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Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development

Vuejs is one of the leading web development platforms. Go through this infographic to know about the top 10 Vue js frameworks enhancing web development.<br>Visit the following link to read in detail:<br>https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/

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Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development

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  1. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Web Development Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development sterlingsherry  • December 25, 2021  0  54  8 minutes read Vue.js has been gaining popularity over the past year, and it’s no wonder why. It’s an open-source JavaScript framework that makes user interfaces approachable & straightforward, especially for front-end developers who are new to single-page applications (SPAs). Statista ranks Vue.js as the fifth most used framework among developers worldwide in 2021, with a popularity of nearly 19%. Many Vue.js frameworks make creating advanced applications even more accessible & more enjoyable than before. It can be overwhelming to those new to the Vue.js framework or those who are just getting into developing web applications in general. Finding the proper Vue.js framework is tricky as there are tons of options you can go for.  However, they broadly fall into different categories based on their primary functionalities & applications.  https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 1/13

  2. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Here are the Four Major Kinds of Vue.js Frameworks Vue UI Frameworks for creating responsive websites. Mobile Frameworks are ideal for developing hybrid mobile apps and web apps. Static Site Vue Frameworks for making static websites. SSR Frameworks are suitable for advanced server-side rendering software applications. Let’s explore each of them. Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks for Web Development Type: Vue UI Frameworks 1. Bootstrap Vue Bootstrap is a robust front-end framework that provides extensive user interface functionality and a plethora of components. It takes Bootstrap and compiles it into a library to utilize within your application, allowing you to use all of these features within your Vue app.  Using Bootstrap’s grid system allows for you to create fixed or fluid layouts, meaning your app will look great no matter what device it is getting viewed on as it will adjust accordingly—and all without much code!  It contains multiple components built for Bootstrap. However, there may be some inconsistencies with how members behave when used differently than https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 2/13

  3. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Bootstrap intended. Business Benefits of using Bootstrap Vue: Open-source Responsive framework It offers tons of components Provides mobile-first approach  2. Quasar Framework Quasar Framework was created by Razvan Stoenescu and is maintained by active community members. It has features like Native Rendering, Server Side Rendering, Isomorphic, Hot Module Replacement, etc. It is compatible with many tools like Webpack, Browserify, and Babel, TypeScript with ES6/7/8 support for module bundlers and transpilers! Quasar works on frameworks like NodeJS 4+ (with –harmony flag) or 6+, IIS Node, Koa2/3, and any Servlet Container like Tomcat 7+, Jetty 9+. Quasar also offers a CLI tool to generate everything from scratch, making it easier to develop your application on different platforms than natively! The best part of Quasar is that it allows you to enjoy complete freedom over almost every decision regarding configuration and building blocks. Business Benefits of using Quasar Framework: https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 3/13

  4. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Open-source Responsive framework Suitable for SPA, PWA, Mobile apps, etc. Wide support 3. Vue Material Material is a Vue 2 & Web Components based framework for Google’s Material Design specification. It uses a simple CSS-in-JS library, giving you complete control over rendering while supporting all aspects of Material Design components and using a clean, OOCSS approach to keep things flexible. While it doesn’t support v1 syntax yet, you can use v2 with polyfills or bundle an older version using 3rd party tools such as web pack (details).  Also, be aware that because Material is designed to work across different frameworks and build systems, there’s a slight learning curve to get comfortable with its concepts. However, once you understand what they are doing, they’re straightforward and intuitive. It is also among the best Vue.js frameworks. Business Benefits of using Vue Material: Easy to use APIs Multiple dynamic themes Good documentation Lightweight https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 4/13

  5. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle 4. Vuetify Vuetify has multiple of its components, but it also offers Bootstrap and Material Design elements. Kendo UI does the material design, but you can make Vuetify’s templates your own by applying a custom theme. Some integrations for Vuetify include Angular 6, Ember, Meteor, and Backbone, which means most modern Javascript frameworks are supported with little to no extra effort on your part! And, of course, React is supported by default. If you prefer using SASS (and we’d like to know why not), it’s also kept here. It’s completely free (MIT licensed), so you can use it for both personal and commercial projects without any issues whatsoever – even if you plan on making money off your website or product in some way. And finally, Vuetify also has a large community with tons of support from its developers and other users of the framework itself. Business Benefits of using Vuetify: Open-source Active development cycle Reusable components Lightweight Type: Vue Mobile Frameworks  5. Vue Native https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 5/13

  6. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Vue Native is a wrapper for Cordova and WebView, based on Vue. It makes it easy to build cross-platform apps with native UI, accelerated by WebAssembly where possible. It is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile apps with Vue.js 2 and Cordova that’s compatible with iOS and Android out of the box and lets you reuse existing code from your web app. By default, it uses components that are almost 1:1 ports of those available for regular web apps built with Vue 2. It has been tweaked for mobile devices, but it can also let you create new components specific to mobile development if needed. You can even use standard HTML tags (or third-party tags) in your views, and they will be rendered natively on iOS and Android. They will still be readable on a desktop browser since any HTML markup is transpired before packaging, just like standard web components.  Business Benefits of using Vue Native: Easy to use Lightweight Simple learning curve Promotes rapid development 6. Vux https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 6/13

  7. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Vux is a lightweight framework that allows you to create reusable components with a flexible template system. It uses Vuex for state management and one can extend it using plugins implemented as custom directives. The docs are well written & include some sample projects that demonstrate features of the framework and how to use it effectively in your applications. If you’re looking for a solid base to build on, or if you want some guidelines for structuring your app, you can trust Vux! The syntax is simple, like binding a small piece of text to a label: @vx text=name. You can add various attributes like classes or style information, making it great for quick prototyping or building lightweight views without all of the bloated code other frameworks might have you write out yourself to achieve similar functionality. Business Benefits of using Vux: Active development cycle Promotes rapid development Reusable components Lightweight` 7. Mint UI https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 7/13

  8. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Mint UI is a full-featured, open-source, and community-driven UI component library that developers can build SPAs or web apps. With more than 300 components, it supports any web application from simple websites to complex desktop applications. Mint UI lies on top of several popular libraries like jQuery, Zepto, D3, and Chartist; however, it offers many features for making modern applications like Single-File Components or JSX support right out of the box. An open community of contributors actively maintains its library.  Business Benefits of using Mint UI: Open-source Good documentation Good support Suitable for SPAs Type: Static Site Frameworks  8. Vue Press https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 8/13

  9. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Vue Press includes components for style guide creation, source file linting and compilation, debugging, bundling, minification, and project scaffolding. It also offers a drag and drops interface builder to speed up the development of elements in your app UI, such as buttons or forms or even common custom elements like modals or tabs.  Its core feature is simple usage through hotkeys and drag/drop actions rather than constantly jumping between files/editors/tabs etc. while working on a complex app with many different views and components. It’s vital in supporting all of your web development work, from prototyping to building production-ready apps, without ever needing to touch a command line or write any configuration file. Business Benefits of using Vue Press: Supports good documentation Powered by Vue Easy to work with Offers multiple components 9. Gridsome https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 9/13

  10. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Gridsome is a fast and powerful static site generator based on VueJS and GraphQL, aiming to bring the simplicity of React’s Create-React-App (CRA) to static sites. As your data changes, Gridsome will re-render your content using a virtual DOM diff algorithm that only updates what changed for blazing-fast performance. The result is an experience similar to using WordPress or Craft, where pages get generated from templates stored in separate files with no database required! You can edit those templates with any text editor since they’re just HTML! If you’ve been looking for a new way to deploy WordPress without managing MySQL, then give Gridsome a try. And if you already have an existing WordPress site, it may be easier than you think to convert it over. Business Benefits of using Gridsome: Open-source Supports Code splitting Offers Asset Optimization Amazing speed performance Type: SSR frameworks 10. Nutx.js https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 10/13

  11. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Universal Vue applications based on webpack and vue-loader. Nuxt extends components with server-side rendering capabilities to ensure your application is fast and fully optimized while still easy to use. Nuxt.js comes with built-in support for routing, Ajax requests, i18n internationalization, and more. It allows you to quickly scaffold a new project or customize an existing one with our best practices baked in (no need to eject!). It’s also highly configurable and supports both vue-CLI & standard webpack configuration options like any universal webpack application (create-react- app).  For Vue.js developers using single file components that don’t require server- side rendering: Nuxt adds very little overhead. Just pass to your main .vue component, and all your features will work as before.  Business Benefits of using Nutx.js: Automatic code splitting Statically renders your app Facilitates SEO Good documentation Wrapping Up Vue.js is a great choice to build your next project with an active Vue.js development team and a large community. No matter how big or small you https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 11/13

  12. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle are starting, if you’re looking to get started with Vue.js frameworks, check out Vux & Nuxt.js. They come in handy when you want something sprinting without spending time configuring webpack or any other build tools first. Also Read: Reasons why your website needs web development FAQs Question: What is Vue.js? Answer: Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces that supports both web and mobile applications. It’s designed to be incrementally adoptable and can easily integrate with other libraries or existing projects through its wide array of extensibility points and clean API design. Question: What are Vue.js frameworks? Answer: A framework is software used to create an application of any kind. Sometimes frameworks can be referred to as libraries that get used to create more complex and custom applications.  However, in either case, they have their purpose. It tends to be extremely useful for developers looking for a tool that will allow them to achieve something they usually would not be able to do by themselves. Question: What are the significant benefits of using Vue.js frameworks? Answer: More often than not, frameworks improve the performance of web apps, as they act as a layer that makes many aspects of development more straightforward. It is also renowned for making front-end programming much more approachable for beginners). Essentially, Vue.js frameworks offer an easy way to package together standard components and functions that coders can reuse across websites https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 12/13

  13. 12/29/21, 3:54 PM Top 10 Vue.js Frameworks Enhancing Rapid Web Development|EmuArticle and apps. By doing so, you can save yourself time by building on top of existing code rather than writing all your own from scratch.  Vue.js proves especially helpful for large teams or projects where a lot is going on under one roof (such as within agencies). It also saves money over hiring more developers or having them spend extra hours completing a project. It also gives startups more resources to spend on innovation elsewhere in their business. For example, two team members could split work between them, and one creates a new feature in their app, while another refines a web design. Simultaneously they can save money without compromising quality since they’ll have to share what they’ve learned with each other at the end of their shift. #frameworks for web development #vue.js frameworks #vuejs frameworks #web development https://www.emuarticles.com/top-10-vue-js-frameworks-enhancing-rapid-web-development/ 13/13

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