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Behind the White Curtains

Behind the White Curtains. Michelle Kim, Kathy Lee, Alena Koo. Southeast Asia & Pacific Rim.

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Behind the White Curtains

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  1. Behind the White Curtains Michelle Kim, Kathy Lee, Alena Koo

  2. Southeast Asia & Pacific Rim • European countries were active in imperializing parts of Southeast Asia during the age of Imperialism; they wanted to obtain the trade route to China, tropical agriculture, minerals, and oil including sugar cane coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas, and pineapples. • Most European countries, especially the British, were very much influenced by the Industrial Revolution: raw materials and trade routes became vital to the manufacture and trading of goods.

  3. Imperializing Southeast Asia & Pacific Rim • The Dutch, who were already in possession of India, imperializes Melaka, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, the Moluccas, Bali, and the island chain of Indonesia, which later became the Dutch East Indies; they discover oil, tin, and rubber. • The British take over the Malaysia and Burma, seeking for a trading base in hopes of obtaining the India-China sea route. • Napoleon, basically the French, invades the Vietnamese and takes control of the agricultural sources; they force put their culture on Indochina in order to make all the French as an important roll in the government

  4. Siam • Siam, under the rule of King Mongkut and Chaulalongkorn, maintains their independence from the Europeans by building schools, railroads, and telegraph systems, reforming the legal system and government, and forbidding slavery • They were able to avoid social turmoil, racism, and economic exploitation

  5. Impacts of Imperialism • economy was based on goods and crops that were sold in markets • transportation was being developed • education, health, and sanitation improved • a lot of people migrated to this area • Thus, SOUTHEAST ASIA became a place with diverse culture and religion • However it’s just the fact that this was all for the good of European business

  6. China and the Opium War • China wasn’t open to foreigners and new cultures; not much foreign relations/trade except for Guangzhou • They had beautiful goods made of silk, fine china and porcelain, and good quality cotton. • The British imported a lot of tea from China and by doing so, they were losing a lot of money. The British wanted to find a product that they could trade in large amounts. • Opium, made from the poppy plant, was a addictive drug. The British merchants illegally brought in opium to China.

  7. By 1835 many Chinese were addicted to opium. • Because there was so much money that was getting spent on opium in China, the country faced many problems. The Qing emperor became angry and told the British to stop the opium trade. • Britain refused and there was a war between China and Britain known as the opium war. • 1842- The treaty of Nanjing • China lost the war and this led to the treaty of Nanjing and the treaty of Nanjing let the British get Hong Kong.

  8. n 1844 there was another treaty. This treaty allowed other foreign countries and the United States to gain extraterritorial rights. The trade in opium continued. China was also facing some problems of their own during the 19th century. The population kept expanding but the food production had barely changed or increased. There were a lot of people that were hungry, even during the good times. The Chinese government also went through getting corrupt. They couldn’t。It do much to help the people.

  9. Taiping Rebellion • At the beginning of the late 1840s, Hong gathered an army of mostly peasants. They were men and women from southern China. 1853, 1 million people joined his force. Hong took Nanjing and called it the capital. Taiping government controlled large areas in Southeastern China.During the next ten years the Qing had control of the control of the country once more. There were imperial troops, local militias, and the British and French forces that were all fighting against the Taiping. 1864 the fought over the 14 year rebellion. China yet again faced another problem. The big armies had destroyed the farmland. Many died.

  10. The Empress- Cixi (ruled China) • 1860s- backed the self-strengthening movement.It was a program that wanted to improve the educational systems, diplomatic services and military in China. China had weaknesses that were Military technology and economic, political problems.Many different countries knew about their weakness. They took advantage of it and attacked the country. The U.S was afraid that the other countries might divide the country and not allow American traders. To not let this happen they suggested the open door policy. Open door policy- China。ッs doors would be open to merchants that were from all countries.

  11. The Boxer Rebellion • The poor peasants and workers weren。it very happy about all of the privileges that the foreigners got. They also weren。it very happy about the Chinese Christians that were guarded by the foreign missionaries. To show their dissatisfaction they formed a secret group that was called 。ーSociety of the Harmonious Fists.

  12. The Boxer Rebellion • They became known as the 。ーboxers。ア later on. The campaign that was against the Empress Cixi。ッs rule and foreign privileges- The Boxer Rebellion August- Soldiers from Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, Japan and the United States marched towards Beijing. They were able to quickly beat the boxers.   Strong sense of nationalism had come up in China. Reforms- Officials recommend rebuilding the government. Turmoil doesn。ッt end, even with the progress they are making.

  13. Images of the Opium War

  14. imperialism What do you think now? Thank you - The Cacambo Theatre Michelle kim, kathy lee, alena koo

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