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Dental implants in Dubai: The complete guide

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  1. DENTAL IMPLANTS IN DUBAI: THE COMPLETE GUIDE Importance,procedure and after care

  2. Are you looking for Dental implant treatment in Dubai? Here is, one of the best Dental implant treatment in Dubai

  3. Dental implants are a popular and effective treatment for missing or damaged tooth. Treatment offers permanent and natural looking replacement for your misshapen tooth. A good dental implant with good after care can last for decades. One of key benefits of dental implant is their ability to look and feel like natural teeth. The prosthetic tooth can be customized to match color,shape and size of your existing teeth,creating a seamless and natural looking smile. This can improve your appearance and boost your confidence,helping you feel about your overall dental health. What are Dental implant?

  4. BENEFITS OF DENTAL IMPLANT STRONG& DURABLE NATURAL LOOK 01 02 Dental implants are strong and durable for decades Treatment can offer Natural look for your smile BETTER CHEWING ABILITY IMPROVED ORAL HEALTH 03 04 They are more stable and Provide better chewing ability Implants can preserve jawbone and prevent further tooth loss

  5. Basic steps of Dental implant treatment process Initial consultation: During this consultation, the dentist will evaluate the patient’s oral health and determine if they are good candidate for dental implant. Implant placement: If the patient is good candidate the next step is dental implant placement procedure. This involves surgically inserting the implant post in to the jawbone Osseointegration: The patient will need to wait for several weeks to several months for osseointegration to occur. During this time, the implant post fuse with jawbone,creating a strong and stable foundation for prosthetic tooth Abutment placement: Once osseointegration has occurred, the patient will return to the dentist to have abutment placed. The abutment ment is a connector piece that is attached to the implant post and used to attach the prosthetic tooth Prosthetic tooth placement: The final step in the dental implant process is the placement of prosthetic tooth. It is custom-made to match the patient’s existing teeth and attached to the abutment using a screw or dental cement

  6. AFTER CARE Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to keep your mouth clean and free from infection. Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection.. Avoid hard and crunchy foods: Avoid hard and crunchy foods, as well as foods that are difficult to chew, such as nuts, popcorn, and hard candy. Stick to softer foods for the first few days after the procedure. Take painkillers as prescribed: If you experience pain or discomfort after the procedure, take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist. Attend follow-up appointments: Attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist to ensure that the implant is healing properly and to address any concerns or issues that may arise. Wear a mouthguard: If you grind or clench your teeth, wearing a mouthguard can help protect your dental implant and prevent damage.

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