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Accounting for Sponsored Projects Monitoring and Reconciliation Larry Evans, CAHSS

This course provides guidance for departmental research administrators to perform monthly monitoring and reconciliation for grants. Learn how to run and interpret Grant Summary and Detail Reports.

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Accounting for Sponsored Projects Monitoring and Reconciliation Larry Evans, CAHSS

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  1. Departmental Research Administrators Training Track Accounting for Sponsored Projects Monitoring and Reconciliation Larry Evans, CAHSS Danita Eichenlaub, JCET Amy Schneider, PSY

  2. Course Overview The purpose of this course is to provide guidance to ensure the Business Resource has the skills to perform monthly monitoring and reconciliation for each of their grants. In this course we will go over the Grant Summary Report and the Grant Detail Report. You will be able to identify each report, run each report and interpret the data on each report.

  3. Module 1: Grant Training Track Courses The following list of grant courses is a prerequisite for this course: Grant Overview – This course is designed for any PeopleSoft users who enter grant proposals in PeopleSoft, establish budgets for grants, or manage grants in PeopleSoft. Pre-Award – In this course, we will discuss the grant management process; identify and complete the appropriate forms required for proposal routing an submission; review a proposal budget for compliance; check the proposal status in PeopleSoft; locate and view proposal and project documents in PeopleSoft. UMBC Animal Care & Use Program- To learn the purpose of IACUC and why investigators need to be aware of its purpose, to describe their role in University research compliance, to make them aware of rules and regulations and to aid understanding what compliance means and sharing this with others in their department. UMBC Human Research User- To learn the purpose of IRB and why investigators need to be aware of its purpose, to describe their role in University research compliance, to make them aware of rules and regulations and to aid understanding what compliance means and sharing this with others in their department. Research Compliance – In this course, we will discuss the importance of research compliance; get a better understanding and appreciation of how essential your role is in University research compliance; learn of resources available on campus to be successful in this role.

  4. Continued 2CFR Part 220 – In this course you learned about the Cost Principles for Educational Institution (formally known as A-21). You learned what allowable and unallowable cost of federal grants is. How institution calculate their F&A Rate proposal and what cost accounting standards are applicable to institutions. 2CFR Part 215 – In this course you learned about the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grant + Cop. Agreement for Institution of Higher Ed, Hospitals, and others non-profit (formally known as A-110). This class taught you about Pre-award, Post- award requirements and close-out requirements. A-133 – Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. These are the guidelines for obtaining consistency and uniformity amount Federal agencies for audit of non-Federal entities expending Federal awards. Post Award Introduction – This course is designed to provide a brief overview of the role of the business manager/administrator and sponsored activity. Subawards Administration – In this course you will learn the definitions, workflow, and the UMBC policies and Federal compliance issues for Subaward—Subrecipient—Subcontract. These courses contain detailed information which will not be covered in this course. You will need to refer back to material and knowledge from the prerequisite courses.

  5. Module 2: Grant Summary Report By the end of this Module, you will be able to: Identify the PeopleSoft Summary Report Run the Grant Summary Report Interpret the data in the Summary Report Summary Report Navigation PeopleSoft Finance -> Grants -> Interactive Reports -> Project/Grant Budget to Actual Set up run control for Summary Use dates 7/1/03 – XX/XX/XXXX (whatever date you are reconciling to). This will give you a balance to reconcile to in the Date Range Total column. This will give you a balance to reconcile to in the Date Range Total column.

  6. Choose a Run Control ID Accounting range can be for any period between 06/01/2003 to present depending on what period of time you want to review. You can run this report for only one report or if you hit the “+” sign, you can add several reports and run them all at the same time.

  7. Grant Sum Report

  8. For Discussion: Report Run Date: Report ID: Bus Unit: Project: Sponsor: Peoplesoft Award ID: Project Life: Project Year: Resource Date Range: Activity ID: Resource Type: Account: Proposal: F&A Rate Type: F&A Base Type: F&A Rate: Budget (LTD) Date Range Totals Project Year Totals Expenditure Totals Commitment Totals Available Budget

  9. Conversion Data: Financial Report as of 06/30/2003.

  10. Grant Sum Report

  11. Module 3: Detail Report By the end of this module you will be able to: Identify the Detail Report available in PeopleSoft Run the Detail Report Read the Detail Report Detail Report Navigation PeopleSoft Finance -> Grants -> Interactive Reports -> Project/Grant Budget to Actual Set up run control for Detail Use dates XX/XX/XXXX – XX/XX/XXXX (whatever month(s) you are reconciling). This will give you the expenses for a specific date range to reconcile to in the Date Range Total column. Details related to budget expenses and revenues can be found by running the PeopleSoft Detail Report.

  12. Grant Detail Report

  13. Grant Detail Report

  14. Module 4: Cost Sharing

  15. Cost Sharing Cont.

  16. Cost Sharing Cont.

  17. Cost Sharing Cont.

  18. Cost ShaRing Cont.

  19. Module 5: Drill Down Detail Reports NOTE: The General Ledger Activity Detail Report is the report used to gather detail for the following drill down reports. Different drill down reports are used with the Detail Report (Actuals) report. Separate documentation will be created to identify and guide users to use this approach. To run the report/query to gather additional detail regarding a Journal Entry, be sure to copy down the Journal ID information before proceeding to the next step. (Journal ID #, Journal Date, amount of transaction, etc.)

  20. Module 6: Getting Help Note: PS = Peoplesoft HUMAN RESOURCES Hiring Procedures: Elmer Falconer x53645 falconer@umbc.edu Kim Harris x52911 kimh@umbc.edu Payroll: Darlene Davis x51604 dadavis@umbc.edu Lisa Drouillard x58971 stankovi@umbc.edu (non‐resident aliens) Greta Young x52554 gryoung@umbc.edu FINANCE PS*Distribution of Payroll Carol Pace x52676 paceca@umbc.edu (DBEs and Retros)  Director, Grant Accounting Tammy Ross x51503 tross@umbc.edu PS* Post Award Grant IssuesJoanna Fernandez x51630 jalrub@umbc.edu Sponsor Invoices Anne Watson x51492 amwatson@umbc.edu Steve Bowers x51496 bowers@umbc.edu Tywanda Minesx51494 tmines1@umbc.edu OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS – www.umbc.edu/research/osp All grant proposals must be signed off on here….all electronic submissions are sent from this office. Director Jocelyn Chasis x53636 bauer@umbc.edu CHECK THEIR WEBSITE TO FIND THE GRANT MANAGER ASSIGNED TO YOUR OFFICE

  21. Help Cont. HUMAN AND ANIMAL RESEARCH PROTECTIONS OFFICE (HARPO) Applications for approval of human and/or animal research Administrator Tim Sparklin x52737 sparklin@umbc.edu BUDGET OFFICE Director Gayle Chapman x52541 chapman@umbc.edu PROCUREMENT Director Sharon Quinn x52540 squinn@umbc.edu GRADUATE SCHOOL Hiring procedures for Brian Thompson x53578 bthompson@umbc.edu Graduate Research Assistants  KNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE WHO HAVE AGREED TO BE ON CALL FOR QUESTIONS You may call any one of them…remember…there are no stupid questions. Linda Brown x51083 librown@umbc.edu MIPAR Deb Geare x51081 geare@umbc.edu MIPAR Gina Fischer x55575 ginam@umbc.edu ENGINEERING Larry Evans x54936 lawrence@umbc.edu CAHSS Danita Eichenlaub x51893 eichenla@umbc.edu JCET/GEST Amy Schneider x52487 aschneid@umbc.edu PSYCHOLOGY  Kathy Wimpling x53561 wimpling@umbc.edu PHYSICS  Jesse Mashbaum x51772 mashbaum@umbc.edu CAHSS Art Wolf x58740 awolf2@umbc.edu CASPR Amy Rynes x51764 amyrynes@umbc.edu CUERE

  22. Module 7: Reconciliation Grant Reconciliation The grant reconciliation process will need to be established by the department. Printing a List of Departmental Grants: Go to PS Finance and enter Query----Reporting Tools -Query Viewer For Department’s Grants---enter UM_GM_Proj_By_Dept For PI’s Grants--- enter UM_GM_Proj_By_Emplid Click run to Excel Enter department number or employee Id and click view results. Save Query as a favorite Necessary Documentation: PS Grant Summary and Detail Reports. Print the Grant Summary Report using the resource date range of July 1, 2003 to the current date. Print the Grant Detail Report using a start and end date for the month that you are reconciling. The activity shown in the grant detail report falls within the resource date range. Make sure you have reviewed the latest award information sheet. This sheet is prepared by the OSP. Copies of the award sheets are kept in the department and for recent fiscal years the sheet are also posted in PS. (PS Finance-Grants-Awards-Project-Attachment tab) Agency or sponsor documentation. Grants are awarded by federal or state agencies as well as the period of funding. Statement of Payroll Charges (SOPC). These are biweekly departmental payroll distribution reports. Each grant is treated as a separate department in the report. Running the SOPC by Run Date will show the Retro information in the pay period that it was processed. Copies of invoices charged to the grant. PCard envelopes. Offer letters to graduate assistantships. The offer letters to graduate students who work on grant projects also indicate whether the students will receive tuition remission and health care.

  23. Monthly Reconciliation Check List The Business Manager and the Department Chair should decide on the type of system to be used by their department. Most departments use some type of Excel spreadsheet for tracking purposes. Pending expense paperwork should be kept in a separate binder or folder specifically for that project. Run the Grant Summary and Detail reports for each project after the month has closed. Official notice comes from Financial Services via email.   Pull the binder/folder for each project which contains pending invoices, POs, travel expense statements, subaward invoices, participant support costs etc. Gather all Payroll information for the month; statement of payroll charges, retros, DBEs. Using the Grant Summary report (use the next to last page as it has the F&A rate listed): Compare your system to the date range totals column on the summary sheet. Reconcile any differences. Compare your system to the Project Life to Date plus adjustments- Expenditures Totals column to your system. Reconcile any differences. Check the F&A calculation. Using the Grant Detail report for the current month expenses: Reconcile the outstanding expenses to the expenses that have posted on the detail report. Compare the Statement of Payroll Charges (salary and fringe) to the grant detail report. Check to see if the Retros have posted. Reconcilable items should be identified and marked in the system as reconciled and moved from the pending file to the reconciled file. Items still unreconcilable that have not hit/cleared on the project within 2-3 months should require further investigation. Items on the detail report that do not have backup documentation require corrective action by the correct account being identified. This should be done in the month following when the error was first posted. Move all paperwork for outstanding expenses to the next month

  24. Example The following is an example from a campus Business Manager: The spreadsheet I use has the budget information as well as encumbered expenses and as I reconcile them on a monthly basis, I move the expenses from encumbered to expensed. We have a process set up in the department that all expenses come to me for approval on the grants. When I approve an expense, I enter it into the encumbered column on the spreadsheet. Salaries are encumbered at the beginning of the period and the same thing goes for tuition and health insurance for GRAs. The Business Manager does a monthly reconciliation on their grants and designed spreadsheet is provided to the faculty. The next screen contains a copy of the spreadsheet.

  25. Module 8: Location of Grant Information in PS Finance Database Interactive Reports>Project/Grant Budget to Actual---Grant Detail and Summary reports Awards>Award Profile – Lists all projects and budgets associated with the award. Awards>Project>Attachments(tab) ---from 2006 and forward you can find copies of awards, modification, event notification

  26. Project Costing Activity Definitions>General Information –search for projects Activity Definitions>Project Activities –search for an Activity ID for a project

  27. Payroll Report on Grant

  28. Effort Reports

  29. Effort Reports

  30. Statement of Payroll Changes Campus Solutions>Payroll for North America>Payroll Distributions>Commitment Accounting USA>Statement of Payroll Charges

  31. Statement of Payroll Changes Cont.

  32. EE History PS Financial Retriever & Reporting>UMBC Hist of EE Pay Dist

  33. Wrap-Up Questions and/or Comments?

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