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Future Nordic Grid Investments Ulf Moberg February, 2007

Future Nordic Grid Investments Ulf Moberg February, 2007. What we are and what we do What we are doing What we will do. Nordel. Nordel is a body for co-operation between the transmission system operators (TSOs) in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden),

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Future Nordic Grid Investments Ulf Moberg February, 2007

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  1. Future Nordic Grid Investments Ulf Moberg February, 2007

  2. What we are and what we do What we are doing What we will do Nordel

  3. Nordel is a body for co-operation between the transmission system operators (TSOs) in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), whose primary objective is to create the conditions for, and to develop further, an efficient and harmonised Nordic electricity market. Nordel

  4. Acts as one Nordic TSO Etablished Nordic Grid Code Operational code Planning code Connection code The Nordic electricity market functions well … … but further development is first priority Nordel

  5. Our vision for further development: A more efficient market andimproved security of supply Nordel

  6. Harmonisation of connection code for wind farms Common Nordic principles for power system adequacy and tendering process for peak power Common software for balance management (in operation) Harmonisation of balance management rules and pricing Common training sessions for operational staff (efficient handling of disturbances) Congestions management principles Common planning of new investments Examples of activities and projects today

  7. On-going investment projects of 1 billion Euro A package of five large transmission projects To improve the Nordic marked and To improve system security A common Nordic planning process and a common Nordic investment plan Investments: What we do today

  8. Nordel´s strategicprojects • Overall investments of 1 bill. Euro • Improved electricity tradeand better reliability

  9. Nordel´s strategicprojects Overall investments of 1 bill. Euro Fenno-Skan 2 200 km cable + 100 km overhead line Decided Commissioning 2010 260 mill Euro 800 MW

  10. Fenno-Skan 2 HVDC New cable Existing cable

  11. Nordel´s strategicprojects Overall investments of 1 bill. Euro Järpströmmen – Nea 400 kV line, 100 km Decided Commissioning 2009 66 mill Euro + 300 MW i stage 1, + 750 MW later

  12. Nea – Järpströmmen 400 kV line

  13. Nea – Järpströmmen 400 kV lineDesign competition

  14. Nea – Järpströmmen 400 kV line Asymmetrisk tvåsamhet - i relation följs vi åt ”Ihålig stolpkonstruktion som skall mjuka upp den starka strömmens hårdhet och förena den med moder jords mjuka former. En fröjd för fru älg och alla vi andra som njuter av naturen. Slingrande som en fjällbäck, fast rätt upp i himlen! Två vänners sköna skär på en snöig fjällsluttning… I relation människa – natur” Artist Anna Cronheden

  15. Nea – Järpströmmen 400 kV line

  16. Nea – Järpströmmen 400 kV line

  17. Nordel´s strategicprojects Overall investments of 1 bill. Euro the South Link Sydlänken 400 km, HVDC option Decided Commissioning 2011 150 mill Euro + 400-500 MW

  18. The South Link

  19. Nordel´s strategicprojects the Great Belt Storebaelt 56 km HVDC Decided Commissioning 2010 160 mill Euro + 600 MW

  20. The Great Belt Connection

  21. Nordel´s strategicprojects Skagerrak IV 245 km Decision during 2007 Commissioning 2012 (earliest) 260 mill Euro + 600 MW

  22. The Big Five • Overall investments of 1 bill Euro • Improved electricity tradeand better reliability Nordel report: Prioritized cross sections www.nordel.org

  23. The Big Five are not the final stage Nordel will not rest The next Nordic System Development Plan has started Scenarios for year 2020-2025 Simulations Socio economic conciderations Seminars with market actors and authorities Finished in December 2007 What´s next?

  24. Aspects to be evaluated Market functioning Bottlenecks and price differences Market power (abuse of) Adequacy Risk of energy shortage Risk of power shortage Network losses Investment alternatives Transmission Generation Next System Development Plan

  25. System status 2015 - 2025 Weaknesses in the system Interesting (profitable) new transmission projects Advantageous areas for new generation Next System Development PlanResults

  26. We have a well functioning Nordic market Nordic TSO´s have gone from coordinated to common planning The Big Five are a result of this Financing: Agreement that the distribution of costs between the countries was acceptable the congestion rent in the Nordel system should be divided in pro rata relation to investment costs This has been achieved by the TSO’s alone. No pressure or interference from regulators or other authorities Next System Development Planwill give a basis for the next step to future investments Nordel Summing Up

  27. Thank You! www.nordel.org

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