.Endocrine system- 7. Urinary system-drink urine 8. Muscle System-

  10. Essential Question: 1. What are the resources the human body needs to survive? Oxygen Water Food

  11. Pair up with a partner to complete your Powering The Human Body Chart Activity 3.1.1 Resources for Life Create This Chart in Your Lab Journal

  12. Food Essential Question: 2. What role does food play in the human body? Food serves as a source of energy for the body as well as a source of fat and insulation. This fat cushions organs and protects the human body.

  13. Food Food includes macromolecules (Lipids, Carbohydrates & Proteins), as well as vitamins & minerals Carbohydrates Quick energy source Lipids Long term energy source, cushioning of organs,makes up much of brain Proteins Build & repair body tissues

  14. How long can we go without food Most doctors agree that healthy humans can go up to eight weeks without food as long as they have water. Being strong and in good physical shape can help you survive longer, but so does having extra body fat. Body stores energy needed to live in the form of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Carbs are the first thing to be used up Fat goes next, which explains why people with more of it can survive longer. Then proteins. If you get to the point that your body is using up proteins, basically the body itself, then you're in bad shape.

  15. Essential Question: • 3. What role does water play in the human body? • 1. Dissolves other materials & allows them to flow (in blood) • 2. Gives cells structure (just right amount needed to prevent shrinking and exploding) • 3. Allows food to digest & pass through intestinal walls into bloodstream • 4. Carries waste products out of body (in urine) • 5. Helps send electrical messages • 6. Regulates homeostasis of body temperature (evaporation/sweating) • 7. Lubricates structures (i.e. allows fecal matter to pass through large intestine) • 8. Protective barrier around organs Water

  16. How long can we live without water In hot conditions with no water, dehydration can set in within an hour. A baby locked in a hot car or someone who is physically overexerted in the heat without replacing fluids can actually die in a period of several hours. We lose water through sweat, urine, feces and even breathing. This water needs to be replaced in order for our organs to continue to work properly. In severe heat, an adult can lose as much as 1.5 liters of water through sweat alone. The main risk without water in high heat is that your body temperature will continue to rise and you'll suffer from heat stroke. Drinking water will cool you down and lower your core temperature.

  17. Oxygen Essential Question: 4. What role does oxygen play in the human body? Oxygen is required to feed the body’s tissues and produce ATP in aerobic cellular respiration. The physical act of breathing assists with gas exchange and the removal of harmful gases from the body.

  18. Why is Oxygen Important Of all the chemical elements, oxygen is the most vital to the human body. We would survive for only minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. Approximately 90% of the body's energy is created by oxygen. Nearly all of the body's activities, from brain function to elimination, are regulated by oxygen. The ability to think, feel and act is derived from the energy supplied by oxygen.

  19. Body Systems Effected Essential Question: 5.What human body systems work to create, process or distribute the body’s main power sources?

  20. Body Systems Effected

  21. Activity 3.1.2 The Rule of Threes The Rule of Threes states that the human body can survive for: 3 minutes without oxygen 3 days without water 3 weeks without food However... other factors can prolong or shorten these times. Complete Activity 3.1.2 and fill in the rest of their chart

  22. Essential Question 6 How do personal factors and environmental factors impact the body’s ability to survive without air, food or water?

  23. Activity 3.1.2 With a group of 4 complete your graph You have 20 minutes to complete

  24. Factors that can prolong. • Age • children and Mammalian Response • Environment • Temperature- colder is better • Altitude- lower is better Factors that can shorten. • Age • Lack of oxygen transfer as age increases due to environmental and lifestyle choices. • Environment • Temperature- warmer is worse • Altitude- less oxygen at higher altitudes Oxygen

  25. Factors that can shorten. Activity Level Increased activity leads to higher level of cellular respiration resulting in increased water loss. as well as perspiration. Environment Temperature- warmer is worse = increased perspiration. Age and Gender Women have less water Children have a greater surface area to volume ratio. Factors that can prolong. • Activity Level • Lower activity level uses less water • Environment • Temperature- colder is better • Food intake • Some foods contain higher amounts of water Water

  26. Factors that can prolong. Initial body state people with a higher BMI have more stored energy Metabolic rate Adults lower Women lower Differences among individuals Environment Temperature-Average temperatures better. Factors that can shorten. Initial body state people with a lower BMI have less stored energy Metabolic rate Children higher Men higher Differences among individuals Environment Extremes are worse. Food

  27. Discovery Channel Human Body: Pushing the LimitsVideo: Carbohydrates and Fats Fueling the Body

  28. Preparing Ourselves How can a person prepare their bodies for a fuel (food) shortage?

  29. Carbohydrates • Fats • Protein • Nucleic Acids Macromolecules

  30. Key Terms

  31. Lesson 3.2 Digestive What helps food /Macromolecules Digested? Enzymes which act as a catalyst

  32. Catalysts What is a catalyst? Catalysts help a reaction happen faster but do not change themselves during the reaction. Acatalyst lowers the amount of energy needed so that a reaction can happen more easily. A catalyst is all about energy.

  33. What are the major classes of macromolecules found in our bodies Carbohydrate Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

  34. Macromolecules What is the monomer/building blocks of Macromolecules Carbohydrates-monosaccharides (simple sugars) Lipids- glycerol and fatty acids Proteins- amino acids Nucleic Acids- nucleotides

  35. The Digestive System

  36. http://www.rsc.org/education/teachers/learnnet/cfb/enzymes.htmhttp://www.rsc.org/education/teachers/learnnet/cfb/enzymes.htm

  37. 5. How do factors such as temperature, pH, and concentration of enzymes or substrate affect the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reaction? Essential Question

  38. Enzymes are globular proteins. • Their folds creates areas known as the active site. • The nature and arrangement of amino acids in the active site make it specific for only one type of substrate • Left unchanged after the reaction Investigation Enzymes 3.2.4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok9esggzN18

  39. Hydrogen peroxide is a waste product of metabolism. • It is toxic to most living organisms • It must be quickly converted into other, less dangerous, chemicals. • Catalase is the enzyme found in living organisms that changes hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Catalase antioxidant enzyme

  40. Thousands of different chemical reactions must occur in the cells to make life possible. Each reaction requires its own specialized enzyme in order to proceed efficiently. H2O O2 H2O2 H2O2 What is happening in the picture? Catalase Catalase Catalase Note the Catalase is UNCHANGED

  41. What effects the rates of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction? • Does the environment make a difference? • Does temperature, pH, or concentration change the rate of reaction? Investigation Enzymes

  42. Identify the Problem or Question • Predict a solution to the problem or an answer to the question. • Design the experiment to be used to test your hypothesis. • Carry out the experiment. • Analyze the data and observations. • State the conclusion. • Summary Paragraph Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design 1. Identify the Problem or Question 2. Predict a solution to the problem or an answer to the question. 3. Design the experiment to be used to test your hypothesis. 4. Carry out the experiment. 5. Analyze the data and observations. 6. State the conclusion. 7. Summary Paragraph

  43. Independent variable • is the variable that is varied or manipulated or controlled by the researcher. It is the presumed cause. • Dependent Variable • is the presumed effect. It is not manipulated but instead is observed or measured for variations as a presumed result . graphed results are the variables on the axes of the graph Variables in an experiment

  44. Variables in Experiments Independent Variable -the variable that is varied, controlled, or manipulated by the researcher-the independent variable is the presumed cause. For example, in a study of the effect of nursing intervention on postoperative vomiting, nursing intervention is the independent variable evaluated by its effect on the dependent variable, the incidence of postoperative vomiting Dependent Variable- is the measurable effect, outcome, or response in which the researcher is interested- the dependent variable is what is observed or measured for variation. For example, in the above study, postoperative vomiting is the dependent variable measured.

  45. ALL RESEARCH STARTS WITH A QUESTION • One way to write your Research Question is a PICOT Question • P= population • I= Intervention or variable of interest • C= Comparison • O= Outcome, Rate of Occurrence • T= Time it take to achieve an outcome or how long observed Examples: • In catalyzing H2O2(P) does increased temperature(I) or room temperature(c) speed the rate of catalyzed reaction(O) over 200 sec. observation time(T). • Experiments have controls that can be manipulated which allow for comparison. • NOTE: Not all question will have every part of the PICOT Biomedical Experimental Design

  46. SIMPLE RESEARCH QUESTION • • How does temperature affect catalase activity? • • How does pH affect catalase activity? • • How does enzyme concentration affect catalase activity? • • How does hydrogen peroxide concentration affect catalase activity? • MORE DETAILED RESEARCH QUESTIONS; • • What is the optimal temperature for the catalase catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide? • • What is the optimal pH for the catalase catalyzed decomposition of H2O2? • • How does boiling the catalase affect catalase activity? • • How effectively does ethanol inhibit the catalase catalyzed decomposition of H2O2? Examples of research questions

  47. Examples of Tables to use

  48. Variables to control

  49. Hydrogen peroxide, Is a skin irritant. It deserves the special handling and storage attention. Hazard code: C—Somewhat hazardous. • Hydrochloric acid, : Toxic if ingestion or inhalation; severely corrosive to eyes and skin. Hazard code: C—Somewhat hazardous. • Sodium hydroxide solution: Corrosive liquid; skin burns are possible; very dangerous to eyes; wear gloves and eye protection. Hazard code: B—Hazardous • Always Follow Lab Safety Precautions Safety Tips to consider

  50. Scientific research follows a logical progression of steps that define the focus the work. • These steps are guided by a specific question or a problem. • 1st Identify your Problem or Question • Design an Experiment following steps outline in BioMed Experimental Design. • Outline your experiment answers the experiment questions on the Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design activity in your lab journal. • Perform the experiment. Consider using graphs and table to record your data. • Then using the Lab Report outline and the Lab Report Rubric, you will write a formal paper to report your findings. • Finally present you findings to the class in a pp. presentation . Research Design & Lab Report

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