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The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development

There are various frameworks for Golang web development. Go through this infographic to know about the best Golang frameworks for web development<br><br>Visit the following link to know more:<br>https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/

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The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development

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  1. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts By sterlingsherry - December 29, 2021 Google’s modern programming language Golang has become one of the favorite choices for many developers. Since its launch, it has occupied an important place in the web developers world. According to the latest Google Trend results, Go’s demand is increasing day by day in the market, and that’s why it’s used by the majority of people worldwide. https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 1/8

  2. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts  Indeed, Golang is leading the market, but choosing a Golang web framework can be difficult, especially if you’re new to the language. Many frameworks allow for rapid development and offer templating, routing, security, and more features. source In this blog post, we will walk through some of the best Golang frameworks for building a website or app so you can find one that is right for your next project. List of Best Golang Web Frameworks: 1) Martini https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 2/8

  3. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts Martini is a popular framework with many great features. It includes routing, templating, and middleware out-of-the-box, allowing you to focus on your business logic rather than  the boilerplate code needed for these components. The best part of Martini is that you can use it with many different database technologies such as MySQL, Postgres, and MongoDB. It also works well with other languages like Ruby and Elixir, making it an excellent choice for mixed teams or projects that need multiple programming languages. Pros: Works well with many technologies, Allows for rapid development Cons: No recent updates No active community to seek guidance. 2). Buffalo Buffalo is a web framework for the Go language that makes building websites and RESTful APIs easy. It’s just one dependency. There are no database engines or external libraries required to get started other than Go itself. Buffalo applications compile into pure Go code so it can be deployed anywhere as simple static files. It is influenced by Ruby on Rails, the original Django REST framework, and Spring. Buffalo has a flexible plugin system that allows extended functionality like OAuth or CSRF without fork or copy-and-paste code. There are over 60 community-maintained plugins you can find via Github. Pros Enables rapid development Built-in RESTful APIs Excellent documentation and community support Cons: Requires a few dependencies. No template language No native testing framework. 3). Goji Goji is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go applications, and it also has a built-in reverse proxy and dispatcher. https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 3/8

  4. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts It is small, fast, and follows the same design principles as the net/HTTP package. It uses middleware and provides easy access to request and response objects. It’s documented  very well and can be used with any database backend. You can use it for new projects or replace your existing router with something more conversational. Pros: Lightweight design makes it fast and easy to use It uses middleware, making it easy to organize code Good documentation and active community Cons: Requires a few dependencies. Minimal features for the price. Doesn’t follow the latest standards like net/context. 4). Mango Mango is a full-featured MVC web framework for the Go programming language that comes with an ORM, automatic documentation generation, and more. It works by mapping incoming requests to handler functions which can then query your database or access other resources as needed before passing back a response. The framework includes built-in features like input validation, CSRF protection, session handling, and flash messages. The framework has great features like built-in ORM with migrations, middleware support with auto-recovery for panics (similar to Ruby on Rails), and an authentication module with email confirmation. Mango doesn’t have a template engine, but it has useful functions for generating HTML from Go structs. Pros: Built-in ORM and migrations make using databases easy. Middleware support for panics (similar to Ruby on Rails) and authentication, form validation, and Redis caching built right in. Functions for generating HTML from Go structs. Cons: No template languages included. No built-in support for other databases besides Redis or Postgresql Some of the defaults could be considered restrictive. 5). Beego https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 4/8

  5. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts Beego is another full-featured MVC framework designed to be fast, simple, and powerful. Its design philosophy includes convention over configuration, making it easy for  developers already familiar with other frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Django to pick up the basics quickly. The framework has some great features out of the box like built-in support for internationalization, email sending, graceful shutdowns, and more. The ORM is extensible, making it easy to work with other databases like MongoDB even though Beego doesn’t come with any officially supported options besides PostgreSQL or MySQL. Pros: Built-in support for internationalization, email sending, and graceful shutdowns. Great documentation with community support via Slack chat. Cons: No template language is included by default Requires a few dependencies to start 6). Gin Gonic Gin Gonic is a web framework built on the popular Go-Routines library and inspired by other frameworks like Ruby’s Rack, Python’s WSGI, and ASP.NET Core for Golang. It has routing helpers, which make it easy to write clean code without needing any configuration or components unless you need them. Gin also comes with some powerful features like built-in support for panic recovery and graceful shutdowns. Pros: Clean routing helpers make it easy to implement RESTful APIs using the framework. Built-in support for panic recovery and graceful shutdowns. Cons: No template language included by default – uses pure HTML/CSS instead of templates. It doesn’t include authentication or CSRF functions out of the box but is flexible enough to add your own easily. No built-in support for other databases besides PostgreSQL or MySQL. 7). Gocraft Gocraft is a toolbox of general-purpose components and libraries designed to make it easy for developers to build web applications in Golang. The framework includes some great features like built-in support for internationalization, routing helpers, middleware functions, and more. https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 5/8

  6. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts Pros:  Great documentation that includes usage examples with each feature. Built-in support for internationalization, routing helpers, and middleware functions. Cons: No template language included by default It doesn’t have built-in authentication 8). Net/HTTP Net/HTTPS is a package for building web applications with Golang that supports basic features like URL routing, middleware functions, and handling requests. The functionality provided by the framework makes it easy to build RESTful APIs without needing to configure or install external components if you don’t need them. Pros: Great documentation with community support via Slack chat. Built-in middleware functions let developers write clean, simple code without needing to install any extra components. Cons: No built-in support for internationalization No template language included by default – uses pure HTML/CSS instead of templates. It doesn’t include middleware functions for authentication or CSRF (similar to Ruby on Rails) but is flexible enough to add your own easily. 9). Revel Revel is a high productivity web framework for the Go programming language that uses convention over configuration. This makes it easy to implement RESTful APIs without needing extra components except those listed in the Convention package, which provides useful defaults. Revel also includes powerful features like built-in support for routing, middleware functions, and more, along with internationalization support out of the box. Pros: Great documentation with community support via Slack chat. Built-in middleware functions let developers write clean, simple code without needing to install any extra components. Cons: https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 6/8

  7. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts No built-in support for internationalization  No template language included by default – uses pure HTML/CSS instead of templates. Conclusion There are a few different Golang web frameworks available that can be used for building websites and APIs. Each of these has some great features out of the box, like internationalization, email sending, routing helpers, and more. Make sure to review the framework documentation before choosing which one is best for your project. For better assistance, you can also hire Golang developers, and they are the best in what they do. Also Read: How to choose a web development agency FAQs: Q-Are there any other Golang frameworks available? A-Yes, a few others worth mentioning are Mango, Gocraft, and Beengo, which offer some great features that make it easy to build web applications with Go or APIs. Q-Are there any template languages available for these frameworks? A-No. While there are some template languages available for Golang, not all of them support these frameworks yet, so it might be best to use pure HTML/CSS instead if you need templates. Q-Do, any of these frameworks include built-in authentication? A-No, but they can easily be added using middleware functions or other components that the framework might include. Q-Can I use any database with these frameworks? A- No, most of them are designed for PostgreSQL or MySQL databases, probably best unless you’re already using MongoDB in your project. Authenticating user details might be a little trickier, but it can still be done easily by creating another component. Q-Can I use any other template language besides HTML/CSS? A-No, but the frameworks are flexible enough to allow custom components that you might be able to use instead. You can also find some open-source templates online if needed. https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 7/8

  8. 1/6/22, 8:04 PM The Best Golang Frameworks for Web Development | TheTodayPosts  sterlingsherry https://www.thetodayposts.com/the-best-golang-frameworks-for-web-development/ 8/8

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