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Chap 1_Living with Tectonic Hazards

Living with Tectonic Hazards

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Chap 1_Living with Tectonic Hazards

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  1. The Earth’s Structure Objectives Landforms (TB Pg. 3) 5 Physical landforms <-~ Click on one of the links to begin… 3Layers of Earth

  2. Syllabus Pg 23

  3. Syllabus Pg 24

  4. Syllabus Pg 25

  5. Objectives At the end of this lesson, we will learn… • Why are some areas more prone to tectonic hazards? • What landforms and associated tectonic phenomena are found at plate boundaries? Objs 5 Physical landforms 3Layers of Earth

  6. The Earth’s Structure • The Earth has an extremely varied landscape made up of many different types of landforms • They are… 5 Physical Landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus

  7. The Earth’s Structure • Mountains > 600m, steep slopes; form a mountain range when located in groups 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus A mountain

  8. The Earth’s Structure • Valleys between hills & mountains 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus

  9. The Earth’s Structure • Plains broad, flat, low areas. People live & work mainly in these areas 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus

  10. The Earth’s Structure • Hills usually > 600m in height, rounded in shape with gentle slopes 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills A hill -Plateaus

  11. The Earth’s Structure • Plateaux large flat-topped areas that are elevated above the surroundings 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaux

  12. Internal Structure of earth

  13. Internal Structure of earth 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  14. Internal Structure of earth 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  15. internal Structure of Earth -Core • Core • the centre of Earth • About 50000C • Solid 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  16. internal Structure of Earth -mantle 3Layers of Earth -Core Mantle • Middle layer • Semi-molten state • Constantly generating convectional currentswhich creates plate tectonics -Mantle -Crust

  17. Constantly generating convectional currents 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  18. internal Structure of Earth -Crust Crust • About 6-70 km thick • Uppermost layer • Rigid & solid • Made up of separate pieces called plates fit like puzzle (Moving constantly but slowly 6inches/yr) 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  19. internal Structure of Earth -Crust • 2 types of crust • 1 type makes up continents (continental-lighter; less dense) • Another type makes up ocean floors (oceanic) 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  20. internal Structure of Earth -Crust 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  21. internal Structure of Earth -Crust 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  22. Plate Movements • This sliding of the plates is caused by the mantle's convection currents • It is this constant movement/ motion (of the plates), called PLATE TECTONICS, that causes earthquakes, mountain building &volcanism. 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust

  23. plate tectonics

  24. Convergent Divergent • These different PLATE MOVEMENTS lead to the formation of different processes and landforms •  Earth is a dynamic (i.e. constantly changing) planet. Lateral

  25. Convergent- TWO Continental Plates

  26. Convergent Continental and OCeanic

  27. Subduction

  28. DIVERGENT- two oceanic plates

  29. DIVERGENT- two oceanic plates

  30. Lateral- San Andreas fault

  31. Lateral- San Andreas fault

  32. Lateral- San Andreas fault

  33. Plate Movements

  34. Bromo Pics?

  35. Continental Drift (Past To Present)

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