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Contract 101 Transfer Language

Contract 101 Transfer Language. Article: 4 Section: 4.1-4.11 Pages 15-21 Provided/created by: Jason Brown/FWEA President Chuck Christensen/Assistant Superintendent Human Resources.

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Contract 101 Transfer Language

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  1. Contract 101Transfer Language Article: 4 Section: 4.1-4.11 Pages15-21 Provided/created by: Jason Brown/FWEA President Chuck Christensen/Assistant Superintendent Human Resources

  2. Sec 4.2 : Transfer - A "transfer" will mean a relocation of an individual from one school to another. Relocation of a total program to another school will not constitute a transfer. • Voluntary Transfer- A "voluntary transfer" will mean all transfers to an open position for which a staff member has applied. The transferring staff member’s current position is not vacant until he/she accepts an offer to the new position. Terms and Definitions

  3. Involuntary Transfer- An "involuntary transfer" will mean all other transfers…AKA You didn’t sign up for it. • Reassignment- A "reassignment" will mean a change in a staff member’s assignment. *Reassignment is not considered a transfer. • Vacancy- A "vacancy" exists whenever the District intends to place other than a temporarily contracted person in an unfilled position. • Sec 4.8 C: When a staff member is involuntarily transferred, management will provide an explanation of the reasons prior to the change IF REQUESTED by the staff member.

  4. Retirement of a staff member submitted and accepted by the Board. • Resignation by an individual submitted to and accepted by the Board. • Leave of absence (LOA) request approved by the Board. • Termination or non-renewal of the staff member by the Superintendent. How is a Vacancy Created?

  5. Growth (projected and actual) resulting in the authorization of a new position through the budget process. AKA…we need more bodies! • Transfer of a staff member through the transfer process.

  6. Staff who are on a provisional 2 contract provided they have a positive evaluation on file in Human Resources. • Staff on limited contracts provided they have a positive evaluation on file in Human Resources. • Substitutes who have 3 years of current successful service in the district may apply as internal candidates. Staff Eligible for Transfers

  7. Staff on probation or staff on a plan of improvement. • Provisional 1 Staff • Staff currently assigned to a position for which they are not endorsed are not eligible to transfer to another non-endorsed position. Staff NOT Eligible for Transfers

  8. Involuntary Transfers (Reasons)

  9. Program Driven: The District's determination to implement an involuntary transfer will be based upon, but will not be limited to; program needs, District/building priorities, and District/building organizational needs and will not be arbitrary or capricious.

  10. Enrollment-Driven When two (2) or more staff members are subject to such an involuntary transfer, the staff member with the least length of service will be involuntarily transferred first. Length of service will be based upon total length of service in Washingtoncertificated school positions(other state experience wouldn’t count) as documented with Human Resources.

  11. Once having been involuntarily transferred (during the school year) due to enrollment changes, a staff member is exempt from another such involuntary transfer for the next two (2) school years.

  12. We (The FWEA and District Management), recommend that staff review the sections discussed in this Contract 101 presentation carefully. The specific information on transfers, assignments, vacancies, and reassignments (the process, time frames, dates, postings, etc..) is quite lengthy and cannot fit within the time constraints of this Contract 101 session. If you have questions don’t wait to ask until the last minute! *Sections:4.3, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 (pages 16, 17, 18 and 19)

  13. *It’s important to remember that assignment and reassignment authority rests with the principal/administrator/ESC admin. Note: Reassignment is not considered a transfer Assignments and Reassignments

  14. *Visit www.federalwayea.org*Contact your Association Representative *Contact the Association Office *Contact District Management Jason Brown, FWEA President Chuck Christensen/Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Questions or Comments?

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