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Financial Perspective – DQ Checks

Financial Perspective – DQ Checks. Executing with Precision. STARS-FL/SMART. Financial DQ Checks. BUMED performs monthly data quality checks Workload reported w/o FTEs Inpatient expenses reported w/o workload Outpatient expenses reported w/o workload Cost per Visit/Admission

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Financial Perspective – DQ Checks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Financial Perspective – DQ Checks

  2. Executing with Precision


  4. Financial DQ Checks • BUMED performs monthly data quality checks • Workload reported w/o FTEs • Inpatient expenses reported w/o workload • Outpatient expenses reported w/o workload • Cost per Visit/Admission • Unallocated Expenses • Differences between civilian labor expenses and obligations • Assigned FTEs associated w/ the GME/GDE Program • Assigned FTEs reported by skill types 1 and 2 by parent MTF

  5. Inpatient Expenses Without Workload

  6. Outpatient Expenses without Workload

  7. Workload Without Direct Expense

  8. Specific Data for an MTF for a Month

  9. MEWACS - Workload Without Direct Expense Direct Expense includes salary from available FTEs, but does not include expenses from cost pools.

  10. Unallocated Expenses Review the “Expense Allocated FCC Summary Report” in the local EAS prior to transmission. Find the report in the Allocation Verification section of the EAS local reports.

  11. MEWACS Outlier– Unallocated Expenses

  12. Unallocated Expenses Check Prior to Transmission

  13. Civilian Labor Expense Check Run the Personnel DEAR filtered on SUEE 11.10 and 11.50 to verify.

  14. Personnel DEAR Check for Civilian Labor Expense and Obligation Match

  15. Financial Pure File/DEAR Check for Non-Labor Expense and Obligation Match Step 1: Run the Financial Pure File, export to Excel, then sum.

  16. Financial Pure File/DEAR Check for Non-Labor Expense and Obligation Match Step 2: Run DEAR, filtered on Financial and Manual, and sum. Step 3: Copy values of Pure File and compare differences.

  17. Financial Pure File/DEAR Check for Non-Labor Expense and Obligation Match In a situation like this, it is best to re-import the financial file. You must delete the Manual adjustments from the DEAR first, and after re-import, you must also re-import the DMHRSi file.

  18. SMART DMHRSi Military Labor File Transmission FY 10 Compliance

  19. SMART DMHRSi Military Labor File Transmission FY 09 Compliance

  20. DMHRSi Mismatched JONs

  21. DMHRSi Mismatched JONs • Last year at this time: $4,345,652 • Beginning of FY 10: $3,506,730 • As of 24 June 2010: $ 148,508

  22. Financial Reconciliation Compliance

  23. Financial Reconciliation • Reports must be complete per the Fin Recon SOP • Correct and useful comments • Reference to DMHRSi Mismatched JONs and late military labor file transmission to explain the entire difference • Refer to DMHRSi Mismatched JONs for the month of the labor file • Civilian labor difference should be +/-4% for expenses • Obligation difference may be considerably larger due to BUMED M8 direction to record a quarterly estimate in STARS/FL for fringe benefits • Include fin audit report • Include DEAR/Pure File Analysis

  24. Financial Reconciliation –Military Labor Fin Recon military labor $128K of the difference is from invalid JONs. DMHRSi mismatched JON list The remaining difference is due to late transmission of SMART military labor file.

  25. Depreciation Expense Does the cumulative depreciation in MEPRS/EAS match the amounts provided by M84 MEPRS and DQ Program Office staff?

  26. Government POC Colleen Rees, Colleen.Rees@med.navy.mil 202-762-3538 CAI Team Nicole Meyers, NMeyers@changearchitect.net 877-897-0691 ext. 601 Randy Van Nostrand, RandyVanNostrand@changearchitect.net 877-897-0691 ext. 602 Kate Burchess, KBurchess@changearchitect.net 877-897-0691 ext 104 Bonnie Rehbein, BRehbein@changearchitect.net 877-897-0691 ext. 603 Points of Contact

  27. Questions

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